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Topic Outline for Exam2 Psychoanalytic Perspectives Ch7 Tues 2 18 Freudian Structure of the Psyche o Id unconscious o Ego Reality Principle The Id is the unruly demanding gratification seeking instinct driven source of our psychic energy our 2 primary devices Eros the love instinct earlier called the pleasure principle The drive for pleasure sexual gratification union life self preservation Thanatos the death instinct or aggression instinct The drive for aggression violence pain infliction self destruction this didn t appear in Freud s thinking until after WWI Our conscious expression of ourselves The Ego is the negotiator of the demands of the 3 Tyrants Id Superego Reality It must navigate the external world to ensure self preservation navigate the internal world to reduce psychological tension anxiety or neuroses A healthy personality development strives toward some Ego Ideal A self that is able to continuously satisfy the demands of the 3 Tyrants When this coping breaks down then we see pathological behavior Internalized representation of parental societal rules norms our conscience it s the source of guilt Freud called it moral anxiety Constantly tells the Ego what it should should not be doing Also unyielding inflexible unconcerned with reality constraint Ex If teachers say Don t hit others but your parents say Protect your sister these rules may conflict Superego doesn t care o Superego Defense Mechanisms o Ideal Healthy Wish Fulfillment fantasy The act of expressing satisfying desires through imagination and Ex dreams painting myths stories daydreams all express can potentially satisfy our unconscious desires Fantasy Realization Theory o This states that when people contrast their fantasies about a desired future with reflections on present reality a necessity to act is induced that leads to the activation use of relevant expectations Strong goal commitment arises in light of favorable expectations weak goal commitment arises in light of unfavorable expectations Sublimation Channeling our desire into a more socially acceptable reality appropriate avenues Ex Sports sublimate Thanatos Friends lovers pets sublimate Eros o Less Ideal Healthy Displacement like temporary thus less permanent sublimation Involves temporarily shifting an impulse to a more appropriate or accessible object other like when a child hits a younger sibling when in reality they re angry at the parent Projection Repression Attributing our own unacceptable thoughts desires to others Suppressing denying ignoring or actively forgetting some anxiety inducing event or desire Ex blocking a memory of an embarrassing event Why is this less than ideal o The tension isn t resolved only ignored thus it can manifest in o Free Association Therapy neurotic ways identify repressed desires let them play out in the therapy session transference dream analysis are meant to Reinterpreting justifying our own behavior desires in a way that makes them more acceptable to us This a powerful tool but a double edged sword o It s central to Emotion Focused Coping reinterpreting negative events in ways we can live with that minimizes anxiety o It also inclines us to persist in potentially harmful damaging relationships patterns of behavior Reaction Formation Rationalization Devising an extremely reasonable explanation excuse for an event behavior that threatens the person s esteem o Theorized sources and treatments for psychological disorders Humanistic View Ch 7 Tues 2 25 Humanists Theorized sources and treatments for psychological disorders Carl Rogers Theory o The person must be understood from the perspective of his her phenomenal field The phenomenal field is the entire panorama of a person s experience the person s subjective apprehension of reality the person s overall frame of reference Humans strive to actualize perfect the self Conditional vs unconditional positive regard o Conditional positive regard if you do as I like and as I say I will appreciate you and like you but for only as long as you do as I please Maslow s Theory o Unconditional positive regard when love acceptance is provided in an uncritical noncontingent manner unconditionaaaallll unconditionally I will love you unconditionally o He suggested that the need for self actualization is undergirded by at least four other kinds of needs forming a need hierarchy o Hierarchy of Needs Maslow s theory of prepotent needs Self Actualization can only be worked toward once more basic need are met Jonah Complex self handicapping o Jonah complex a fear of success We fear a loss of control the attention scrutiny of others letting others down if we fail o Self handicapping setting oneself up for failure so that there is a ready made excuse Self Determination Theory o 3 basic needs must be satisfied to foster psychological health Relatedness The universal want to interact be connected to experience caring for others also called mattering Elliot Kao 2004 Ex Very Happy People Diener Seligman 2002 o 222 undergrad students were divided into 3 groups Unhappy Average Happy Very Happy which was based on Life Satisfaction Scale Daily Affect over 51 days The groups did not differ on money attractiveness use of tobacco alcohol sleep time spent watching TV excercising religiosity OR the of reported positive negative events that happened to them Did differ on perceived quality of their social relationships time spent with significant others time spent alone Competence mastery This refers to fostering the skills necessary to be effective in navigating one s environments Autonomy The universal urge to be causal agents of our own life act in accord with our beliefs values Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation o Intrinsic motivation from within rather than from external o Extrinsic motivated by outside means such as payment or reinforcers rewards rewards Over justification effect the tendency for intrinsic motivation to diminish once it is extrinsically rewarded o Ex Puzzle Study Deci 1971 Subjects played with puzzles One group was then paid to play The experimenter later measured their time spent playing The paid group played less when the reward was removed They attributed their behavior to an extrinsic motivator o Ex Kasser Ryan 1996 Student Adult Sample N 1500 They measured the importance of extrinsic aspirations money good looks social recognition intrinsic aspirations self acceptance spirituality affiliation well being Correlated them with measures of well being vitality depression anxiety

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FSU PPE 3003 - Topic Outline for Exam 2

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