Consciousness our subjective experience of the world our bodies and our mental perspectives Sleep paralysis out of body near death and mystical experiences are all alterations of normal consciousness Circadian Rhythm cyclical changes that occur roughly 24 hour basis in many biological processes o Hormone release body temperature brain waves o o Disruptions of these rhythms can cause numerous health problems Regulated by the biological clock CONSCIOUSNESS The Biology of Sleep How much Infants 16 hours College Students 9hrs o o o Most 7 10 hrs9 o Sleep deprivation can lead to People with genetic mutation 1 DEC2 6hrs o Weight gain o Depression o o Weakened immune system o After one night edginess irritability poor concentration Increased risk for cardiovascular problems Stages of Sleep o Kleitman 1951 Brains do not turn off during sleep Stages of low and high activity 90 cycles Non REM in stages 1 4 No eye movement less dreams REM sleep stage 5 Vivid dreams quick eye movement
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