Chapter 16 Psychological Biological Treatments Types of Psychological Therapies Psychoanalysis Freud unresolved conflict in first few years can disrupt personality Aim bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness for healing Methods o Free Association say aloud whatever comes to mind pause reveals o Dream Analysis find unconscious conflict by interpreting meaning of dreams resistance latent content Criticisms o Psychoanalysts interpretations are highly subjective Interpretations can t be verified or shown to be false o Basic assumptions aren t supported by research o Incredibly time consuming and expensive Psychodynamic Therapy Defended against thoughts feelings create distress tiring to stay defensive Conflict involve social aspects of life not unconscious sexual urges Insight into problematic patterns of behavior can bring relief doesn t require years of therapy like psychoanalytic does Humanistic Therapies Emphasis on value of self awareness and self acceptance Explore current feelings Define self in terms of future goals plans for personal growth opposite of Freud Therapists exhibit genuineness acceptance empathy o Positive correlation not always found Maladaptive behavior must be directly confronted increase in self awareness is not Behavior Therapies enough Maladaptive thoughts maladaptive behavior Counter conditioning techniques o Graduated Exposure Therapies Systematic Desensitization Carefully controlled gradual exposure to anxiety creating stimuli Such as Phobic Disorder Treatment anxiety hierarchy o Aversive Conditioning creating an aversive response where the absence of one is causing problems Cognitive Therapies Our cognitive assessment of events is often the source of our distress o Such as Depressogenic Thinking never going to be better everyone is happier than me Your thoughts will affect the outcome Focus on treatment o Getting people to think in fresh new ways o Eliminate catastrophizing beliefs about oneself situations the future Cognitive Behavior Therapy Explores problematic patterns of BOTH thinking and behaving Encourage clients to purge irrational negative thinking and behave in mood incongruent ways Group Family Therapy o Behavioral activation by going out and participating with groups you will become less depressed more wanting of group activities Cheaper than individual Offers benefit of socializing and seeing others with similar problems Feedback and support more available Family based o Cultivating differentiation and connectivity forming interpersonal bridges Evaluating Psychotherapies Are they effective o When people are in crisis o Regression towards the mean makes therapy appear effective Include a placebo controlled study o Allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy by comparing the outcomes of each group o regression toward mean occurs for both treatment and control group Meta analysis method for statistically combining the results of many different research studies Selecting the Best Therapy Best therapy depends on the diagnosis diagnosis based therapy DSM classifies psychopathology in groups o Mood Disorders depression bipolar o Anxiety Disorder phobia panic OCD generalized anxiety PTSD o Eating Disorders anorexia bulimia o Personality Disorders narcissistic borderline antisocial Once diagnosis is established clinician selects treatment that has been recommended for particular disorder o Major Depression Treatments Cognitive Behavior Therapy CBT Interpersonal Psychotherapy Antidepressant meds SSRI o Anxiety Disorder Treatment CBT Key concept to treating anxiety exposure o Eating Disorder Treatment Anorexia Nervosa Hospitalization for weight gain Family therapy Bulimia Nervosa CBT thoughts feelings and behaviors based on external internal events and your emotions that lead to behaviors such as eating too much not enough Benefits of Therapies Hope for demoralized people o Escape from learned helplessness New perspectives view of oneself and responses to world Healthy therapeutic relationships o Empathetic listening trust caring o Provides validation to person who has been starved of social emotional support Psychopharmacotherapy Use of medications to treat psychological problems Drug therapies work by changing brain chemistry neurotransmitters o Antianxiety drugs Reduce CNS activity Often combined with psychotherapy o Antidepressant drugs Boost availability of neurotransmitters that elevate arousal mood Commonly used with anxiety disorders Preventative Mental Health Make sure societal conditions foster not attack mental health Need belongingness Need opportunities to build sense of personal control and competence Need sleep nutrition exercise o We should create a more human friendly society
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