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Objectives Chapter 6 Learning Pages 206 236 1 What is learning and the major types of learning learning is the permanent change in an organism s behavior or thought as a result of experience the major types of learning are classical conditioning operant conditioning latent learning observational learning insight learning 2 What is classical conditioning and what are the four basic components of it classical conditioning a form of learning in which animals come to respond to a previously neutral stimulus that had been paired with another stimulus that elicits an automatic response Ivan Pavlov first demonstrated classical conditioning unconditioned stimulus UCS a stimulus that elicits an automatic o o o o response ex a UCS food triggers a UCR salivating unconditioned response UCR the UCS triggers a UCR unconditioned unlearned conditioned response CR a response previously associated with a nonneutral stimulus that comes to be elicited by a neutral stimulus conditioned stimulus CS a previously neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned response as a result of its association with an unconditioned stimulus ex salivating is an unconditioned response to food but a conditioned response to a bell 3 What do those concepts mean acquisition extinction spontaneous recovery generalization and discrimination acquisition the initial learning of an association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus extinction gradual reduction and eventual elimination of the CR after the CS is presented repeatedly without the UCS spontaneous recovery happens when CS briefly regains its power to elicit the response generalization tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to the CS discrimination ability to distinguish between the CS and other stimuli 4 What is operant conditioning o emphasis is on controlled deliberate behavior enacted by an organism to influence its behavior environmental consequences shape behavior operant operate behavior can operate on the environment to produce the same effect behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer diminished if followed by a punishment positive reinforcement negative reinforcement positive punishment and negative punishment positive reinforcement something pleasant is offered ex rat presses a lever and is reinforced with a food pellet negative reinforcement something unpleasant is removed ex you fasten your seatbelt and the buzzer turns off positive punishment something unpleasant is introduced ex a child talks back and parent spanks him negative punishment something pleasant is removed ex you break your curfew and lose phone privileges 5 1 What is the law of effect Thorndike The Law of Effect states that responses followed by positive outcomes are repeated and responses followed by negative outcomes are not 5 How do punishment and negative reinforcement differ reinforcements increase the likelihood of behavior while punishments decrease the likelihood of behavior 6 How operant conditioning is different from classical conditioning target behavior is reward is behavior depends primarily on classical conditioning elicited automatically provided unconditionally autonomic nervous system operant conditioning emitted voluntarily dependent on behavior skeletal muscles 7 What is the critical role of behavior in distinguishing classical conditioning from operant conditioning classical conditioning involves changes in heart rate breathing and perspiration while operant conditioning involves changes in voluntary motor behavior 8 What is observational learning specifically as studied by Albert Bandura and how it is different from conditioning learning that occurs by watching other people s behavior and observing the resulting consequences people form mental representations of stimuli behavioral responses and consequences without having direct experiences with them 9 What is insight learning Understand how might this research challenge Thorndike s assumptions Insight learning is the sudden understanding of a solution to a problem ex in Kohler s experiment the chimps suddenly get that stacking the boxes on top of each other will help them reach the banana Their solution to the problem did not reflect trial and error as it did with Thorndike

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FSU PSY 2012 - Chapter 6 Learning

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