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Exam Review 5 Chapter 15 Know and be able to differentiate the 3 mechanisms of personality X social situation interaction surround yourself with Selection Your personality effects the types of groups you decide to Evocation You are in a bad mood other people get in bad moods Manipulation If you know a sympathetic person you would use that to manipulate them Know the complementary needs theory and the attraction similarity theory and know which one is correct Selection Romantic Partners Complementary needs theory opposites attract Attraction similarity theory birds of a feather flock together Assortative mating you are attracted o people who are similar to you in personality and attractiveness women who thought themselves as attractive sought out attractive partners Know the personality traits associated with relationship satisfaction Personality affects who will get together and who will break up People with similar personalities are likely to get together Agreeableness Emotional Stability Openness Conscientiousness High amounts of these traits will positively influence romantic relationships Violation of desire theory we have expectations for certain things we want in a relationship when these desires are violated breakups happen Understand the relationship between shyness and risk taking Shyness feeling tense worried anxious during social interaction You can be extroverted and still shy You can be introverted and not shy Shy people avoid social situations specially those were you will feel rejected or left out by others this results in feelings of isolation Some shy people engage in more risky behavior because doing otherwise will be doing something social Shy women are less likely to go to a gynecologists as well as discuss contraception with potential sexual partners Shy people may view high risk big payoff gambling less favorably compared to people who are not shy So shyness leads to greater vulnerability to some types of risk but decreases others Understand the process of how aggression evokes aggression hostility We evoke reactions from others and others evoke reactions from us Your personality your behavior friend s reactions Friend s personality Friends behavior Your reaction Aggressive people evoke hostility from others Aggressive personality aggressive behavior hostile reactions from others Hostile attribution bias tendency to infer hostile intent from ambiguous behavior You ask some one a question and they don t answer you Non hostile they didn t hear you hostile they are purposely ignoring you Understand expectancy confirmation and how this can lead to self fulfilling prophecies Expectancy confirmation When beliefs about personality of others promote behaviors that evoke actions consistent with initial beliefs Self fulfilling prophecies In other words if you treat somebody as if they are aggressive they You believe someone is aggressiveYou act aggressivelyThey are offendedThey act aggressively are more likely to react aggressively Your personality could evoke reactions that you find disagreeable Ex Being high in dominance may lead you to belittle your friend which causes him her to be timid and meek Ex Your boss yells at you for being timid and demands you be more extraverted causes you to become more timid because your boss approached the situation incorrectly Know the examples from both the book and lecture of how personality predicts what manipulation strategies people tend to use Manipulation is the way we get people to do things What do you do to get people to Get out of a speeding ticket convince you roommate to clean convince your parents to help you with something o Charm o Coercion o Silent treatment o Reason o Regression wining until you get your way o Self abasement o Responsibility invocation o Hardball hurting the person until you get out of the house o Pleasure induction making them feel good o Social comparison everyone else is doing it o Monetary reward Everyone has go to strategies they depend on personality Examples of Personality Predictors of Manipulation Tactics Extraversion Agreeableness HIGH Coercion invoking responsibility Pleasure induction reason LOW Self abasement hardball Coercion silent treatment Understand Machiavellianism Machiavellianism manipulative strategy of social interaction The use of other people as use for personal gain High on Machiavellianism High Machs prefer Loosely structured situations Fewer rules might restrict use of exploitative strategy Chapter 16 Know the difference between sex and gender Sex based on biology Penis or Vagina Gender based on the behavioral culture and psychological characteristics that are associated on one sex Involves your social identity Know the difference between a descriptive question and a prescriptive question Descriptive just identifying the difference Prescriptive The study of sex differences is controversial Be able to interpret a d statistic and know how effect sizes are used in meta analyses Meta analysis Averaging together many studies into one big study Effect sizes standard deviation units Effect sizes correspond to a difference in standard deviation units 20 small 50 medium 80 large When it s a d men higher When it s a d women higher Know and be able to recognize examples of the three components of gender stereotypes Cognitive The way you think about people AKA stereotypes Affective How you feel about the different Stereotypes Behavioral How you actually treat the members from that gender Understand that there are stereotypic subtypes of men and women People believe in subtypes of men and women Soccer mom and group Career mom Know and understand the socialization hormonal and evolutionary theories of sex differences that were discussed in class Reasons behind sex differences Socialization Theories men and women are the same but society turns us into different creatures Bandura s social learning theory children learn from models of their own sex Eagly Wood s social role theory men and women are distributed differently in a family and occupational roles Hormonal theories sex differences in personality are due to hormonal differences Men and women DO differ in testosterone levels Testosterone is linked with aggression dominance sexual motivation and career choice Girls with an overactive adrenal gland in the women tend to be more masculine Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CAH Sometimes when an individual is placed in a position of power their levels of testosterone RISE Evolutionary

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FSU PPE 3003 - Exam Review 5

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