Human Development Objectives Assigned reading Chapter 10 pp 366 370 378 382 389 394 397 1 What does developmental psychology study Developmental psychology Study of how behavior and mental processes change over the lifespan 2 Be able to define and differentiate between cross sectional design and longitudinal design What are the problems with each Cross sectional Design design that examines people of different ages at a single point in time Cohort Effects effects due to individuals growing up in the same time period Longitudinal Design design that examines development in same group at multiple time periods Problem Problem Costly Selective attrition people may drop out of study 3 What is post hoc fallacy What are bi directional effects How do these things relate to the study of human development Post hoc Fallacy false assumption that because A precedes B A must have caused B Bi directional effects individuals are affected by parents peers environment but individuals also affect those around them and shape their own environment 4 Is our development due to nature or nature Know three ways discussed in class that nature and nurture work together to shape our development Gene environment Interaction effects of genes depend on environment and vice versa Nature Via Nurture tendency of genetic predispositions to encourage people to seek out create certain environments Gene Expression activation deactivation of genes by environmental experiences throughout development 5 Who was Piaget and what were his three important contributions to understanding cognitive development in children discussed in class Jean Piaget first to present comprehensive account of cognitive development Major contribution children are not mini adults understanding of world is different from an adults Posited stages of development marked by radical reorganization of thinking 6 What are schemas What is equilibration Be able to define and differentiate between assimilation and accommodation Be able to give an example of each Schema knowledge structures mental models of our world Equilibration maintain a balance between our experience of the world and our thoughts about it Assimilation fitting new experiences into existing mental models horse v zebra are the same Accommodation changing mental models to account for new experiences 7 Know Piaget s four stages of development when they generally occur and what cognitive abilities and limitations occur in each Sensorimotor Birth 2 years Learning through own actions consequences No thought beyond immediate experience Milestone object permanence understanding that objects exists even when out of sight Preoperational 2 7 years Able to think beyond immediate situation understand symbolic representations Egocentric inability to see the world from another s perspective Unable to preform mental transformations Fail conservation tasks diff size of glasses with same amount of water kids think taller glass has more Concrete Operational 7 11 years Mental transformations but only physical objects Difficult to image hypothetical situations Formal Operations 11 adulthood Can think abstractly model hypothetical situations Limitations Development appears to be more continuous not stage like Some children show cognitive abilities sooner May not be domain general 8 What are three problems with Piaget s stages of cognitive development discussed in class 9 What did Vygotsky emphasize in his theory of cognitive development What is scaffolding What is the zone of proximal development Lev Vygotsky Emphasized social and cultural learning Caretakers facilitate learning and development by structuring environment Scaffolding initial assistance by caretakers in children s learning gradually remove structure as child becomes more competent 10 What is the self concept What is theory of mind What is the false belief task and how does it demonstrate theory of mind Important cognitive milestone understanding self as separate from others Around 1 recognize self in mirror Around 2 recognize pictures of self and refer to self by name Theory of Mind ability to reason about what other people think believe around 4 False belief task 11 In textbook What are two cognitive declines we tend to see in aging adults What are three ways adults cognitive functioning improves with age 12 What is attachment Attachment Strong emotional connection we share w others First developed w our primary caregivers Why safety Solid attachments form a secure base caregiver which an individual can explore the world and to which an individual return to rest and restock depleted resourced 13 14 In textbook What is imprinting Do humans exhibit imprinting Be able to describe Harry Harlow s experiment with rheseus monkeys What does it tell us about how attachment bonds form What is contact comfort Infant bonding originally believed to be related to nourishment Harrow Harlow monkey study Provided infant monkeys with a wire mother and a cloth mother Monkeys preferred cloth mother Contact Comfort positive emotions afforded by touch 15 What is the Strange Situation and what is it used to measure Know the way infants of each attachment style tend to respond to this situation Strange Situation caregiver leaving infant with stranger Three styles based on response to situation 1 Secure attachment 60 upset at mother s departure but greets with joy upon return most common 2 Insecure avoidant 15 20 indifference to mother s departure and return 3 Insecure anxious 15 20 panicked at mother s departure mixed reaction upon return 16 Where does infant attachment come from What does it predict Infant attachment fundamentally related to child caregiver relationship But it s bidirectional Attachment styles predict later behavior Secure tend to better adjust helpful and empathic Anxious more likely to be disliked mistreated 17 According to Hazan and Shaver what is adult attachment Hazon Shaver s theory Interactions w caregivers early in life shape the beliefs and expectations about later relationships including romantic relationships Styles of attachment fall on a continuum of pulling close and pushing away by 18 What are the three attachment styles discussed in class characterized Anxious fear of abandonment feeling one s needs aren t being met Secure attachments marked by trust belief that others will provide love support Avoidant defensive detachment from others limit intimacy and maintain emotional distance 19 What is self control What does it help us to do
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