FSU PPE 3003 - Motives and Personality

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PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I The Neo Analytic Movement II Repression and Contemporary Research III Contemporary Views on the Unconscious IV Ego Psychology V Erikson s 8 Stages of Development VI Object Relations Theory VII Early Childhood Attachment Outline of Current Lecture I Motives II Basic Concepts III Motives and Personality IV Needs V Murray s Theory of Needs VI Measuring Needs VII Need for Achievement nAch VIII Need for Power nPow IX Need for Intimacy nInt X Humanistic Psychology XI Characteristics of Self Actualizers XII Client Centered Therapy Current Lecture A Motives a An internal state that arouses and directs behavior toward a specific object or goal B Basic Concepts a Deficit have not eaten today Need for food Motive hunger b Motive leads to thoughts and fantasies i Thinking about food fantasizing about a big meal perceiving that a rock looks like a load of bread c Motives lead to behaviors intended to satisfy the need i Go to the store but food bring it home and cook it C Motives and Personality a People differ from one another in the type and strength of their motives b c D Needs a b c d e f g h i j E F G H I These differences are measurable These differences cause or are associated with life outcomes Achievement Exhibition Order Dominance Power Aggression Autonomy Blame avoidance Affiliation Nurturance Main three are achievement dominance power and affiliation i Called the Big Three Murray s Theory of Needs a Needs organize action i The individual is compelled to do what is necessary to satisfy a need b By satisfying needs we reduce but do not eliminate tension c The process of satisfying needs is pleasurable not the absence of needs Measuring Needs a Self report questionnaires b Projective Tests i Thematic Apperception Test TAT Need for Achievement nAch a High nAch i Prefer activities that offer some but not too much challenge ii Enjoy tasks where they are personally responsible for the outcome iii Like to be able to get feedback Need for Power nPow a Readiness preference for having an impact on people b People with high nPow i Like to be in control 1 Over situations 2 Over other people Need for Intimacy nInt a Preference for warm close communicative interactions b High nInt compared to low i Spend more time thinking about relationships ii Report more pleasant emotions when around others iii Smile laugh and make eye contact more iv Initiate more conversations J Humanistic Psychology a Emphasizes the human need for growth i More than merely overcoming deficits b Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs i From top to bottom Self actualization self esteem social safety physiological ii Two important assumptions 1 Typically people must fulfill the lower needs before achieving higher needs 2 Lower needs are generally more pressing food water shelter ect K Characteristics of Self Actualizers a 15 total but do not need all of them at the same time b Examples i Acceptable of self and others ii Comfortable being alone iii Creative iv Detached from culture bound rules L Client Centered Therapy a Based on the principles of Humanistic Psychology b Three core conditions i Genuine acceptance ii Unconditional positive regard iii Empathetic understanding

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FSU PPE 3003 - Motives and Personality

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