Reading assignment Textbook Chapter 6 pp 206 236 Learning Learning Change in an organism s behavior or thoughts due to experience Objectives 1 What is learning 4 types Conditioning Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Cognitive Models Latent learning 2 What is classical conditioning Know the process of classical conditioning Know Pavlov s famous classical conditioning experiment with dogs Classical Conditioning learning in which a previously neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with another stimulus that elicits an automatic response Ivan Pavlov found that dogs automatically respond to food with salivation Paired sounds with delivery of food Dogs eventually salivated in response to sound sound of footsteps 3 Be able to define and differentiate between unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response neutral stimulus conditioned stimulus and conditioned response Be able to give an example of each Before conditioning begins Unconditioned stimulus Stimulus that elicits automatic response food Unconditioned response Response to anon neutral stimulus that is automatic does not require learning salivation Neutral Stimulus Stimulus that does not elicit any response metronome During conditioning Repeatedly pair neutral stimulus with unconditioned stimulus Rules Neutral unconditioned stimuli must occur close together After conditioning Neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus Condition Stimulus previously neutral stimulus that now elicits a response due to repeated pairings with UCS Conditioned Response Response elicited by a conditioned stimulus 4 How do advertisers try to use classical conditioning to get us to buy products Know the basics of the study examining men and car advertisements 5 What are conditioned taste aversions In what three ways do they differ from typical classical conditioning Why are conditioned taste aversions adaptive People can quickly acquire conditioned taste aversions after becoming sick 1 Usually requires only one trial 2 CS and UCS don t have to be close together 3 Tend to be highly specific don t demonstrate stimulus generalization Adaptive avoid poisonous foods 6 What is operant conditioning Operant Conditioning Learning dependent on consequences of behavior 7 What is the Law of Effect How does Thorndike s study with cats demonstrate this law What did Thorndike find in regard to insight Law of Effect principle that if a stimulus followed by a behavior is rewarded the stimulus should make the behavior more likely in the future Thorndike used a ball when cat hit ball door opened Cats time to escape decreased gradually and no evidence of insight 8 What is a Skinner box What two basic principles of operant conditioning did Skinner come up with Systematically apply reinforcement punishment to the animal and see how that changed behavior Hit level food shock 9 What is reinforcement What is punishment Be able to differentiate between the two Be able to differentiate between and give examples of positive reinforcement negative reinforcement positive punishment and negative punishment Reinforcement increase behavior Punishment decrease in behavior Reinforcement something that increases the probability of behavior Positive Reinforcement adding a stimulus to increase behavior Ex Money for good grades Negative Reinforcement taking away a stimulus to increase behavior Ex Annoying beeping to put on seatbelt Punishment something that decreases the probability of a behavior Positive Punishment adding a stimulus to decrease behavior Ex Spanking Negative Punishment taking away a stimulus to decrease behavior Ex Take away cell phone for bad grades How to decide what kind of operant conditioning is happening 1 Identify the behavior being changed 2 Determine whether behavior increases or decreases 3 Determine whether stimulus has been added or taken away 10 From the textbook Define schedule of reinforcement What is continuous reinforcement What is partial reinforcement By what two dimensions does partial reinforcement vary Know the four schedules of reinforcement and be able to give an example of each fixed ratio schedule fixed interval schedule variable ratio schedule and variable interval schedule Know which schedules of reinforcement are more effective for learning 11 What are three problems with punishment Which tends to work better reinforcement or punishment Reinforcement works better Three problems with punishment 1 Says what is undesirable behavior but not what s desirable 2 Creates anxiety interfering with future learning 3 Can lead to subversive behavior 12 What is superstitious behavior How is it related to operant conditioning When is superstition more common Skinner gave reinforcement to pigeons at random times Led to superstitious behavior actions linked to reinforcement by coincidence Superstition more common the more outcomes are due to chance 13 What are three differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning Target behavior is elicited automatically classical emitted voluntarily operant Reward is provided unconditionally classical contingent on behavior operant Behavior depends on autonomic nervous system classical skeletal muscles operant 14 Be able to define and give an example of acquisition stimulus generalization stimulus discrimination extinction and spontaneous recovery Acquisition learning phase during which a condition response is established Stimulus Generalization Displaying response to stimuli that are similar but not identical to original condition stimulus Stimulus Discrimination weak or no response to conditioned stimuli that differ from original conditioned stimulus Extinction Gradual reduction and eventual elimination of response after stimulus Spontaneous Recovery Sudden reemergence of extinguished response 15 What is latent learning What is the difference between performance and competence and how does this difference relate to latent learning Latent Learning learning that isn t directly observable Performance showing what we know Competence what we know Edward Tolman rat mazes Three groups Group 1 always reinforced Group 2 Never reinforced Group 3 Reinforced only after 11 days Know Tolman s rat maze study What did he find How does this demonstrate What is observational learning What are three reasons discussed in class that observational learning is helpful What is modeling What is the Bobo doll study and what did they find 16 17 latent learning Observational Learning Learning by watching others Why is it
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