Chapter 1 Learning Objectives 1 What is personality Know the definition of personality as well as how it is different from Social Psychology and other related fields e g Developmental abnormal clinical counseling Personality a set of traits that dictates their reaction to inner and outer stimuli o Constant emotional cognitive and behavioral dispositions or tendencies o Focuses on the bigger picture 2 What is the difference between personality traits and mechanisms Personality traits how a person acts feels on average o Describes explains and predicts behavior o Mechanisms are the processes behind personality how people process info 3 What are three purposes of personality traits Describe behavior Explain behavior Predict behavior 4 What are the three components of personality mechanisms Inputs or attention Decision rules or available options Outputs actual behavior 5 What are the differences between personality traits characteristic adaptations and life stories What are the major components to each of these three terms Personality traits General internal and comparative dispositions Characteristic adaptions needs interests values contextualized in time place and or role Life stories what life means to an individual question of identity 6 Know the three levels of personality analysis Personality traits ex Dominance punctuality Characteristic adaptions ex Religious values beliefs Life stories ex Earliest memory rags to riches story 7 Know what induction is Induction there are always many conclusions that can reasonably be related 8 Be able to recognize an example of a case study 9 What are the three major steps to the scientific process What are the four tools a theory provides and the seven standards by which a scientific theory may be judged How are scientific theories evaluated and the steps to the scientific method used to evaluate them Scientific process steps o Unsystematic observation building theories evaluating propositions 4 tools model terminology correspondence rules hypotheses 7 standards comprehensiveness parsimony coherence test ability empirical validity usefulness generativity 10 Know the differences between correlational and experimental designs Correlational assess the extent to which two variables are related to each other Experimental scientists alter one variable in order to manipulate another variable of interest 11 Be able to recognize examples of positive and negative correlations 12 Know the difference between nomothetic and idiographic approaches Nomothetic aimed to discover and test general principles or laws of behavior Idiographic ignore general laws to discern the specific and individual patternings of particular lives 13 Know the three periods of personality psychology and their dates from pages 22 23 I know some of the eras overlap so I won t give you a year that is contained in the overlap on the test 1930 1950 establishment of field and development of a number of general systems 1950 1970 more specialized areas 1970 current critiquing and growing from the old systems 14 Know who Gordon Allport is and what he is famous for He established personality as a vigorous field of scientific inquiry in university settings 15 Know the four ways to measure personality and be able to recognize examples Self report reporting about yourself questionnaire Other report others giving data about you Situational tests how react under water Biological tests temperature 16 Know the costs and benefits of self report data Costs Benefits o People can lie o There are things people don t even know about themselves o People know things about themselves that no one else does 17 Understand the difference between reliability and validity Valid the answers are true Reliable the answers are consistent 18 Define generalizability The ability to apply findings from a sample to the population 19 Be able to apply the two things you can say to sound smart when people talk about research this will make 20 How are potential publications processed What happens if someone slips something through that is sense after the lecture Correlation doesn t always equal causation Validity doesn t always equal reliability fabricated It will get found out because many people look at it 21 What are the five main parts to a research paper publication Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion 22 What is the purpose of an abstract Gives a brief overview of the article 23 What are the three main parts of an introduction What is the purpose of the introduction 24 What are the three main parts of the method section Why is this section important Research question what phenomenon is explored Theoretical context previous research on the topic Hypothesis state and explain Participants who and how many Materials what was used and how was it chosen Procedures detailed description 25 What are the three pieces of information found in a results section What does this section tell us Are the results interpreted within this section Descriptive statistics Statistical tests performed Significance of statistical tests 26 What are the four pieces of information found in the discussion section Restated results Discuss how results fit or don t fit with the hypothesis and previous work Discuss limitations to the study Discuss further directions for research Traits and Trait Taxonomies Learning Objectives 1 What is a trait What aspects belong to traits that may not present in other variables e g attitudes 2 What are the four perspectives on traits How are they different from each other How do contemporary worldviews Trait describes explains and predicts behavior Aspects o Internal stable attribute o Conceived in bipolar terms continuum o Seen as additive and independent o Broad differences in socioemotional functioning personality psychologists think about traits today Cause behaviors o Neurophysiological substrates o Behavioral dispositions Do not cause behavior o Act frequencies describe behavior o Linguistic categories traits are in our minds 3 What are L data Q data and T data Life data data corresponding to a persons real life behavior Questionnaire data Test data 4 What is the purpose of a factor analysis What information does it provide Researcher examines the ways in which responses to different questions and measures the cluster together 5 What is the difference between surface and source traits Surface traits related elements of behavior that tended to cluster together Source traits smaller group from surface
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