PSY2012 Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 9 Define intelligence The ability to learn from experience solve problems and use knowledge to adapt when facing novel conditions Major debate Is this one ability or several abilities Identify the different models and types of intelligence Sensory capacity People with better senses acquire more knowledge o After further research it was discovered that sensory abilities were not highly related to intelligence Abstract thinking Focused on higher mental processes like reasoning understanding and judgment o Need abstract thinking in order to understand theoretical concepts General vs specific abilities o General Intelligence g Accounts for overall differences in intellect among people Specific abilities s Our particular abilities o Even though it was a low correlation Spearman decided that this was how the overall intelligence of a person could be estimated g and s o Why is there the debate that there is a g versus and s It is possible for some people to be intelligent in one category while they can t function appropriately in any other category Example Savants People who have deficits in most categories but are very good in one Distinguish between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence Fluid Intelligence Having the fluidity to be able to adjust to a new way of solving a problem Being presented with a puzzle for the first time Which strategy should you use to solve that puzzle Crystallized Intelligence An accumulation of semantic factual knowledge Gain more and more over time Older individuals get better crystallized intelligence and worse fluid intelligence over time The more times that you have to address a novel situation using fluid intelligence the more crystallized intelligence you are going to acquire over time Positive correlation with people who experience new events and are adventurous and crystallized intelligence Know the 8 intelligences included in Gardner s theory of multiple intelligences 1 Visual Spatial Involves visual perception of the environment the ability to create and manipulate mental images and the orientation of the body in space 2 Verbal Linguistic Involves reading writing speaking and conversing in one s own or foreign languages 3 Logical Mathematical Involves number and computing skills recognizing patterns and relationships timeliness and order and the ability to solve different kinds of problems through logic 4 Bodily Kinesthetic Involves physical coordination and dexterity using fine and gross motor skills and expressing oneself or learning through physical activities 5 Musical Involves understanding and expressing oneself through music and rhythmic movements or dance or composing playing or conducting music 6 Interpersonal Involves understanding how to communicate with and understand other people and how to work collaboratively 7 Intrapersonal Involves understanding one s inner world of emotions and thoughts and growing in the ability to control them and work with them consciously 8 Naturalist Involves understanding the natural world of plants and animals noticing their characteristics and categorizing them it generally involves keen observation and the ability to classify other things as well Differentiate the 3 intelligences included in Sternberg s triarchic model of multiple intelligences Analytical Intelligence is the ability to reason logically or book smarts Example Standardized Tests Practical Intelligence is the ability to solve real world problems or street smarts Creative Intelligence is the ability to come up with novel and effective answers New ways to answer questions Does a bigger brain mean you are smarter Yes Brain volume is correlated with intelligence Gifted children have less brain activity when they do an activity Their brain is more efficient Metacognition Knowing what you know If you don t know what you don t know you think you know more Determine how psychologists calculate IQ and know what the deviation IQ eliminates Mental Age Chronological Age 100 IQ Formula only works with children after the age of 16 it doesn t seem to work anymore After that we use deviation IQ o Modern IQ tests use a deviation IQ that eliminates age effects Compares each person to what is normal for his or her own age group The most commonly used IQ test for adults is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS Consists of 15 subtests that give five scores Define the Flynn effect The average IQ of the population has been rising by about 3 points every 10 years Most likely the result of environmental changes Increased test sophistication Increased complexity of modern world Better nutrition Changes at home and school Chapter 10 Define developmental psychology Study how behavior and mental processes change over the life span Differentiate the continuity vs stage view of development Continuity view Change is uniform and gradual Stage view Change can be rapid with qualitatively different stages evident across the lifespan Is developmental change continuous and gradual like the growth of a tree or can it be rapid with different very specific stages Contrast cross sectional designs and longitudinal designs Cross sectional designs measures age differences not intra individual change If we were to get a group of students and a group of grandparents and observe how each group interacts with technology would there be a difference Yes Why is this If we wait until the students are 70 are they going to lose their ability to work with technology No Students will continue to embrace technology even when they are older Cross sectional design measures age difference not intra individual change testing a group of people at age 20 and the same group of people at age 70 later in their life Longitudinal designs Looking at the same individuals over time Studying the same person over time Disadvantages Costly time consuming Hard to keep up with someone over time they could drop out or pass away People just fall out of the study What are cohort effects Sets of people who lived during one period can differ in some systematic way from sets of people who lived during a different period Define schemas Schema is how you categorize something Schemas organize and interpret incoming info They act as mental filters Example When you see an apple for the first time and its green and your parents tell you an apple Later you see a red apple you won t know its an apple When you see a dog and your parents tell you it s a dog then you see another 4
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