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Overview of Exam 2 A 40 50 Multiple Choice Questions B Should take roughly 45 minutes to complete but you have the full time and I ll stay slightly longer too time is not an issue C Questions will be based primarily on information in the lecture slides in class lecture For studying purposes start with this outline and the slides The readings are probably best used as a reference when something from your notes or the slides is unclear or when you want to add a bit more depth to your understanding of a concept or finding If a topic or term is not on the outline below it will NOT be on the exam I will ask you to know some of the key findings from research studies we ve discussed in the lectures D E Topic Outline for Exam2 Psychoanalytic Perspectives Ch7 Mon 10 7 Freudian Structure of the Psyche Id unconscious Unconcerned about reality constraints and the unreasonable Eros Thanatos The love instinct earlier called the pleasure principle o The drive for pleasure sexual gratification union and life self preservation The death instinct or aggression insitict o The drive for aggression violence pain infliction and self destruction o Example Death in Tehran A fable about a rich Persian s servant being terrified by death agrees to give him his horse so that he can escape him Later the master sees death in Tehran and asks why he had to frighten his servant and death replies that he didn t mean to he was only surprised to find him there when he intended on seeing him tonight Suggests we are our own worst enemies Ego The I our conscious experience of our selves Is the negotiator of the demands of three tyrants Id superego and reality It must handle and navigate the 1 external world to ensure self preservation and 2 the internal world to reduce psychological tensions anxiety neuroses dealt with through defense mechanisms Healthy personality development strives toward some ego ideal o A self that is able to continually satisfy the demands of the 3 tyrants o When this coping breaks down we see pathological behavior Superego not be doing Internalized representation of parental and societal rules norms and values Our conscience Akin to an internalized authority figure repeatedly telling the ego what it should should Also is unyielding inflexible and unconcerned about reality constraints Example Teachers tell students not to hit other but parents tell kids to protect younger Is the source of guilt siblings differing rules lead to conflict Defense Mechanisms Wish Fulfillment Expressing and satisfying desires through imagination and fantasy Example Dreams painting myths stories daydreams all express and potentially satisfy unconscious desires Fantasy Realization Theory dieting o 3 groups of undergraduate women with dieting goals One group had journal and engaged in fantasizing another group ruminated wrote about things keeping them from goal and last group did a little of both Overall group that engaged in both rumination and fantasizing writing lost most weight then group who only ruminated and fantasizing group lost least amount o Fantasizing reduced need to attain goal o Sharing goals with too many people tends to be counterproductive Sublimation Channeling desire into more socially acceptable and reality appropriate avenues Example Sports sublimate Thanatos friends and lovers and pets sublimate Eros o Displacement like temporary thus less permanent sublimation Temporary shifting to a more appropriate or accessible object other Example desire for comfort from mother turns into attachment to a security blanket Attributing one s own unacceptable thoughts and desires to others o Example I don t hate him he hates me Projection Repression Suppress deny ignore or actively forget some anxiety inducing event or desire o Example blocking out a memory of an embarrassing event o Repressors as a group or a personality trait p 262 o Less Ideal defense mechanism tensions isn t resolved only ignored and it can manifest in neurotic ways o Free association therapy and dream analysis are mean to identify repressed desires and let them play out in the therapy session transference o Repressors do experience less negative emotion in daily life but describe their lives overall in more negative ways and have more health problems Reaction Formation Avidly adopting or over emphasizing the opposite of an anxiety inducing desire o Expressing animosity toward someone when really one wants union o Reaction formation and Homophobia Male undergraduates given a scale to measure homophobia men who scored higher opposed to homosexuality had higher arousal response to gay pornography but not much Rationalization Reinterpreting and justifying our own behavior or desires in a way that make them seem more acceptable to us Rationalization is a powerful tool but a double edged sword o It is central to emotion focused coping Reinterpreting negative events in ways we can live with in ways that don t onset a flooding of anxiety o It also inclines us to persist in potentially harmful and damaging relationships and patterns of behavior Example abusive relationships avoiding responsibilities addiction Theorized sources and treatments for psychological disorders Theorized primary source of mental disorder psychoanalysis o Anxiety caused by conflicts between 3 tyrants o Mental illness arises when coping strategies defense mechanisms break down Example Thanatos has no satisfying outlet and thus turn self destructive o Goal of therapy when coping stops working help the patient bring unconscious conflicts to conscious awareness in order to work through them together via transference Humanistic View Ch 7 Mon 10 14 Humanists Theorized sources and treatments for psychological disorders Theorized primary source of mental disorder humanism o Still caused by conflict but not tyrants ego conflict o Conflict denial and distortion of ones genuine feelings and desires usually because one believes other disapprove o Further caused by having no genuine sense of purpose or meaning or one that comes from external sources I e a thwarted striving instinct Example victor frankl and logotherapy The theory is founded on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose logotherapy is the pursuit of that meaning for one s life Carl Rogers Theory Carl rogers called this conflict conditional regard from others o I ll love and accept you but only if you are a certain way o Example gender norm expectations and Roger s own repressive childhood

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FSU PPE 3003 - Exam 2

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