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Exam 2 Learning Objectives Lecture 1 1 Conditioning 1 Know the differences between classical and operant conditioning a Classical Conditioning learning to associate 2 stimuli such that 1 stimulus CS comes to produce a response that originally was only produced by the other stimulus UCS i UCS UCR ii During conditioning CS UCS UCR iii So then CS CR which is the same as the UCR b Operant Conditioning behavior is modified by its consequences i Positive consequences increase the likelihood of a behavior s recurrence ii Negative consequences decrease the likelihood of a behavior s occurrence iii Key concepts methods of operant conditioning in Q 2 2 Know the terms and examples from page 72 POSITIVE VS NEGATIVE adding a stimulus removing a stimulus a Positive Reinforcer presentation of a stimulus after a response strengthens the response i Example A 1st grade teacher s praise for a child s obedient behavior leads to increased obedience in the future b Negative Reinforcer the removal of a stimulus after a response strengthens the response i Example Constant criticism from your mother about smoking cigarettes stops when you quit smoking Removal of the criticism reward for stopping smoking c Positive Punishment presentation of a stimulus after a response weakens the response i A speeding motorist is given a ticket for going too fast The ticket punishment which leads to less speeding by the motorist in the future d Negative Punishment the removal of a stimulus after a response weakens the response i A teen who repeatedly breaks curfew is grounded The positive reinforcer of going out with her friends is removed causing the teen in subsequent weeks to come home in time OTHER CONCEPTS OF OPERANT CONDITIONING e Extinction a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced eventually the behavior decreases and drops to baseline levels i Child no longer says please thank you at the dinner table because the parents no longer reinforce the behavior with smiles and compliments f Shaping getting the organism to emit a complex response by reinforcing successive approximations to the behaviors that make up the complex response i Little league coach teaching a child to hit a ball by praising many simple behaviors of batting At 1 st child is reinforced for being in the correct stance then for swinging the bat then finally hitting the ball Finally praise is only delivered when child shows the entire complex process of actually hitting the ball g Continuous reinforcement delivering reinforcement after every instance of a particular response Behavior submitted to a continuous reinforcement schedule is learned rapidly i Every time a man tells his girlfriend he loves her she kisses him h Partial reinforcement Not reinforcing every instance of behavior but rather delivering reinforcement intermittently according to a particular schedule 2 types i Interval reinforcement schedules administer reinforcement after a particular period of time 1 Example A worker receives a paycheck once every 2 weeks ii Ratio reinforcement schedules administer reinforcement after a particular of responses 1 Example A computer salesman receives a bonus after he sells 100 computers iii Behavior submitted to partial reinforcement schedules is more resistant to extinction than 3 What is observational learning continually reinforced behavior a Learning behavior simply by watching observing other people the world 4 What are the steps necessary for observational learning Be able to recognize examples a Attention depends on model stimuli distinctiveness affective valence complexity prevalence and characteristics of the observer sensory capacities arousal level perceptual set past reinforcement i Example a blind man can t imitate what he she can t see ii Example if observer is tired not aroused no learning will take place b Retention person must be able to encode remember and make sense of what he she observes i Symbolic coding cognitive organization symbolic rehearsal motor rehearsal ii Example no matter how many times you show algebra flashcards to a baby he she will never be able to learn it because he she can t encode it c Motor Reproductive Processes concerns the actual capabilities of the observer and the availability of such performance in the observer s behavior d Motivational Processes an observer must want to imitate behavior if behavior imitation is to occur i This is where rewards and punishments play their strongest roles 1 Assuming the observer has attended to the model s behavior encoded retained it and is capable of reproducing it reinforcement is what will make it happen 5 What is social ecology a The many different environmental contexts that influence a person s behavior and shape his her life 6 What is a microcontext What is a macrocontext Be able to recognize examples a Microcontexts immediate environmental influences b Macrocontexts social class race gender culture and historical context in which we live 7 What is a meme non pop culture version Be able to recognize examples How are memes like genes a An idea behavior style or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture i Examples English language democracy Christianity 8 What are the differences between Easter and Western cultures when describing themselves 1 Idea that other cultures are inferior allows that culture to survive longer a Eastern VS Western i Relationships VS characteristics ii Context dependence iii Specialness iv Eastern focus more on interdependence 1 Western focus more in independence 9 What are the two fundamental cultural tasks Interdependence being close to others Independence maintain independence a b 10 Recognize examples of independent and interdependent behavior Are Eastern cultures or Western cultures more independent Which is more interdependent How does this relate to individualistic and collectivistic cultures Independent behavior you assert what you want and assume that everyone around you is asserting what they want a b Interdependent behavior you try to accommodate to what others want and assume that everyone around you is accommodating to what you want i Similar to individualistic ii Prominent in Western cultures i Similar to collectivistic ii Prominent in Eastern Asian cultures 11 What are the criticisms of cultural differences in self concept a Meta analysis effect of size differences between Eastern and Western cultures b May be oversimplification 12 What is self enhancement How do cultures differ in self

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FSU PPE 3003 - Exam 2

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