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GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY NOTES 1 Psychology scientific study of mind brain and behavior 1st psych lab who and what year Structuralism mapping of conscious mind Key figures in structuralism Titchner Functionalism why our brain works in certain ways Key figures in functionalism William James Behaviorism what you observe and look at what science is study of behavior Watson and Skinner Cognitive revolution Mental process Applied research solving specific questions best way to treat alcoholism Basic research solving general questions why people become alcoholics Scientific research Mistakes we make and why heuristics biases and common sense Common sense na ve realism perceiving the world directly as it is Use common sense when you re making a quick decision or when you don t have time to Heuristics shortcuts for answers but may not be completely right solve it use as a generator for hypothesis Representative judge the likely hood of something based on how it matches the population description of person and guessing who what they are but sometimes description doesn t match what they really are Availability judging something based on info That s available in your memory recent events ex being afraid to swim because of recent shark attacks Vs Algorithms formula to get the absolute right answer might take longer Biases Confirmation looking only at info beneficial to your view Hindsight after you find the answer you say ohhh yeahh Scientific method Pseudoscience claims that seem scientific but aren t they re testable but not reliable 6 principles of scientific thinking Ruling out rival hypothesis Correlation vs causation Falsibility Replicability Extraordinary claims Occam s razor Naturalistic observation Pros high external validity captures subjects in their natural environment mitigates concerns about experimental affects privides future questions for experimental research Cons can t determine causation difficult to eliminate alternative explanations Case study studying something unique to that specific type of group may not exist new rare Pros cons Self report measures and surveys Pros cons Correlational designs Pros cons Pros can look at problems that are unethical to manipulate less expensive than experimental great starting point for research Cons does not imply causation Difficult to determine what caused the effect Random assignment making sure that everyone has an equal chance of being in the experimental groups Positive both go up or down negative one goes up one does down spurious 3rd unknown variable illusionary you think there s a correlation but there isn t correlations Correlation does not imply causation Random selection makes sure sample represents population Independent variable being manipulated Dependent variable being measured changes depending on independent variable Pros figure out causation more controlled more freedom Cons time consuming and expensive Experiments attempting to minimize only having one type of people in the study Statistics Ethics of research design Memory IRB Informed consent Significance measure of how likely it is that difference between groups occurred by chance Determination considers mean and standard deviation Benefits vs risks Sensory working and long term 3 stages Memory experts techniques and how serial position effect Modified 3 stage processing model Objectives Chapter 3 Biological Psychology What are the parts of a neuron What are their functions Define synapse Neuron nerve cell specialized for communication The cell body aka soma central region of the neuron manufactures new cell components Dendrites branchlike extensions for receiving info from other neurons and passing it on to the cell body Axons and Axon terminals transmitters specialized for sending messages to other neurons long tail like extensions narrowness creates an area that s easily activated by incoming signals Synaptic vesicles tiny spheres containing neurotransmitters travel down the axon to the axon terminal knob like structure at its far end once it reaches the terminal it bursts and releases neurotransmitters chemical messengers that neurons use to communicate with each other Synapse a tiny fluid filled space between neurons through which neurotransmitters travel once released from the synaptic vesicle consists of a synaptic cleft a gap into which neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminal How are communications sent within a neuron Electrical impulses travel down the axon and release info from the axon terminal Action potentials abrupt waves of electric discharge triggered by a change in charge inside the axon This is the neuron firing an all or non response 2 In between firings there is a very brief absolute refractory period Neurons can fire 100 1 000 times per second How do neurons use neurotransmitters to communicate with each other Neurons respond to neurotransmitters by generating electrical activity when there are no neurotransmitters acting on a neuron it is at the resting potential When there is enough of a charge inside the neuron an action potential will occur Two common kinds in CNS GABA inhibitory neurotransmitter decreases the chance neurons will communicate Glutamate excitatory neurotransmitter increases the chance neaurons will communicate What are the two major divisions of the nervous system Describe their functions Central Nervous System composed of brain and spinal cord sensory information and decision making Peripheral Nervous System composed of all the nerves outside of CNS further divided into the somatic nervous system which controls voluntary behavior and the autonomic system which controls involuntary functions of the body What are the two major components of the peripheral nervous system Describe their functions Autonomic Nervous System controls involuntary actions of our internal organs and glands which regulates emotion ex heart rate digestion respiratory rate salivation perspiration pupillary dilation urination and sexual arousal Somatic Nervous System carries messages from the CNS to muscles throughout the body controlling What are the two major components of the autonomic nervous system Describe their functions Sympathetic Nervous System active during emotional arousal especially during crises mobilizes the Parasympathetic Nervous System active during rest and digestion kicks into gear when there is no What are the various functions of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex analyzes sensory information helping us

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