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Psych Final Quizlet Sorry this is so backwards Attached is the link for the quizlet I made for the final It has a review of every section and one overall review The quizlet is only accessible with a password Once bought email me and I will send you the password http quizlet com katherine conrad folders psych final Important Topics of Focus Study Habits What is the role of study time in grade performance Is there a difference between quantity and quality of study What is the role of technology in quality of study What is deliberate practice How does it fit into the discussion of quality study What is the role of routine in grade performance Are some strategies better than others Which are the most and least effective Is Charles Barkley good at golf History of Psychology Know the three major eras of psychology Which of these was most dominant during the height of its popularity About what time periods were each of these eras the most important direction in psychology Be able to match the psychologist with the school of thought in psychology they are known for Psychoanalysis Freud etc What are the different approaches in psychology basic vs applied What is the black box and how do each of the researchers and eras of psychology think about it What is responsible for the transitions from one era of psychology to the next Human Memory What is the constructivist aspect of human memory What are some of the memory fallacies and why do they occur Who is responsible for the research in the misinformation effect Who is S F Why is he important for memory research Is there a difference between short term and working memory What is the difference between procedural and declarative memories What does 7 2 mean Who was Ebbinghaus and what did he do What is context in relation to memory and how might it enhance memory What are mnemonics and some of the examples of them Psychology as a Science What is the difference between good psychology and bad psychology What is the scientific methods and how is it applied to psychology What are some of the research approaches in psychology case study survey approach etc What is the difference between correlational and experimental research How are the variables different What is necessary to make something a true experiment Be able to define the terms that were covered in this chapter Operational definition etc Biological Psychology Pay extra attention to the hippocampus and the amygdala Know how the brain is divided organized and what each of these divisions is important for Are there right left brain differences What are they What parts of the brain are important for language and why are they important What is brain plasticity What are the motor and somatosensory strips How do drugs affect the brain Know how neurons communicate with each other Know the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system and that the hypothalamus regulates them Sensation and Perception What is the difference between sensation and perception What is transduction and be able to identify an example of this in relation to visual processing What are the ventral and dorsal streams What is parallel processing Be familiar with top down and bottom up processing and how these relate to sensation and perception How is color processed What do the rods and cones specialize in Learning Personality What is associative learning and how does relate to learning as it was discussed in this chapter What is Behaviorism Who are some of its important figures What are each of these people most well known for Know classical and operant conditioning and be able to identify examples of each Who was Little Albert and why is his case important Be able to distinguish between the different types of operant conditioning positive negative reinforcement punishment What lead to the downfall of Behaviorism Is it still important today Who is Sigmund Freud and what was the school of thought he began called How did he develop these ideas What is his personality structure and his views on the unconscious How would therapy work under this model Who are the Neo Freudians how are they different and what were some of the major accomplishments of each What are Radical Behaviorism and Social Cognitive Theories How are they different What do they have to do with Behaviorism What did Social Cognitive Theories add and what does this have to do with the Bobo Doll Study How is personality studied today What are traits and what are The Big Five Are these perfect predictors of behavior Developmental Psychology Know the three major issues that were discussed in Developmental Psychology Focus on what a stage theory is and be able to know what the problems with them are Know Piaget s stage theory and important developments that occur within each stage How does this relate to Kohlberg s moral ladder What does this say about children simply being little adults What are longitudinal and cross sectional approaches to studying human aging What occurs in older adults that are linked to declines in performance on novel tasks What tasks do they perform well on and which do they not perform well on What changes are occurring in the brain as a person ages Social Psychology What are cognitive dissonance theory and the fundamental attribution error What does social psychology say about people s tendency to make situational and dispositional attributions Who were Phillip Zimbardo Stanley Milgram and Soloman Asch What studies are they most famous for and why are those studies important Understand the methods of these studies and what the reactions were to the results of each of these studies What is discrete emotions theory and is it truly universal Are there criticisms of this theory today What is evolutionary psychology

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FSU PSY 2012 - Study Guide

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