FSU PPE 3003 - Cognition and Personality

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PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Current Lecture I Amadou Diallo II The Cognitive Approach to Personality III Three Levels of Cognition IV Perceptual Level V Interpretation VI Goals and Beliefs VII Intelligence VIII Emotional Intelligence Current Lecture A Amadou Diallo a The police officer s dilemma b Using ethnicity to disambiguate potentially threatening individuals of personality and social psychology c African American versus white targets d Holding a gun versus another object i Participants had a lower threshold for shooting African American target compared to White targets B The Cognitive Approach to Personality a The study of individual differences in how people process information C Three Levels of Cognition a Perception i Imposing order on sensory information ii 2 people have same perceptual information 1 Someone smiling at two different people b Interpretation i Making sense of explaining events ii Two people can interpret the perceptual information differently 1 What that smile means to one person could be different to the other a Friendly smile versus evil smile c Goals and Beliefs i People s standards for evaluating selves and others D Perceptual Level a Pain tolerance i How this applies to simple things such as sensation seeking ii Low pain tolerance wouldn t find mixed martial arts as fun as high pain tolerance people iii Reducers 1 Will decrease it 2 High sensation people 3 Need more stimulation iv Augmented 1 Will make it more intense 2 Low sensation seeking people 3 Need less stimulation b Field dependence versus field independence i Embedded Figures Test EFT 1 Find the hidden animal in the picture ii Field dependent people 1 Having trouble locating the hidden figures 2 Tend to rely more on social information 3 Tend to favor social sciences and education iii Field independent people 1 Easily locate hidden figures 2 Tend to be better at ignoring distractions 3 Tend to favor sciences and engineering E Interpretation a Three dimensions of Explanatory Style i Internal external 1 Internal if you get an A on the test and think it was because you studied hard and knew the material 2 External is you get an A on the test and think it is because the test and class was worded and set up easily ii Stable unstable 1 Stable if you get an A on the test you will predict to get an A on the rest of the tests 2 Unstable if you think I got an A on this exam but I won t or am not guaranteed to do well on the others iii Global specific 1 Global if you get an A and think you will get an A in this class and all others 2 Specific if you get an A and think it will only be on this certain test b Locus of control i Responsibility for events 1 Internal or external 2 Internal locus of control can be good because it is a motivator because you know the burden will fall on you and you have to take personal responsibility for it a More control of weight likely to graduate with a degree and conserve and save money 3 Internal locus of control can be negative too because you can blame everything on yourself especially when it s not a More likely to feel guilty for a family members death what could they have done different could ve saved them c Learned helplessness i Lack of influence in once circumstances affecting future judgments of ability to influence 1 In dogs it s more straight forward a Two spots A and B 2 In humans more on explanatory style a If optimist and stuck in A specific not global stable not stable and it will not always be this way if you go over to B b If pessimist style and stuck in A it will always be this way and I will continue to get shocked so I ll just take the shock because there is no way around it c Depression studies on humans and animals F Goals and Beliefs a Self efficacy i Belief that one can execute a plan of action to achieve one s goals ii Self efficacy leads to success and success leads to self efficacy b Theory of Mastery Orientation Implicit Personality Theories i Entity 1 If that person is mean now they will always be mean ii Incremental 1 If that person is mean now it is probably because it is just a mood that will pass and it s not permanent 2 Keeps you going after certain goals G Intelligence a Achievement versus Aptitude b General versus Domain Specific H Emotional Intelligence a Goleman argued that traditional IQ tests don t predict important life outcomes i Job success quality of marriage b Emotional intelligence consists of 5 abilities i Self awareness 1 Of one s emotions feelings ect ii Emotion regulation iii Self control iv Ability to decode the social emotional cues of others v Leadership

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FSU PPE 3003 - Cognition and Personality

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