1 What is natural selection What is an adaptation What are two components for natural selection to occur Be able to give an example Those traits that lead to more successful survival and reproduction will be passed on to following generation Adaptation Physical and psychological traits passed down because they helped our ancestors to survive and reproduce Two components 1 Environmental challenge 2 Adaptation 2 Be able to define genes Be able to differentiate between genotype and phenotype synthesizing proteins Genes units of heredity segment of DNA capable of Genotype the set of genes an organism receives from parents Phenotype observable traits 3 What is heritability What can it tell us What can t it tell us The extent to which differences among individuals can be attributed to differing genes If heritability of IQ is 50 what s this mean 4 What are twin studies Adoption studies What can they tell us Twin Studies Identical twins more similar than fraternal in personality Adoption studies 5 What roles do parents and peers play in who we are What can an enriching impoverished environment do for us Parents education discipline responsibility Peers social interactions 6 What general roles do heredity and environment play in who we are Heredity plays a role with personality and determines reaction ranges Environment plays a role in attitude and determines where we fall in range 7 What things do people tend to find attractive in mates What aspects of attractiveness are culturally determined What aspects are universal How is this an example of nature and nurture 8 What is the circadian rhythm and how is it regulated What is the biological clock and where is it located What kind of negative effects do we see when the circadian rhythm gets disrupted 9 About how many hours of sleep do we need What kind of negative effects do we see with prolonged lack of sleep 10 What are four possible reasons discussed in class for why we sleep 11 What kind of brain waves do we have when we are awake both alert wakefulness and calm wakefulness 12 Be able to describe the five stages of sleep including the type of waves predominantly seen in each stage 13 What is hypnogogic imagery What are myoclonic jerks What stage of sleep do we typically experiences these in 14 What is REM sleep What constitutes non REM sleep When does most dreaming occur What type of dreams do we tend have in REM sleep vs non REM sleep 15 Over the course of a normal night of sleep what changes do we see in REM sleep and deep sleep 16 Be able to describe Freud s Dream Protection Theory Be able to differentiate between manifest and latent content What are three problems with his theory discussed in class 17 What is the activation synthesis theory of dreaming What is the neurocognitive perspective on dreaming How does the dreams of children vs adults help to support the neurocognitive perspective
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