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Study Guide for Exam 1 General Psychology A Brief History of Psychology B F Skinner Wilhelm Wundt Edward B Titchener William James Sigmund Freud He was the founder of behavioralism He wasn t the first He studied functionalism Charles Darwin influenced him and He is considered the original founder of psychology His first established psychology lab was in Leipzig Germany where he studied atoms in the mind by measuring reaction time He studied introspection examination observation of ones own mental and emotion processes An originating psychologist who studied anatomy He was interested in structuralism and the structural elements of the mind He was known for being obsessed with lab work and developed lab manuals on how to properly perform lab research James s goal was to understand the functions or adaptive purposes of our thoughts feelings and behaviors He opposed lab work He was a psychoanalyst His main goal was to uncover the role of unconscious psychological process and early life experiences in behavior He popularized the talking cure therapy and the understanding that much of our mental processing goes on outside of conscious awareness John B Watson however he is the one who made it popular He thought psychology should be a science of behavior not the mind He is known for his work with operant conditioning rewards punishments He uncovered the general principals of learning that explain all behaviors focusing mostly on observable behavior It is very influential in models of human and animal learning and among the first to focus on need for objective research mental processes He compares the human brain to a computer Jean Piaget behavior He was influential in many areas such as language problem solving concept formation intelligence memory and psychotherapy reflect and report on their mental experiences of learning by looking at observable behavior an intellectual movement in the 1950s that began what are known collectively as the cognitive sciences It proposes that thinking is central to understanding behavior and it examines the relation between brain functioning and thinking psychological principles to practical problems of education industry or marketing etc for its own sake rather than for its practical application He studied cognitivism He examined the role of mental processes on the school of psychology that focus on uncovering the general laws AKA Introspection method by which trained observers carefully Chomsky shifted the study from behavioralism to the return of the study of psychological issues in order to seek knowledge any of several branches of psychology that seek to apply Mental Life Behaviorism Cognitive Revolution Applied Psychology Basic Psychology Noam Chomsky Key Concepts Know some of the different disciplines in psychology that exist today and some of the focuses of those disciplines cognitive psychology how we encode process store and retrieve information memory skill learning language how we think solve problems neuroscience brain modeling and imaging chemical processes in the brain effects of drugs on the brain social psychology study of behavior within across culture sociology psychology how individuals make up a group how group influences individuals Know the source of Sigmund Freud s ideas of psychology and pathology and the shortcomings in the way he developed his ideas Known for psychoanalysis popularized the talking cure saw patients with hysteria physical symptoms without a physical cause talking about stresses physical symptom left not much research done for his work not always applicable Understand Tichener s views on introspection and what exactly they entailed interested in structurism strucctual elements of the mind focus on lab work and developing strict process developed lab manual Know how William James thought of psychology and how his approach towards psychology differed from Wundt and Tichener focused on how world worked as a whole opposed the obsession of lab work and study functionalism interested in tangible information how we function and adapt more concerned with how things fit rather than measuring them Know why behaviorism came to dominate the field of psychology and what led to the eventual downfall of its dominance Understand the historical dominance of behaviorism from 1920 to 1960 Know what figures are associated with the movement of behaviorism Know the view of behaviorists on introspection Movement to observe data rather than reports of patient experiences John Watson believed in the science of behavior as the answer known for classical conditioning stimulus response BF Skinner science in observation known for operant conditioning shift away from behaviorism because of inadequate explanations for certain phenomena stimulus response model too simplistic Understand the contribution of Noam Chomsky and his impact on Skinner and behaviorism Noam Chomsky linguist that challenged Skinner on the focus of behaviorism based on language acquisition Argued that language acquisition was an innate biological process we don t understand a sentence one word at a time but as a whole Understand the difference between the goals of basic and applied research and some examples of each Basic measure and collect data lab with more long term use Applied work in field to solve practical problems with immediate use What is the Black Box as we talked about it in class Who thought it was important Who thought it was unimportant Be able to fully understand this concept Black box cognitive processing Important Jean Piaget Noam Chomsky Unimportant BF Skinner John Watson Who was Jean Piaget What era is he associated with Why is he important Worked with children and cognitive development Associated with the cognitive revolution around 60s Important learned that children were not little adults but had stages of mental growth Psychology as a Science Replication Hypothesis Empirical Scientific Theory Operational Definitions Identifies one or more specific observable events or when a study s findings are able to be duplicated ideally by explanation for a large number of findings in the natural world testable prediction derived from a scientific theory most commonly used to refer to the work of a number of nineteenth century pioneers of experimental psychology including William James Wilhelm Wundt etc conditions such that any other researcher can independently measure and or test for them independent investigators Internal External Validity External

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