Exam 4 Chapters 12 13 and 14 Bonus Extra Credit picture DRAWING FOR EXTRACREDIT Baby matt in Liverpool throws empty beer can at TV of Everton playing soccer Only gets praise from parents when Everton soccer is on and cheers for Liverpool Eventually he learns to dislike Everton and love Liverpool Wears Liverpool jersey in the 2nd half of picture Positive feedback as a child Label behavior stimulus reinforcement and behavior hooligan pushes around Everton fans The Behavioral Approach Chapter 12 B F Skinner Reinforcement Theory o Life of Skinner Childhood was not as messed up Identitiy crisis when he failed career in writing Skinner learned from John B Watson little albert showed a rabbit conditioned little albert to be scared of rabbit then condition to be scared of all white fluffy things little albert eventually died Edward Thorndike Skinnerbox based on thorndike s ideas Infamously known for developing eugenics From him skinner learned how to do experiments with animals o Rats Pigeons and an Empty Organism Not quite a personality theory Makes no reference to internal subjective states that account for behavior Empty organism nothing inside us that can explain behavior in scientific Black box anything that goes in there is not worth studying not look at the terms internal processes o Ruled out all of kelly s o Ruled out conscious and unconscious thoughts Rats and pigeons not people o Studies were based on reactions to stimuli animals do this well o Animal behavior is more simple than human behavior Never studied humans o Reinforcement the basis of behavior Behavior can be controlled by its consequences Can be trained to perform virtually anything Respondent Behavior Impulsive reflexive unlearned startled response fight or flight automatic and involuntary Conditioning respondent behavior that is learned Can be conditioned in the example with Pavlov s dog Operant Behavior Reinforcement the act of stregnthenig a response by adding a reward thus increasing the likelihood that the response will be repeated o giving some sort of reinforce to lead to the behavior o Extinction when the reinforcement ceases so too does the conditioned behavioral response Behavior emitted spontaneously or voluntarily that operates on the environment to change it The behavior occurs first then there is a reinforcement that follows it Personality is simply a pattern of operant behaviors Operant conditioning and the Skinner Box o The procedure by which a change in the consequences of a response will affect the rate at which the response occurs o Rat in the Skinner box pulls a lever food pellet drops down because of its action of pulling the lever its environment changes food appears and this action is reinforced and repeated by this change o Skinner believed that most behavior is learned through operant conditioning See bonus drawing as an example Reinforcement Schedule patterns or rates of providing or withholding reinforcers Fixed interval the reinforcer is presented following the first response that occurs after a fixed time interval has elapsed o Getting paid at work every two weeks Fixed ratio the reinforcers are given only after the organism has made a specified number of responses o Getting paid to mow lawns get paid by per lawn not per Successive Approximation Shaping hour o Commission pay amount of time passage Variable interval the reinforce is presented following a random o Fishing might get a bite after an hour then 3 hours then 30 minutes random appearance of fish Variable ratio based on an average number of responses between reinforcers but a great variability around that average o Slot machines after an amount of pulls you win but you don t know how often it will happen Most everyday learning is brought about through variable reinforcement schedules These types also have better resistance to extinction The organism is reinforced as its behavior comes in successive or consecutive stages to approximate the final behavior desired Definition an explanation for the acquisition of complex behavior Behavior such as learning to speak will be reinforced only as it comes to approximate or approach the final desired behavior Babbling first increases babbling behavior praise children start to shape sounds then kid says their first word parents freak out reinforce Didn t just learn the idea is that this behavior is shaped first at home then at school until capable masters of language Persistent behavior that has a coincidental and not a functional relationship to the reinforcement received o Ex kicker hugged goalposts before a successful kick started doing this before every game o Random interval schedule of reinforcing start to generate behaviors that serve no purpose because we believe they correlate to something else Accidental reinforcement a behavior that is reinforced or conditioned due to a completely unrelated reinforcer Superstitious behavior o Whatever behavior is occurring at the moment of reinforcement will come to be displayed more frequently o The Self Control of Behavior Self control the ability to exert control over the variables that determine our behavior Stimulus Avoidance removing yourself from an external variable that affects your behavior o Remove yourself from the room that the TV is on when you re trying to study Self administered satiation we exert control to cure ourselves of bad habits by overdoing the behavior o Its like parents making their son drink so much to the point where he never wants to do it again Aversive Stimulation any negative stimulus to which an organism will learn to make a response that avoids it o Someone wants to lose weight telling all their friends they want to lose weight act in a way that you look like you re trying to lose weight Self reinforcement rewarding ourselves for displaying good or desirable behavior o After getting a good grade on a test allow yourself to go out and have fun o Operant Conditioning Applications Behavior Modification A form of therapy that applies the principles of reinforcement to bring about the desired changes Token Economy A behavior modification technique in which tokens which can be exchanged for valued objects or privileges are awarded for desirable behaviors Rewarding system for positive behaviros use the rewards to redeem prizes etc Used with children ADHD Used to get students to show up to class clickers Encouraging attendance in this class wont make you go to other classes stopping attendance in here will most likely
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