FSU PPE 3003 - Psychoanalytic Approaches Contemporary Issues

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PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Freud s Original Theory II The Unconscious III Jung IV Modern Ideas about the Partitioned Mind V Freud s Structure of Personality VI Psychosexual Development VII Defense Mechanisms VIII Freud Outline of Current Lecture I The Neo Analytic Movement II Repression and Contemporary Research III Contemporary Views on the Unconscious IV Ego Psychology V Erikson s 8 Stages of Development VI Object Relations Theory VII Early Childhood Attachment Current Lecture A The Neo Analytic Movement a Contemporary psychoanalysis i Inspired by Freud ii Modified and advanced by others iii A lot of them seem like less controversial watered down versions of Freud b Focus on childhood relationships and adult conflicts with others c Five ideas behind modern psychoanalysis i Unconscious is important 1 Freud said the unconscious was everything a It controls dictates and means everything b In modern movement it is important but no the only thing ii Behaviors reflects conflict between desires and fears 1 Conflict between multiple cognitions 2 Can have the desire to have a prestigious job and fear that you might not live up to the expectations 3 Similar to unconscious conflicts but these are not so set in stone iii A lot of personality development happens in childhood 1 Childhood involves working relationships for later ideas in life iv How we see self and others guides interactions 1 Can be more successful at this than others v Development is learning how to get along with others 1 Development is the core of psychology B Regression and Contemporary Research a Holly Ramona i Recovered memory of sexual abuse while under hypnosis ii She encountered a false memory of having been raped by her own father iii A police search and investigation took place when the dad denied it iv The court determined that memory of abuse was false and encourage by the psychoanalyst v Father later sued the psychoanalyst since she encouraged this intense false memory b Video clip i Why do people make up these fake memories ii Sometimes to cover up other things iii Sometimes the therapist encourages these memories c People like to have explanations for their suffering d Loftus i Memory researcher ii Testified for false memories in court 1 Difficult to know which is true and which is not iii Some but not all recovered memories are false e Be aware of processes that help create false memories i Leading questions 1 If psychoanalysis thinks adult issues stems from childhood they would ask biased questions that will lead you to one direction versus another 2 Might ask Were you abused as a child a Would encourage you to think of a time you were even if you were not abused ii Imagination Inflation Effect 1 Idea that you imagine something has happened 2 In the future you would believe it really did happen 3 Probably close to dreams also iii Confirmatory bias 1 Umbrella term a Leading question is under it 2 If you already think something of someone else you will try to find evidence for it and focus on it even it it s not true 3 Seek information for ideas we already think to confirm it f Important to seek independent evidence to substantiate memories of trauma C Contemporary Views on the Unconscious a Cognitive versus motivated unconscious i Similar to Freud s view b John Bargh s priming studies i Expose people to certain words or ideas and see how it affects them later ii Rudeness iii Elderly 1 Old people versus neutral words a After old people words slower walking to elevator than neutral group c Unconscious information can have brief predictable influence on thoughts and behaviors d Much more evidence for the cognitive unconscious than the motivated unconscious D Ego Psychology a Shift in focus from id to ego i Freud thought id was the core of all desires behaviors and everything b Erik Erikson i Ego is a powerful and independent part of personality ii Roles of ego 1 Master environment 2 Achieve goals 3 Establish identity a Self of sense 4 Ego is the self iii Difficulty establish identity can lead to identity crisis 1 Confusion about roles and goals E Erikson s 8 Stages of Development a Personality development occurs throughout life b Social challenges at each i Non sexual c Retained idea of fixation d 1 Trust versus Mistrust i Occurs during infancy ii Are people generally good e 2 Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt i Occurs during toddlerhood ii How much of the world do I control f 3 Initiative versus Guilt i Occurs in young childhood ii How do I achieve goals g 4 Industry versus Inferiority i Occurs in elementary school ii Am I able to achieve goals h 5 Identity versus Role Confusion i Occurs during adolescence ii Who am I 1 Try out different personas phrases and roles to find out who you are and where you fit in iii Can be a stressful time iv Identity Foreclosure 1 Tried out different identities and just give up and just do what parents or friends want 2 Revert back to expectations of others or of society v Moratorium 1 Taking time out before you choose a persona non of these fit so you sit back and not commit to any but try on different roles or phrases 2 Doesn t commit to any specific one i 6 Intimacy versus Isolation i Occurs during young adult ii Can I form an intimate relationship 1 Boyfriends girlfriends roommates marriage j Generativity versus Stagnation i Occurs during adulthood ii Am I doing something meaningful with my life 1 Am I just spinning my wheels or am I actually doing something with my life 2 Is my job just a job or do I enjoy doing something I really enjoy k 8 Integrity versus Despair i Occurs during old age 1 When they are retired ii Have I accomplished what I wanted to in life F Object Relations Theory a Emphasizes social relationships and their origins in childhood b Assumptions i Internal desires and urges are not as important as developing relationships with others ii Others especially mother become internalized as mental objects iii Internal representation influences future relationships G Object Relations Theory a Infant caregiver relationships become working models for later adult relationships H Early Childhood Attachment a Ainsworth i Studied attachment in infants b Strange situation procedure i How baby reacts when other is present leaves and returns c Bowlby s Attachment Theory i Infant caregiver relationships become working models for adult relationships ii All babies well majority cried when mother left but that is not the issue iii What happens when

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FSU PPE 3003 - Psychoanalytic Approaches Contemporary Issues

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