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PSY2012 Exam 3 associative learning learning that certain events occur together two stimuli classical or response and consequences operant Ivan Pavlov The father of classical conditioning Pavlov s dogs learned to associate environmental cues the food bowl his footsteps with food and they were anticipating the chance to eat B F Skinner all behavior is explained by looking outside the individual Skinner box used animals to control their behavior by rewarding and punishing them like Palvlov John Watson theory of behaviorism held that human behavior is not instinctive but LEARNED Edward Thorndike invented puzzle box Law of Effect the correct behavior was learned because the consequences of successful behavior strengthened connections between stimulus and correct responses classical conditioning a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 operant conditioning organisms engage in a wide range of random behaviors some behaviors are followed by pleasant events rewards or reinforcers some behaviors are followed by unpleasant events punishers result these events become unlikely to occur in this situation observational conditioning Bandura Bobo the clown children showed person beating clown they beat clown when left in a room with him when children who didn t see video didn t beat bobo Neutral Stimulus a detectable change in the environment that does not produce a response UnconditionedStimulus Anything that produces a reflexive response without any prior learning Unconditioned Response A natural reaction to an unconditioned stimulus conditioned stimulus neutral stimulus that after repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus becomes associated with it and elicits a conditioned response conditioned response in classical conditioning a learned response to a previously neutral but now conditioned stimulus extinction the process where a CR can be weakened or eliminated when the CS is repeatedly presented in the absence of the US also the procedure the repeated presentation of the CS in the absence of the US 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Spontaneous recovery the reappearance after a pause of an extinguished CR Generalization Responding to a new stimulus as if it were the original Experimental Neurosis Any bizarre or neurotic behavior induced through an experimental procedure such as discrimination training black box term sometimes used to describe behaviourists view of the mind namely an unknown entity that we don t need to understand to explain behaviour Little Albert John Watson let a baby Little Albert play with a white rat then conditioned Albert to fear rats by making a loud noise while Albert was playing with the rat which made Albert cry From then on Albert was afraid of white fluffy things and his mom pulled him from the experiment Law of Effect The likelihood that a given behavior will be repeated depends on the outcome of the behavior Skinner Box AKA operant chamber small animal chamber constructed by Skinner to allow sustained periods of conditioning to be administered and behaviors to be recorded unsupervised continuous reinforcement reinforcing a response each time it occurs Intermittent Reinforcement 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 reinforcement some of the time desired response occurs longer lasting effects more resistant to extinction Positive Reinforcement A pleasant consequence follows the desired behavior causing the behavior to increase Negative Reinforcement when a response is followed by the removal of something unpleasant making the response more likely to occur again Fixed Ratio Reward for a behavior after X responses Causes faster responders to get more rewards Produces high rates of responding Quick extinction when reinforcement is removed Variable ratio reinforcers after an unpredictable number of responses fixed interval delivered first response after a fixed period of time has elasped variable interval reinforce certain behavior after a random period of time spot bonus random thank you note What is the link between conditioning and associative learning Conditioning happens within associative learning It is like the training process of the learning process What did Skinner contribute to behaviorism Operant conditioning a form of learning in which an organism s behavior is shaped 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 by its consequences What did Pavlov contribute to behaviorism describe the process of classical conditioning including extinction and spontaneous recovery What did Edward Thorndike contribute to the psychology of learning the Law Effect concept consequences of behavior determine it s survival whether or not it is learned What did John Watson theory of behaviorism say Behavior is NOT instinctive but learned 35 which observation of laboratory dogs led to Pavlovs interest in conditioning salivation right before food was placed in their mouths pavlov s salivating dog to control all other factors 32 33 34 36 37 Pavlov originally interested in what the digestive tendencies of dogs example of Sexy Mary and classical conditioning sexy mary gets new nightgown and wears it when she wants to have sex husband jerry gets excited just seeing the nightgown after a month of his wife wearing it parts of sexy mary conditioning US Sexy mary UR sexual arousal NS nightgown CR arousal excitement Generalization example not liking any dog after being attacked Example of Spontaneous Recovery In Pavlov s case his dogs stopped drooling if a bell signaling food was repeatedly presented alone but when the bell was rung the day after extinction the conditioned response reappeared Discrimination example For example imagine that a dog has been trained to run to his owner when he hears a whistle After the dog has been conditioned he might respond to a variety sounds that are similar to the whistle Because the trainer wants the dog to respond only to the specific sound of the whistle the trainer can work with the animal to teach him to discriminate between different sounds Eventually the dog will respond only to the whistle and not to other tones what did Watson do after he was fired went into advertising and popularized coffee breaks John Watson Founded behaviorism and redefined psychology as the scientific study of 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 behavior Nature vs Nurture behaviorists believed we learn from experiences what we learn shapes who we become Nature only provides primitive instincts What did the behaviorists believe about psychology Shouldn

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