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Psychology of Personality Exam 6 Study Guide Chapter 15 Objectives situation interaction Selection Know and be able to differentiate the 3 mechanisms of personality X social In everyday life people choose to enter some situations and avoid other situations These forms of situation selection can hinge on personality dispositions and how we view ourselves The personality qualities of others evoke certain responses in Ex Michael s aggressive displays upset Sue evoking an emotional response that would not have been evoked if he had been kinder or more caring Personality is linked to the ways in which we try to influence Evocation us Manipulation others Know the complementary needs theory and the attraction similarity theory and know which one is correct Complementary needs theory vs attraction similarity theory Evidence supports the attraction similarity theory Complementary Needs Theory Attraction Similarity Theory Postulates that people are attracted to those who have different personality dispositions than they have People who are dominant for example might have a need for someone whom they can control and dominate Postulates that people are attracted to those who have similar personality characteristics People who are dominant might be attracted to those who are also dominant because they like someone who pushes back The research shows that people are generally drawn to those who share their personalities Know the personality traits associated with relationship satisfaction Personality affects who will get together and who will break up Personality traits associated with relationship satisfaction Agreeableness Emotional stability Openness Conscientiousness Violation of desire theory According to this theory we would predict that people married to others who lack desired characteristics such as dependability and emotional stability will more frequently dissolve the marriage Be able to explain assortative mating Assortative mating personality attractiveness etc One of the most common findings in the mate selection literature that people are married to people who are similar to themselves Understand the relationship between shyness and risk taking Shyness feeling tense worried anxious during social interactions How is this different from introversion Shy people avoid social situations Result isolation Shy women less likely to go to a gynecologist discuss contraception with potential sexual partner Greater health risk Shy people may view high risk big payoff gambling less favorably compared to people who are not shy Conclusion Shyness leads to greater vulnerability to some types of risks but decreases others Understand the process of how aggression evokes aggression We evoke reactions from others Others evoke reactions from us Your Personality Your Behavior Friend s Reaction Friend s Personality Friend s Behavior Your Reaction Aggression Hostility Aggressive Personality Aggressive Behavior Hostile Hostile attributional bias Tendency to infer hostile intent from Example You ask someone a question they don t Reactions from Others ambiguous behavior respond Non hostile They didn t hear you Hostile They are purposely ignoring you Expectation of hostility aggressive behavior People treated aggressively tend to aggress back Conclusion Aggressive people evoke hostility Understand expectancy confirmation and how this can lead to self fulfilling prophecies Expectancy confirmation When beliefs about personality of others promote behaviors that evoke actions consistent with initial beliefs Self fulfilling prophecies Ex In a study of expectancy confirmation Synder and Swann 1978 led individuals to believe that they would be dealing with a hostile and aggressive individual and then introduced the two individuals They found that people s beliefs led them to act in an aggressive manner toward the unsuspecting target Then the behavior of the unsuspecting target was examined The intriguing finding was that the unsuspecting target actually acted in a more hostile manner behavior that was evoked by the person who was led to expect hostility In this example beliefs about personality of the other actually created the behavior that confirmed those initial beliefs That which we recognize in a person we also inflame in him or her Nietzsche Know the examples from both the book and lecture of how personality predicts what manipulation strategies people tend to use What do you do to Get out of a speeding ticket Convince you roommate to clean Convince your parents to help you with something Charm Coercion Silent treatment Reason Regression Self abasement Responsibility invocation Hardball Pleasure induction Social comparison Monetary reward Personality Predictors Extraversion High extraversion Coercion invoking responsibility Low extraversion Self abasement hardball Agreeableness High agreeableness Pleasure induction reason Low agreeableness Coercion silent treatment The process of manipulation can be examined from two perspectives within personality psychology First we can ask Are some individuals consistently more manipulative than others Second we can ask Given that all people attempt to influence others do stable personality characteristics predict the sorts of tactics that are used Do extraverted people for example more often use the charm tactic whereas introverts use the silent treatment tactic Understand Machiavellianism Machiavellianism Manipulative strategy of social interaction Use of other people as tools for personal gain People who score high on Machiavellianism high Machs prefer Loosely structured situations Fewer rules might restrict use of exploitative strategy High and low scorers represent two alternative strategies of social conduct The high Mach represents an exploitative social strategy one that betrays friendship and uses other people opportunistically Theoretically this strategy works best in social situations when there is room for innovation rather than those that are highly constrained by rules Political consulting or the world of an independent entrepreneur might be relatively unconstrained allowing much latitude for the high Mach to operate The low Mach in contrast represents a strategy of cooperation sometimes called tit for tat This strategy is based on reciprocity you help me and I ll help you in return and we will both be better of as a result This is a long term social strategy in contrast to the short term strategy of the high Mach Chapter 16 Objectives Know the difference

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