Study Guide for Exam 4 General Psychology Ch 13 Personality Ch 15 Abnormal Psychology Instructions Key concepts and ideas will be listed below This will cover the majority of the material that you will be tested on Most of this material will have been covered in lecture Material from the book may also appear on the exam However understand that this study guide may not contain every concept that you ll need to know for the exam and it will be necessary to review the readings and your notes CH 13 Personality Psychoanalysis Freud s theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions Three assumptions of psychoanalysis Unconscious Motivation o The majority of motivation lies beneath the surface Psychic Determinism All psychological events have a cause o Actions are not free o We are at the whim of inner forces Symbolic Meaning o Everything has an underlying meaning o Freud s Interpretation of Dreams Freud s Personality Structure Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflicts between id and superego Id the impulse infant or person who is excessively impulsive Superego morality the parent Ego the mediator the decision maker The Id unconsciously strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives operating on the pleasure principle demanding immediate gratification The ego functions as the executive and mediates the demands of the id and The superego provides standards for judgment the conscience and for future superego aspirations Free Association in psychoanalysis a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind no matter how trivial or embarrassing A means of tapping into the unconscious by leading what the person is saying he thought that he could get from the associated comment into the unconscious Patient was free to express what was on their mind Examiner Interprets Examiner analyzes response for unconscious information Patient is relieved of the symptoms Stages of psychosexual development Freud tied personality very much into sexual urges and his development across the lifespan was not much different Person developed through stages of development related to their sexual development Ex Oral fixation nipple sucking fixation would be cigarettes Anal fixation toilet training obsessed with control Phallic becoming sexual coping with incest feelings fixation would be sexual fixation Latency sex crazy takes a break Genital sexually becoming mature and interacting sexually Neo Freudians 1 Escape from sexuality as driving force 2 Increased optimism about life and personality change Freud wrote that the goal of psychoanalysis is to turn neurotic misery into ordinary everyday happiness Alfred Adler As a child Alder was crippled Was a follower of Freud and was the first to leave his way of thinking Like Freud Adler believed in childhood tensions However these tensions were social in nature and not sexual He believed a child struggles with an inferiority complex during growth and strives for superiority and power Karen Horney Like Adler she rejected the sexual drives of personality in favor of a social tension view for personality formation She said that childhood anxiety caused by the child s helplessness triggered our desire for love and security Discussed gender issues Women s sense of inferiority because of dependence on men Erik Erikson Agreed with Freud s unconscious but said there is more there than repressed thoughts and feelings and more than just sexual drives Proposed a theory of personality development throughout the lifetime Titled his theory psychosocial development Carl Jung Jung saw Freud s theory of the unconscious as incomplete and unnecessarily negative According to Jung though not according to Freud Freud conceived the unconscious solely as a repository of repressed emotions and desires Jung agreed with Freud s model of the unconscious what Jung called the personal unconscious but he also proposed the existence of a second far deeper form of the unconscious underlying the personal one This was the collective unconscious where the archetypes themselves resided represented in mythology by a lake or other body of water and in some cases a jug or other container Freud had actually mentioned a collective level of psychic functioning but saw it primarily as an appendix to the rest of the psyche Collective unconscious common elements that are shared by all people including spiritual concerns universal principles things that underlie human beings as a species Talked about extroversion and introversion Projective tests designed to trigger internal stimuli of one s internal dynamics used to glean information about personality meant to reveal things about the unconscious mind Rorschach test and Thematic Apperception Test developed by Henry Murray limited by validity and reliability Radical Behaviorism Free will is an illusion I did not direct my life I didn t design it I never made decisions Things always came up and made them for me That s what life is Personality consists of behaviors Personality is outside of us Unconscious views differed from Freud Black Box of Cognition What happened between the stimulus and the response Pre and pos behaviorism scientists were interested what occurs in the black box During the behaviorist movement no one cared Social Cognitive theory Conditioning depends on thought Observational learning important Locus of Control external and internal The belief of the amount of power someone has over the events in their life I Rotter s locus of control Two different types of locus of control internal and external These refer to the extent to which you do or don t have control over your own life and environment External locus of control I m controlled by my environment Internal locus of control I m able to control my environment There is a scale that determines where you fall on this continuum External or Internal i Many people live miserable lives because of their parents External ii If you set realistic goals you can succeed no matter what Internal iii One can climb the professional ladder just by being around at the right time External If I study hard enough I can pass any exam Internal iv Personality is strongly influenced by our sense of personal control i Anxiety depression correlated with external LOC ii Causation is
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