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Exam 4 Learning Objectives Cognitive Topics in Personality Lecture 10 1 Know what kinds of cognitive behavior personality psychologists study a Socio cognitive approach individual differences in how people process info i Perception how you see something sensing the same thing but perceive it 2 What are the differences between field independent and field dependent individuals Know definition and behaviors that field independence dependence predicts differently Interpretation ii iii Goals and Beliefs a Yellow triangles i 1 triangle field dependence ii 3 4 triangles field independence iii 5 triangles in the middle b Field independent F Ind i Context independent ii Focus in on details iii Better at screening out distracting info iv More interpersonally detached v Prefer natural sciences math engineering c Field dependent f dep people pay attention to multiple sources of info i Context dependent ii Focus in on bigger picture iii Attentive to social cues iv Oriented toward others v Prefer social sciences and education 3 In what ways can you measure field dependence a Measures used to assess field dependence i Rod and Frame Test RFT 1 Align a rod within these frames so that the rod is vertical ii Embedded Figures Tests EFT 1 Finding shapes in a larger design 4 Know the reducer augmenter theory a Pain Tolerance i Reducer Augmenter Theory 1 Augmenter Low pain 2 Reducer a High pain tolerance Pain Tolerance a b Nervous system amplifies subjective impact of sensory input 1 b Nervous system reduces impact of sensory input pain 3 Similar pattern for emotional pain a This applies to all sensory experiences 5 What is the KFA What does it measure a Kinesthetic Figural Aftereffect b Estimate the length of this block by feeling it c What kind of errors do you think an augmenter would make i Would estimate it to be larger than it actually is d What kind of errors do you think a reducer would make i Would estimate it to be smaller than it actually is e Reducers i Seek stronger stimulation ii May use substances nicotine caffeine alcohol to change arousal level iii Linked to extraversion sensation seeking 6 Know the basics of Kelly s personal construct theory and what personal constructs are a Kelly s Personal Construct Theory i Humans as scientists 1 People want to understand predict and control events ii Personal constructs are used to Interpret and predict social events behaviors 1 2 Categorize people iii Examples of constructs 1 Friendly mean 2 Smart not smart 3 Boring interesting 4 Trustworthy dishonest iv Anxiety results from not being able to understand predict social events v We judge people on the dimensions of personal constructs quiz with names 7 What is locus of control and what does it predict a b Locus of control interpretation of responsibility for events Internal LoC You control and are responsible for major life outcomes i More effort into work relationships ii Higher well being and better credit score iii Exception c External LoC You are not in control other people decide what happens to you i More satisfaction in non responsive environments 8 What is learned helplessness a Seligman s do studies b Tendency to feel helpless in the face of events we cannot control c Not everyone d Explanatory style how people explain causes of events attributions responds to failure with learned helplessness i I got turned down for that date because 2 e External or internal i External It s something someone else s fault ii Internal It s my fault f Stable or unstable i Stable It will never change ii Unstable It can always change g Global or specific i Global I am terrible at everything ii Specific I am bad at this particular task 9 Know the various kinds of attributions and be able to identify examples of each 10 Which types of attributions of failure are associated with learned helplessness a See 8 b Depressogenics also see 8 stable global internal a b People high on neuroticism 11 What is personal project analysis i Rate projects as stressful likely to end in failure outside of their control a You can use people s perception of their goals as a measure of personality b People high on neuroticism i Rate projects as stressful likely to end in failure outside of their control c Perception of goals is related to happiness i Completing projects leads to life satisfaction 12 What do people s perceptions of their goals predict a Projection of goals is related to happiness 13 What are the achievement and aptitude views on intelligence i Completing projects leads to life satisfaction a Achievement how much someone knows relative to others b Aptitude how easy it is for someone to learn relative to others 14 How do entity and incremental theorists view intelligence How does this predict their response to failure a Entity theorists fixed mindset Intelligence is unchangeable b Incremental theorists growth mindset Intelligence is changeable i i From the book Chapter 8 15 What does Kelly mean by range of convenience a When a given person s construct system particular constructs differ from one another with respect to their range of convenience range corollary Thus the construct friendly unfriendly may have a wide range of convenience It is likely to guide the person s anticipations of events in a large number of situations By contrast the construct liberal conservative is likely to have a narrower range of convenience for 3 most people For most people friendly unfriendly is more salient and determining dimension in their interactions with other people than is liberal conservative 16 What is cognitive style according to the definition on page 308 a Cognitive styles are people s characteristic and typically preferred modes of processing information intelligence tests b Not the same as cognitive abilities like verbal numeric and spatial abilities measured on c Cognitive abilities assess how well a person performs on cognitive tasks cognitive styles tap instead into a person s characteristic way or manner of processing information d Cognitive styles exist on the borderline between what has traditionally been associated with personality and what has traditionally been associated with intelligence and cognition 17 What does the embedded square measure test a Embedded figures test identifying camouflaged figures b Field independent people are adept at pulling information out of an embedding context 18 What is integrative complexity manner a The extent to which a person reasons about issues in a differentiated and

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FSU PPE 3003 - Exam 4

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