Study Guide for Exam 4 General Psychology Ch 13 Personality Ch 15 Abnormal Psychology Instructions Key concepts and ideas will be listed below This will cover the majority of the material that you will be tested on Most of this material will have been covered in lecture Material from the book may also appear on the exam However understand that this study guide may not contain every concept that you ll need to know for the exam and it will be necessary to review the readings and your notes CH 13 Personality Psychoanalysis Freud believed that through exposing unconscious sexual drives and thoughts one could find the reason for and fix their conscious actions All psychological events have a cause actions are not free Psychic Determinism not in textbook find in slides Unconscious Motivation Id Ego Superego Majority of motivation lies beneath the surface Id the impulse Ego The mediatior decision maker Superego Morality the parent Freud s Personality Structure Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflicts between id superego Free Association Tapping into the unconscious through means of leading what the person is saying to get into the unconscious Stages of psychosexual development 1 Oral focuses on pleasures of the mouth 2 Anal focuses on bowel bladder functions and control of these functions 3 Phallic focuses on genitals coping with incestuous sexual feelings 4 Latency dormant sexual feelings 5 Genital maturation of sexual interests Neo Freudians Alfred Adler 1 Escape from sexuality as a driving force 2 Increased optimism about life and personality change Believed in childhood tensions similar to Freud but these tensions were social and not sexual Child struggles with an inferiority complex during growth strives for superiority and power Karen Horney Erik Erikson Carl Jung Rejected a sexual emphasis and discussed gender issues Believed in personality development throughout the lifetime Agreed with Freud s unconscious but said there is more there than repressed thoughts feelings and more than sexual drives Believed in the collective unconscious Tests consisting of ambiguous stimuli that subjects must interpret such as ink blot pictures Projective tests Radical Behaviorism Free will is an illusion unconscious views differed from Freud personality is outside of us personality consists of behaviors Black Box of Cognition Social Cognitive theory Pre post behaviorists Let s think about this Behaviorist ideals No one knows so why should we care 1 Conditioning depends on thought 2 Observational learning is important 3 Locus of control belief of the amount of power a person has over the events in their life External I am controlled by my environment Internal I am able to control my environment Locus of Control external and internal Learned Helplessness Humanism Belief that a situation is unchangeable or inescapable Emphasis on personal views and optimism Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers Humanist said people are motivated by needs Humanist unconditional positive regard an attitude of total acceptance toward another person Maslow s Hierarchy of needs Process of fulfilling our full potential People are motivated to satisfy basic requirements and the strive to schieve self actualization Self Actualization Conditions of Worth Social influences on the concept of worth Ex a child might not include anger in her self concept because her parents scolding has established a condition of worth such that anger is inappropriate People s characteristic behaviors and conscious motives Trait 16 factor theory five factor theory three factor model Researchers look for enduring traits that are relatively stable behavior patterns Sixteen factor theory Ray Cattell too complex of a model Five factor theory Big Five Model most widely used talked about Three factor model Hans Eysenck emerging model too limiting Factor analysis Analyzes the correlations among responses on personality inventories and other measures The big five factors know what each of them are 1 Conscientiousness careful responsible 2 Agreeableness sociable easy to get along with 3 Neuroticism tense moody 4 Openness intellectually curious unconventional 5 Extraversion social lively remember as C A N O E or O C E A N Basic tendencies versus characteristic adaptations Basic tendencies underlying personality traits Characteristic adaptations behavioral manifestations Ex Jack and Oscar identical personalities one a devout Jew other a devout Nazi Steal cheat and lie study person situation controversy money or to change an answer on a test correlation between these behaviors were low Study that looked at children s behavior when given an opportunity to steal Know the underlying motivation for the majority of Freud s work How was this different from the stage theorists that had come before him or the neo freudians that came after him Might this have had something to do with the type of clients that he saw Also know some of the basic facts about Freud like what his original career choice was and what caused him to alter it Initially a neurologist Freud s clinical experiences of working with women with hysteria altered his views of mental disorders and led him to develop his psychoanalytic perspective His work was different than the others because it had a focus on sexual drives and that people developed through stages of sexual development Other work was focused on environmental factors and societal relationships Know the stages of Freud s psychosexual development Know what occurred during each stage If given a scenario be able to identify what stage it is associated with according to Freud For example if a person is obsessed with control which stage would Freud consider the person to be fixated at What is fixation 1 Oral focuses on pleasures of the mouth 2 Anal focuses on bowel bladder functions and control of these functions 3 Phallic focuses on genitals coping with incestuous sexual feelings 4 Latency dormant sexual feelings 5 Genital maturation of sexual interests Person obsessed with control would be stuck at the anal stage What are the three assumptions of all of psychoanalysis including Freud and the Neo Freudians What do each of them mean 1 Unconscious Motivation majority of motivation lied beneath the surface 2 Psychic Determinism all psychological events have a cause 3 Symbolic Meaning everything had an underlying meaning Know Freud s ideas about the unconscious mind Know the three different parts how he described each of them and
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