FSU PPE 3003 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

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PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Current Lecture I Freud s Original Theory II The Unconscious III Jung IV Modern Ideas about the Partitioned Mind V Freud s Structure of Personality VI Psychosexual Development VII Defense Mechanisms VIII Freud Current Lecture A Freud s Original Theory a Seduction theory i People often suffer psychological disturbances because they were victims of childhood sexual abuse B The Unconscious a The Iceberg Analogy i Conscious is the all we are aware of but underneath that is the preconscious and underneath both of those is the unconscious 1 Conscious a Thoughts b Feeling c Images d What we are aware of 2 Preconscious a Info that you are not immediately thinking of but can be easily in the conscious b Dream state c Recent experiences 3 Unconscious a Hidden unacceptable thoughts b Memories c Feelings d Instincts e Traumas f Fears g Passions C Jung a Jung s idea of the collective unconscious i Personal conscious then personal unconscious then collective unconscious D Modern Ideas about the Partitioned Mind a Kahneman i System 1 1 Automatic effortless intuitive ii System 2 1 Effortful analytic b Psychic Determinism i All behavior and thought are an expression of the mind ii Nothing happens just by chance iii Dreams 1 The royal road to the unconscious 2 Manifest content versus latent content iv Freudian slips 1 If you say something but mean something else it is not by accident that you said the wrong thing a If you call your new girlfriend your old girlfriend s name it means something more E Freud s Structure of Personality a Psychic energy is direct by i Id 1 Pleasure principle ii Ego 1 Reality principle iii Superego 1 Morality values principle b Modern idea about the finite supply of psychic energy i Ego depletion refers to the idea that self control relies on a limited resource 1 Exercising self control diminishes one s ability to exercise selfcontrol in the immediate future F Psychosexual Development a Children develop in three stages where they face conflicts regarding sexual gratification b The manner in which children resolve or do not resolve these conflicts forms the basis of personality c Failure to resolve each of these conflicts leads to a fixation later on d Oral Stage i From birth to 18 months ii The source of pleasure is from the mouth iii The conflict is of weaning off of the bottle or breast feeding iv There is an issue if there is excessive pleasure from these feedings v There is a fear of abandonment from the child that he or she needs to get over vi Fixation if not resolved is smoking or overeating being overly dependent e Anal Stage i From 18 months to 3 years ii The source of pleasure is from the anus iii The conflict involves potty training iv There needs to be a balance of exercising the right amount of control v Fixation if not resolved on being overly neat and controlling or impulsive and messy f Phallic Stage i From ages 3 to 5 ii The source of pleasure is from the genitals iii The conflict is called Oedipal Electra iv There is a desire to have the opposite sex parent to themselves 1 Want the opposite sex parent all to the themselves and start to resent the same sex parents v Fixation if not resolved is lack of moral development g Latency Stage i Ages 6 to puberty ii Not marked by characteristic conflicts iii Not much psychological development iv Time when children go to school h Genital Stage i From puberty to the end of life ii Not marked by characteristic conflicts iii Stage is reached after resolving the conflicts of the other stages iv Time where you find a mate G Defense Mechanisms a Denial i Refusing to acknowledge anxiety provoking facts ii Example 1 No I didn t get dumped it was a mutual breakup b Displacement i Channeling a troublesome impulse to a nonthreatening target ii Example 1 If you are mad at your boss but then go home and kick the dog c Rationalization i Generating acceptable reasons for undesirable behavior ii Example 1 It s alright to steal from Wal Mart because it is an evil company d Reaction formation i Attempting to stifle the expression of an undesirable urge by acting the exact opposite way ii Example 1 Kill them with kindness e Projection i Noticing and disparaging a person for having an undesirable trait that oneself actually has ii Example 1 A narcissist saying that person is so self obsessed what a jerk f Sublimation i Channeling unacceptable urges into acceptable outlets ii Example 1 Working out when you are really angry H Freud a Development i Productivity 1 Need to be motivated ii Satisfying relationships 1 Need to have strong connections with others b His theories were broad in scope c His ideas led to many advances in modern psychology i Talking cure in therapy d Unscientific

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FSU PPE 3003 - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

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