Chapter 10 Development study of how behavior changes over the lifespan situation in which the effects of genes depend on the activation or deactivation of genes by environmental research design that examines development in the same effect observed in a sample of participants that results from research design that examines people of different ages at a tendency of individuals with certain genetic predispositions false assumption that because one event occurred before another an environmental factor that can exert a negative impact on prenatal ball of identical cells early in pregnancy that haven t yet begun to take second to eighth week of prenatal development during which limbs facial Developmental Psychology Post Hoc Fallacy event it must have caused that event Cross sectional Design single point in time Cohort Effect individuals in the sample growing up at the same time Longitudinal Design group of people on multiple occasions over time Gene environment interaction environment in which they are expressed Nature via Nurture to seek out and create environments that permit expression of those predispositions Gene Expression experiences throughout development Blastocyst on any specific function in a body part Embryo features and major organs of the body take form Teratogen development Fetal Alcohol Syndrome exposure causing learning disabilities physical growth retardation facial malformations and behavioral disorders moves the bones and muscles reproductive potential Cognitive Development reason communicate and remember Sensorimotor Stage and now without the ability to represent experiences mentally Object Permanence out of view Preoperational Stage construct mental representations of experience but not yet perform operations on them Egocentrism Conservation transformation in the physical representation of an amount the amount remains the same Concrete Operational Stage perform mental operations on physical events only inability to see the world from others perspectives Piagetian task requiring children to understand that despite a the termination of menstruation marking the end of a woman s the understanding that objects continue to exist even when stage in Piaget s theory characterized by a focus on the here bodily motion that occurs as result of self initiated force that study of how children acquire the ability to learn think condition resulting from high levels of prenatal alcohol stage in Piaget s theory characterized by the ability to stage in Piaget s theory characterized by the ability to Motor Behavior Menopause stage in Piaget s theory characterized by the ability to Formal Operational Stage perform hypothetical reasoning beyond the here and now Vygotskian learning mechanism in which parents provide initial Scaffolding assistance in children s learning but gradually remove structure as children become more competent Zone of Proximal Development from instruction Stranger Anxiety Attachment feel closest about the aging process and an attempt to regain youth Empty nest Syndrome departure of their grown children from the home a fear of strangers developing at 8 or 9 months of age alleged period of depression in mothers following the the strong emotional connection we share with those to whom we supposed phase of adulthood characterized by emotional distress phase of learning during which children can benefit Midlife Crisis Chapter 13 Social Psychology Mass Hysteria belief that includes emotional component theory that we seek to evaluate our abilities and beliefs reduction in feelings of personal responsibility in the study of how people influence others behavior beliefs and enhancement of performance brought about by the presence of error of assuming that no one in a group perceives things as outbreak of irrational behavior that is spread by social contagion emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking adherence to instructions from those of higher authority Social Psychology attitudes Social Comparison Theory by comparing them with those of others Social Facilitation others Groupthink Obedience Pluralistic Ignorance we do Diffusion of Responsibility presence of others Attitude Cognitive Dissonance conflicting thoughts or beliefs Foot in the Door Technique request before making a bigger one Door in the Face Technique unreasonably large request before making the small request we re hoping to have granted Low ball Technique quoting a low sales price and then mentions all of the add on costs once the customer has agreed to purchase the product Prejudice situation prior to evaluating the evidence Stereotype group that is applied generally to most members of the group the drawing of negative conclusions about a person group of people or a belief positive or negative about the characteristics of members of a unpleasant mental experience of tension resulting from two persuasive technique in which the seller of a product starts by persuasive technique involving making a small persuasive technique involving making an evolutionary principle that creates a predisposition toward tendency to favor individuals within our group over those from Adaptive Conservatism distrusting anything or anyone unfamiliar or different In group Bias outside our group Out group Homogeneity highly similar Discrimination Explicit Prejudice characteristics of an out group Implicit Prejudice the characteristics of an out group negative behavior toward members of out groups unfounded negative belief of which we re aware regarding the unfounded negative belief of which we re unaware regarding tendency to view all individuals outside our group as Concepts Topic 1 1 The post hoc fallacy states that just because one event occurred before another event it did not necessarily cause that event In other words it is inaccurate to assume that because A comes before B A must cause B A correlation between two variables measured at the same time doesn t mean that one causes the other Ex If 100 of serial killers drank milk as a child it cannot be assumed that milk causes people to become murderers 2 Bidirectional effects are reciprocal an individual interacts with their environment while the environment interacts with an individual Children s experiences influence their development while their development also influences what they experience Both parts of the interaction are necessary to interpret the research findings Ex Parents fight with each other children react negatively There s probably some truth
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