PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Three Mechanisms of Personality X Social Situation Interaction Selection Romantic Partners Selection Shyness and Risk Evocation Evocation Aggression and Hostility Evocation Through Expectancy Confirmation Manipulation Tactics Personality Predictors of Manipulation Tactics Machiavellianism Outline of Current Lecture I Sex versus Gender II Issues Regarding Sex Differences III Sex Difference Research IV Stereotypes about Sex Differences V Observed Sex Differences VI Possible Reasons for Sex Difference Current Lecture A Sex versus Gender a Sex i Based on biology b Gender i Based on the behavioral cultural And psychological characteristics that are associated with one sex B Issues Regarding Sex Differences a We will be taking a descriptive rather than prescriptive approach C D E F b The study of sex differences can be controversial i Data used to support political agendas or inequality Sex Difference Research a Meta analysis b Effect size i Standard deviation units ii Effect size d 1 20 a Small 2 50 a Medium 3 80 a Large 4 d men higher 5 d women higher Stereotypes about Sex Differences a What are some common stereotypes about sex differences b Three components of gender stereotypes i Cognitive ii Affective iii Behavioral c People believe in subtypes of men and women i Eg career woman vs soccer mom Observed Sex Differences a Big Five i Extraversion not much difference d 0 15 but men were found to be more assertive d 0 50 ii Agreeableness women are more agreeable d 0 32 1 Men are more aggressive d 0 84 iii Conscientiousness not much difference d 0 14 iv Emotional stability neuroticism women tend to be more neurotic d 0 49 1 Women tend to experience emotions more frequently and more intensely than men v Intellect Openness to Experience almost no difference d 0 07 b Differences in attitudes toward sex i Men find casual sex more appealing than women ii Men desire a larger number of sex partners iii Men tend to be more sexually aggressive Possible Reasons for Sex Differences a Socialization Theories i Boys are encouraged to be masculine and girls are encouraged to be feminine ii Bandura s social learning theory 1 Children learn from models of their own sex iii Eagly and Wood s social role theory 1 Men and women are distributed differently in family and occupational roles b Hormonal Theories i Sex differences in personality are due to hormonal differences ii Men and women do differ in testosterone levels 1 Linked with aggression dominance sexual motivation and career choice iii Girls with an overactive adrenal gland in the womb tend to be more masculine 1 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia CAH iv Direction of causality c Evolutionary Theories i Men and women s personalities differ to the extent that they face different adaptive problems 1 Parental investment 2 Number of male versus female ancestors d Integrated approach i Incorporates ideas from different theories
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