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Study Guide Ch 5 8 for Exam 2 NOTE Exams may contain material not included on this guide Material on guide is not guaranteed to be on exams Use this information as a GUIDE for your studying but do not treat it as a map that will show you everything This information comes from the textbook AND the lectures Previous quiz questions the featured readings and the summaries at the end of textbook chapters should also guide your studying Chapter 5 Fiver Basic Traits In the Brain and in Behavior since we talked about this chapter for 3 days I d emphasize it more than the others Even though it s from Chapter 4 make sure you understand interactions They are not going away What is need for cognition How does it relate to education and persuasive messages o Need for cognition an individual s tendency to engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities o People with high NFC Seek out new knowledge Prefer verbal written over visual info Enjoy problem solving Focus on empirical knowledge all arguments Less anxious about academic stress o People with low NFC Prefer visual over verbal written info Use cognitive heuristics rule of thumb Focus on cues during an argument such as credibility of communicator Respond to emotion based arguments too Shelly is a website designer Based on some data she s collected she s found that people who are LOW in the trait need for cognition have a strong preference for using websites that are interactive but people who are HIGH in need for cognition don t have a preference for interactive or non interactive websites This is an example of a n interaction Understand how most people are not pure introverts or extraverts What are we really saying when we refer to someone as an introvert or an extravert o We are simply referring to people who tend to act in more or less extraverted ways Subtraits associated with extraversion o Excitement seeking o Warmth o Sociability What did Carl Jung say the relationship between extraversion and energy was Did Eysenck agree o Jung wrote that extraverts direct their psychological energy outward to the social world whereas introverts direct it inward toward private thought and fantasy o Eysenck originally disagreed with Jung but later came to the same conclusion as him Extraversion isn t just related to how we interact with others In what kinds of situations are extraverts and introverts more likely to demonstrate better cognitive performance o Introverts o Extraverts Perform better on tasks requiring vigilance and careful attention to details Better long term memory for words Superior performance under conditions of very low arousal sleep deprived Prefer accuracy over speed Show superior performance to introverts on tasks requiring divided attention resistance to distraction and resistance to interference Detect stimuli better Better short term recall Why are extraverts more likely to experience express positive affect Understand savoring the positive aspects of neutral depressing events How do they respond to punishment o Positive Affect Extraverts report greater levels of positive affect in everyday life Extraverts may be less responsive to punishment than introverts Introverts tend to dwell on the negative and punitive features of certain social situations Introverts recall less positive info and rate others less positively in social situations Also extraverts are better at mood regulation the ability to maintain a positive ratio of good to bad feelings in life o When confronted with emotionally complex situations ex watching a movie that has both happy and sad moments research shows that extraverts are more likely to savor the positive feelings so that they outweigh the negative ones o Punishment People high in extraversion have been shown to be resistant to punishments Even after being punished these individuals are still more likely to make gambling wagers or take risks People who are high in sensation seeking tend to have lower levels of monoamine oxidase MAO in their bloodstreams Because of this sensation seekers regularly experience higher levels of neurotransmitters especially dopamine in their nervous systems How might a trait like sensation seeking be associated to the BAS BIS system Are introverts or extraverts more sensitive to the lemon drop test o Behavioral Activation Approach System BAS Hypothesized system in the brain that is responsible for motivating behavior aimed at achieving goals and obtaining positive emotional rewards Related to sensation seeking because the BAS is linked to the trait of impulsivity Impulsive behavior is uninhibited and forward looking the impulsive person moves rapidly and sometimes thoughtlessly toward potentially rewarding stimuli o Behavioral Inhibition System BIS Brain system dealing with human emotionality Mediates negative affect and motivates a person to inhibit goal based behavior in order to avoid punishment Associated with anxiety Neuroticism o Lemon drop test Putting a drop of lemon juice on your tongue BAS responds to stimuli like food Introverts have increased activity in their BAS and therefore increased production of saliva They are more sensitive Extraverts have a lower level of activity in the BAS so they produce less saliva Which Big 5 trait is most associated with behavioral inhibition The amygdala o BIS is most associated with Neuroticism People high in N have developed a dominant and readily activated BIS o Amygdala Small almond shaped region in the fore brain linked to the experience of fear and responses to danger Associated with Neuroticism and Extraversion What do items measuring neuroticism look like What is it really measuring o Neuroticism questionnaire reason Do you sometimes feel happy sometimes depressed without any apparent Inclined to be moody Does mind wander when you are trying to concentrate Frequently lost in thought Sometimes bubbling over with energy and sometimes very sluggish Feelings easily hurt Do you get attacks of shaking or trembling Are you irritable Troubled with feelings of inferiority Suffer from sleeplessness o Measures differences in the experience of negative emotional states o N is associated with unpleasant moods higher tension levels and a preponderance of negative emotional experiences A greater ability to focus an active BIS system and anxiety are all positively associated with neuroticism What is the neurotic cascade Understand the steps o Neurotic Cascade five different processes reinforce each other in neuroticism to cause a

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FSU PPE 3003 - Exam 2

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