Topic Outline for Exam 3 Erik Erikson s Life Stages Ch 9 Lecture 4 3 Overview of the Theory How it explains personality development o In the 8 stages of development throughout the lifespan a central and recurring conflict or implicit question is faced by the individual o The answer to the question conflict forms one s adult character structure thus developing their personality Eight Stages o Trust vs Mistrust 1 2 years old Implicit questions Can I depend on others Is the world safe How can I be secure Later strength virtue Hope that needs will be met Develop sense of trust and security and that the world is safe environment is predictable and life is trustworthy Mistrust will be experienced but a balance of trust and mistrust is important for healthy development o Autonomy vs Shame Doubt 2 3 years old Implicit questions Can I do some things for myself independently How can I be independent Later strength virtue Will ability to effectively exercise freedom Obtain independent freedom autonomy and master of self in the world and avoid humiliation shame doubt etc in which self efficacy is threatened o Initiative vs Guilt 4 5 years old Implicit questions How much right power do I have to do what I want get what I want and get others to do what I want How can I be powerful Later strength virtue Purpose Identification with powerful roles i e kings princesses Strong capacity for guilt when kids overstep their entitlement Due to development of theory of mind guilt arouses when one does something wrong Theory of Mind Lying The ability to recognize that others perspective experience is different from your own other people have different thoughts feelings etc Lying increases dramatically because they learned that it allows them to get what they want and get out of trouble o In home observation study 96 of children lied at least once 4 yr olds lied every 2 hrs 6 yr olds lied every hr o The Peeking Game Children sit with their back to 3 toys and have to guess the toys based on sounds After Toy 2 the experimenter leaves toy 3 s sound has nothing to do with the toy so if they guess right they peeked 1 3 3 yr olds peek 80 admitted when asked 80 4 yr olds peek 80 lied when asked o Industry vs Inferiority 6 11 years old school age Implicit question How can I be good Later strength virtue Competence exertion of skill and smarts Can I complete tasks skills successfully and to the satisfaction of parents teachers and other socializing agents Learn skills to become a good worker citizen and member of society Strong obsession with rules want things to go how it s supposed to go Am I inferior to others inferiority at this age is highly impactful defining but too much praise can also be negative o Identity vs Role Confusion 12 18ish years Implicit questions Who am I How do I fit into the adult world Later strength virtue Fidelity being sincere genuine and dutiful to one s self and socio cultural role one has adopted Social identity is important not just who you are internally but also externally Corresponded with neural development in pre frontal cortex Abstract thinking hypothetical reasoning o Question things why things are the way they are imagine differences Self regulation still developing o If I want to be a certain way I must act that way Marcia s 3 Identity Stages Moratorium o Adolescents currently in a state of crisis and actively exploring and experimenting with alternatives Changes phases people go through i e music Process of elimination Negative identities those who they are trying not to be like i e parents authority figures Foreclosure o Identity commitments are expressed and adhered to without experiencing crisis moratorium stage Not much questioning know who they are believe what they were taught not much confusion dogmatic Internalizing parental cultural values and identities Achievement o Undergone a period of questioning and committed to their own set of goals values and beliefs o Intimacy vs Isolation Young adulthood Implicit question can I be close to and dependent upon others without losing myself my identity and my autonomy How can I love Later strength virtue Love ability to experience psychological union with someone else Form close relationships bonds with others outside family while maintaining self Not just romantic love Interdependent relationships not dependent o Generativity vs Stagnation Adulthood Implicit question How can I fashion a gift Later strength virtue Care concern for others need to teach better next generation Active involvement in teaching guiding next generation Desire to invest one s substance in forms of life and work that will outlive the self Satisfied through purposeful work family Stagnation not seeking outlets for generatively feeling of not having done much for others only for self o Integrity vs Despair Late adulthood old age Implicit question How can I receive a gift gift of life Later strength virtue Wisdom Integrity self respect develop when people live richly and responsibly Despair heartache remorse occurs when previous life events are viewed with regret Self reflecting stage Attachment Theory Ch 2 8 Lecture 4 8 Attachment as a rational conditioned implicit model o The internal working model is developed through recurring activation of the ABS as the implicit answer Will you be there when I need you o Attachment is a conditioned response to experiences regarding caregiver s responsiveness and availability o The Marshmallow Experiment Delayed gratification In the experiment an adult gives the child the option to either eat one marshmallow immediately or wait until the they leave the room and comes back and will get 2 marshmallows instead However the adult leaves and then comes back without giving the child the marshmallow and then happens for a 2nd time Findings the kids no longer wait for the second marshmallow Bowlby Ainsworth s role in early Attachment research o Attachment Behavioral System ABS Activated in response to internal threat pain stress and external threat fear stimuli Motivates 2 behavior types Distress signaling crying verbalizing fears visual cues Proximity seeking approaching clinging separation protests anxiety Satisfied when one experiences felt security by having caregiver respond to needs and provide a safe haven o Strange Situation Test SST Causes of Infant Attachment Strange Situation Test experiment in which the infant a caregiver and a stranger interact in a comfortable setting and the infant s behaviors are observed in
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