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Study Guide for Exam 3 General Psychology Learning Behaviorism Sensation Perception Developmental Psychology Human Development in textbook Instructions Key concepts and ideas will be listed below This will cover the majority of the material that you will be tested on Most of this material will have been covered in lecture Material from the book may also appear on the exam However understand that this study guide may not contain every concept that you ll need to know for the exam and it will be necessary to review the readings and your notes Ch 7 Learning Behaviorism Associative Learning learning that certain events occur together Ivan Pavlov didn t consider himself a psychologist digestive tendencies of dogs classical conditioning B F Skinner followed Watson as leader of behaviorism Walden 2 more tame than Watson he used Thorndike s ideas for operant conditioning John Watson original behaviorist popularized classical conditioning Edward Thorndike Classical Conditioning forming associations between stimuli Involves actions that are automatic responses to a stimulus food creates salivation Pairs things together Operant Conditioning conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response prompting and shaping responses Observational Conditioning Bandura learning from others i e following in your parents actions footsteps Neutral Stimulus NS the stimulus that originally elicits no response Unconditioned Stimulus UCS stimulus that automatically produces a response Unconditioned Response UCR automatic response to a stimulus Conditioned Stimulus CS originally neutral stimulus that comes to produce a response Conditioned Response CR learned response to previously neutral stimulus Extinction repeating CS without UCS will result in no response Spontaneous Recovery presenting old CS with UCS Generalization stimulus similar to CS will elicit UCR think of Little Albert generalized things that looked like the animals and was cautious Experimental Neurosis is produced in the laboratory by putting subjects in a situation where they are required to make discriminations or produce problem solving responses that are beyond their capacity to produce This is a learned helplessness paradigm when aversive stimulation consistently follows their inevitable failures Black Box in Behaviorism what exists between the stimulus and response behaviorists did not care about it Little Albert tried to condition a baby Watson showed Albert things he liked animals fire etc Conditioned by striking a bar behind albert whenever he tried to touch the animals Now when Albert would see the animals he would cry act cautious Law of Effect rewarded behavior is likely to recur Thorndike Skinner Box Operant Conditioning Chamber had a chamber with a bar or key that an animal would manipulate to obtain food or water contained devices to record responses Tried to shape behavior through reinforcers food water Continuous Reinforcement the desired behavior is reinforced every single time it occurs Intermittent Reinforcement the response is only reinforced part of the time Positive Reinforcement add a desirable stimulus to encourage behavior money for good grades Negative Reinforcement remove an aversive stimulus to encourage behavior fastening a seatbelt to turn off beeping Positive Punishment adding an aversive stimulus to stop a behavior spanking a child Negative Punishment taking away an aversive stimulus to stop a behavior taking away TV Fixed Ratio reward every fixed amount of responses rat gets food after 10 presses Variable Ratio reward after random unpredictable number of responses rat gets awarded after random of presses Fixed Interval reward occurs on a certain fixed time schedule rat gets awarded after pressing lever after a certain time period Variable Interval reinforce a response after a varying time period rat gets awarded after random amount of time Be able to answer the following questions to prepare for your exam What is the relationship between associative learning and the different types of conditioning When a action is acted out after being conditioned a certain response from the subject will follow So when one event occurs it is expected that the other will Know who all of the figures are in the list above Make sure you know what each of them is most famous for and what they are responsible for contributing in Behaviorism In the case of Pavlov know what he did that would later contribute to Behaviorism Pavlov dogs responses Watson little albert experiment Know how Pavlov went about discovering the principles that led to classical conditioning What was his original interest in research What happened that led him to pursue a different research interest Know what one of the Pavlovian devices looked like that restrained dogs during one of his experiments He was originally interested in the digestive tendencies of dogs won Nobel Prize in 1904 Spend time understanding classical conditioning Know what each of the terms means in classical conditioning Given an example be able to identify which term matches that part of classical conditioning Go over all of the examples we looked at in class dogs and bells sexy mary etc Practice them extensively and make your own examples if you can These terms are easy to confuse so spend your time working on this Know some practical uses of classical conditioning including their use in cancer food aversion and specific phobias Look at vocabulary provides examples w definitions Sexy Mary was when Mary bought a new nightgown and wore it she gets in the mood for sexual relations After a month the site of the nightgown alone is enough to excite Jerry her husband Know the terms generalization spontaneous recovery and discrimination Be able to identify these terms if real world examples are given Vocabulary Know basic facts about John Watson Know the development of his career from the beginning to when he eventually got fired What caused this What did he do after he was fired from his academic position Fired because of an affair after that he advertised for Classical Conditioning principles Understand the stance of Behaviorism on the nature vs nurture debate Behaviorism Nurture over Nature What did the behaviorists think about the black box Should it be studied What is the black box How does this relate to the period of time before and after Behaviorism They did not care about

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FSU PSY 2012 - Exam 3

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