General Psychology Exam 2 Study Guide Made by Shannon Thompson Teacher Tiffany Brown PSY 2012 Fall 2013 Psychology from inquiry to understanding Second edition Chapter 3 pages 84 103 113 117 Chapter 6 pages 203 232 Includes terms concepts and learning objectives Make sure to look at everything even if it is the same thing discussed in another section Some sections have more details or different explanations GOOD LUCK 2 Ch 3 Terms Absolute refractory period Time during which another action potential is impossible limits maximal firing rate Action Potential Electrical impulse that travels down the axon triggering the release of neurotransmitters Adoption Study Analysis of how traits very in individuals raised apart from their biological relatives Amygdala Part of limbic system that plays key roles in fear excitement and arousal Association Cortex regions of the cerebral cortex that integrate simpler functions to preform more complex functions Autonomic nervous system Part of the nervous system controlling the involuntary actions of our internal organs and glands which along with the limbic system participates in emotion regulation Axon portion of neuron that sends signals Basal Ganglia Structures in the forebrain that help to control movement Blood Brain Barrier A fatty coating that wraps around tiny blood vessels and blocks out substances from entering the brain The Brain s way of protecting itself from infection by bacteria and other intruders Brain stem Part of the brain between the spinal cord and cerebral cortex that contains the midbrain pons and medulla Broca s area language in the prefrontal cortex that helps to control speech production Central Nervous system CNS part of the nervous system containing brain and spinal cord that controls the mind and behavior Cerebellum Brain structure responsible for our sense of balance Cerebral cortex Outermost part of forebrain responsible for analyzing sensory processing and higher brain functions Cerebral hemispheres Two halves of the cerebral cortex each of which serve distinct yet highly integrated functions Cerebral ventricles pockets in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid CFS which provides the brain with nutrients and cushion against injury Chromosome Slender thread inside a cell s nucleus that carries genes Corpus callosum Large bands of fibers connecting the two cerebral hemispheres Dendrite Portion of neuron that receives signals Dominate Gene gene that masks other genes effects Endorphin Chemical in the brain that plays a specialized role in pain reduction Family study analysis of how characteristics run in intact families Fitness Organisms capacity to pass on their genes Forebrain cerebrum foreword part of the brain that allows advanced intellectual abilities Frontal lobe Forward part of cerebral cortex responsible for motor function language memory and planning Gene Genetic material composed of Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA Genotype our genetic make up Glial cell Cell in nervous system that plays a role in the formation of myelin and the blood brain barrier responds to injury removes debris and enhances learning and memory Heritability Percentage of the variability in a traits across individuals that is due to genes Hindbrain Region below the midbrain that contains the cerebellum pons and medulla Hippocampus Part of the brain that plays a role in spatial memory Hypothalamus Part of the brain responsible for maintaining a constant internal state Interneuron Neuron that sends messages to other neurons nearby Limbic system Emotional center of the brain that also plays roles in smell motivation and memory Medulla Part of brain stem involved in basic functions such as heartbeat and breathing Midbrain Part of the brain stem that contributes to the movement tracking of visual stimuli and reflexes triggered by sound Motor cortex Part of frontal lobe responsible for body movement Myelin sheath Glial celis wrapped around axons that act as insulators of the neurons signals Neurogenesis Creation of new neurons in the adult s brain Neuron Nerve cell specialized for communication Neurotransmitter Chemical messenger specialized from communication from neuron to neuron Occipital lobe back part of the cerebral cortex specialized for vision Parasympathetic nervous system Division of autonomic nervous system that controls rest and digestion Parietal lobe Upper middle part of the cerebral cortex lying behind the frontal lobe that is specialized for touch and perception Peripheral Nervous system PNS nerves in the body that extend outside the central nervous system CNS Phenotype Our observable traits Plasticity Ability of the nervous system to change Pons Part of the brain stem that connects the cortex with the cerebellum Pons medulla 3 Prefrontal cortex part of frontal lobe responsible for thinking planning and language Primary sensory cortex Regions of the cerebral cortex that initially process information from the senses Receptor site Location that uniquely recognizes a neurotransmitter Recessive gene Gene that is expressed only in the absence of a dominant gene Reflex AN automatic motor response to a sensory stimulus Resting potential Electrical charge difference 60 millivolts across the neuronal membrane when the neuron is not being stimulated or inhibited Reuptake Means of recycling neurotransmitters Reticular activating system RAS brain area that plays a key role in arousal Somatic nervous system part of the nervous system that conveys information between the CNS and the body controlling and coordinating voluntary movement Spinal cord Thick bundle of nerves that conveys signals between the brain and the body Stem cell a cell often originating in embryos having the capacity to differentiate into a more specialized cell Sympathetic nervous system Division of the autonomic nervous system engaged during a crisis or after actions requiring fight or flight Synapse Space between two connecting neurons through which messages are transmitted chemically Synaptic Cleft A gap into which messages are transmitted chemically Synaptic vesicle Spherical sac containing neurotransmitters Temporal Lobe lower part of cerebral cortex that plays roles in hearing understanding language and memory Thalamus Gateway from the sense organs to the primary sensory cortex 4 Threshold Membrane potential necessary to trigger an action potential Twin study Analysis of how traits differ in identical versus fraternal twins Wernicke s Area Part of the temporal lobe
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