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PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY EXAM 4 Chapters 9 10 11 Chapter 9 1 Know the three parts of the mind from a psychoanalytic perspective and be able to describe each Conscious thoughts feelings and images about which you ARE aware Preconscious Information you are not thinking about but can easily be made conscious Unconscious Hidden unacceptable thoughts memories or feelings 2 Be able to define psychic determinism Psychic Determinism All behaviors and thoughts are an expression of the mind nothing happens by chance Dreams the royal road to the unconscious manifest content vs latent content Manifest Content What a dream actually contains Latent Content What the elements of a dream represent Freudian Slips When somebody says something else because their mind is elsewhere examples of newswoman saying penis instead of whatever word was being proctored to them on television 3 Be able to describe the id ego and superego Psychic Energy is directed by the id ego and superego Id pleasure principle Ego reality principle Superego morality values principle MODERN IDEAS ABOUT THE FINITE SUPPLY OF PSYCHIC ENERGY ego depletion refers to the idea that self control relies on a limited source Exercising self control diminishes one s ability to exercise self control in the immediate future cookies and radishes example people who held off from eating cookies had more self control then people who held off from eating radishes 4 Be able to list and describe the stages of psychosexual development Children pass through 3 stages in which they face conflicts regarding sexual gratification the manner in which children dorms the basis for personality failure to resolve a conflict leads to a fixation Oral stage birth to 18 months Source of pleasure Mouth Conflict Weaning excessive pleasure from breast bottle feeding fear of abandonment Fixation if conflict not resolved smoking or overeating being overly dependent Anal Stage 18 months 3 years Source of pleasure Anus Conflict Toilet Training exercising the right amount of control Fixation if conflict not resolved overly neat and controlling or impulsive and messy Phallic Stage 3 5 years Source of pleasure Genitals Conflict Oedipal Electra desire to have opposite sex parent to oneself Fixation if conflict not resolved lack of moral development Latency and Genital Stages not marked by characteristic conflicts Latency Stage 6 years to puberty not much psychological development Genital Stage puberty to end of life one only reaches this stage after resolving the conflicts of the other stages 5 Know how Freud s ideas laid the groundwork for modern ideas regarding the partitioned mind and ego depletion Ego Depletion When someone feels physically tired after fighting off temptation that would satisfy his or her ID Kahneman had modern ideas about partitioned mind System 1 automatic effortless intuitive System 2 effortful analytical 6 Know and be able to recognize examples of the defense mechanisms discussed in class Denial refusing to acknowledge anxiety provoking facts e g No I didn t get dumped it was a mutual breakup Displacement channeling a troublesome impulse to a nonthreatening target e g mad at boss but take it out on subordinates Rationalization generating acceptable reasons for undesirable behavior e g it is okay to steal from Wal Mart it is an evil company Reaction Formation attempting to stifle the expression of an undesirable urge by acting the exact opposite way e g killing with kindness Projection noticing and disparaging a person for having an undesirable trait that one has e g a narcissist saying that person is so self obsessed what a jerk Sublimation channeling unacceptable urges into acceptable outlets e g working out when you are really angry 7 Know the two criteria that Freud used to judge whether an adult developed successfully Productivity Satisfying Relationships 8 Know the information from Chapter 9 that was not discussed in class and how it relates to the info discussed in class http quizlet com 15097589 ch 9 psychoanalytic approaches to personality flash cards Chapter 10 1 Know the 5 ideas behind modern psychoanalysis Contemporary Psychoanalysis was inspired by Freud and modified and advanced by others Focus on childhood relationships and adult conflicts with others 5 ideas behind modern psychoanalysis 1 Unconscious is important 2 Behavior reflects conflict between desires fears 3 A lot of personality development happens in childhood 4 How we see self and others guides interactions 5 Development learning how to get along with others 2 Know and understand the processes that can lead to false memories Leading questions imagination inflation effect and confirmatory bias are processes that help create false memories Loftus some but not all recovered memories are false Confirmatory Bias when we have a belief we have a tendency to look for evidence to confirm that belief and tend to keep digging until we find it 3 Know how the modern view of unconscious processes differs from Freud s view of the unconscious We don t usually refer to Freud s id ego and superego anymore Rather we focus on motivated and cognitive unconscious 4 Understand the studies on priming that were discussed in class Priming a technique to make associate material more accessible to conscious awareness than material that is not this Bargh s priming studies rudeness and elderly Unconscious info can have brief predictable influence on thoughts behavior Much more evidence for the cognitive unconscious than the motivated unconscious 5 Know the roles of the ego Roles of ego master of environment achieve goals and establish identity sense of self Difficult establishing identity cid 224 identity crisis Confusion about roles goals Erik Erikson believed that ego is a powerful and independent part of personality 6 Know Erikson s 8 stages of development and the questions that accompany each stage Personality Development occurs throughout life Social challenges at each stage non sexual Retained idea of fixation 1 Trust vs Mistrust infancy Are other people generally good 2 Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt Toddlerhood How much of the world do I control 3 Initiative vs Guilt young childhood How do I achieve goals 4 Industry vs Inferiority elementary school Am I able to achieve goals 5 Identity vs Role Confusion adolescence Who am I Identity Foreclosure Moratorium 6 Intimacy vs Isolation young adult Can I form an intimate relationship 7 Generativity vs Stagnation adulthood Am I doing something meaningful with

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