General Psychology Review Chapter 15 Diathesis Stress Model o Genetic predisposition on mental disorders o Take into account 2 factors Stress Genetic predispositions Bio Psycho Social model o Biological Psychological and Social influences all factor into Psychological disorders Factors associated with the Interpersonal theory of Suicide o Interpersonal theory of Suicide 3 simultaneous factors are needed for an individual to commit suicide Thwarted belongingness Perceived Burdensomeness Capability for suicide Chapter 16 Psychoanalytic psychodynamic therapy o Psychodynamic therapy focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in a person s present behavior o Psychoanalytic therapy psychoanalytic therapists generally spend time listening to patients talk about their lives Humanistic therapies o Therapies that emphasize the development of human potential and the belief that human nature is basically positive Chapters 1 2 William James o Founder of psychology o Functionalism Freud Skinner Watson o Psychoanalysis o Behaviorism o One of the founders of behaviorism Six Principles of scientific thinking o Ruling out rival hypotheses o Correlation vs Causation o Falsifiability o Replicability o Extraordinary claims o Occam s Razor Confirmation Bias o Tendency to seek out evidence that supports our hypothesis and neglect or distort contradicting evidence Applied vs Basic research o Applied research Research examining how we can use basic research to solve real world problems o Basic Research research examining how the mind works o Perception of a statistical association where none exists The different scientific methods o Naturalistic Observation o Case study designs o Self report measures and surveys Know how to interpret a correlation o 1 to 1 is r Illusory correlation Biological Psychology Different lobes of the brain o Cerebral Cortex Frontal lobe Motor cortex Temporal lobe Auditory cortex Parietal lobe Sensory cortex Occipital lobe Visual cortex o Left is more logic while right is more creative Functions of the Amygdala o Emotions Phineas Gage o Had a railroad spike go thorough his brain and it changed his personality Sensation and Perception Top down and bottom up processing o Top down begins with conscious organization and interpretation of the stimuli using our beliefs and expectations o Bottom up begins with automatic sensory detection and encoding Change blindness to a visual disruption Inattention blindness o Inability to detect changes in an object or scene usually due o Failure to notice that a new object has appeared because attention is focused elsewhere Weber s Law o There is a constant proportional relationship between the JND and original stimulus intensity Learning UCS UCR CS CR and Neutral stimulus o Unconditioned Stimulus stimulus that elicits an automatic response meat powder o Unconditioned Response automatic response to a nonneutral stimulus that does not need to be learned Salivation o Conditioned Stimulus initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a response due to association with an unconditioned stimulus metronome o Conditioned Response response previously associated with a non neutral stimulus that is elicited by a neutral stimulus through conditioning Salivation o Neutral Stimulus metronome with no salivation o Learning phase during which a conditioned response is Acquisition established Extinction o Gradual reduction and eventual elimination of the conditioned response after the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus Spontaneous recovery o Sudden reemergence of an extinct conditioned response after a delay in exposure to the conditioned stimulus Renewal effect o Sudden reemergence of a conditioned response following extinction when an animal is returned to the environment in which the conditioned response was acquired Memory George Miller s magic number o 7 2 Working memory o Ability to hold on to info we are currently thinking about attending to or processing actively o Memory system that retains info for limited durations Short term memory 5 20s Long term memory o Virtually unlimited info can be retained and can last from decades to permastore Stages of memory o Encoding o Storage o Retrieval Social Psychology Zimbardo and the Stanford prison study o De individuation Milgram and the shocking experiment o Obedience over conformity o The greater the psychological distance between the teacher and the experimenter the less obedient o The greater the psychological distance between the teacher and the learner the more obedient Asch o Conformity Fundamental attribution error o Attribute too much of another person s behavior to their personality attitudes and intelligence o Underestimate situational influences on others Types of Altruism o Nepotistic o Reciprocal Beneficial acts to relatives Beneficial acts to non relatives that are later repaid by the beneficiary Personality Freud s theory of personality o Psychoanalytic Theory Psychic determinism the belief that all psychological Symbolic Meaning All actions have a preceding event have a cause mental cause Unconscious Motivation We tend to behave automatically without thinking The iceberg metaphor o The id is completely submerged o Basic instincts and desires Devil o Completely unconscious Id Ego o The boss of our personality Superego o Sense of morality Angel Big 5 personality traits o Openness o Conscientiousness o Extraversion o Agreeableness o Neuroticism Emotion Eckman and his research o Primary emotions Happiness disgust sadness fear anger surprise and o Emotions believed by some theorists to be cross culturally contempt universal Theories of emotion and how to identify them through hypothetical examples o James Lange Theory emotions result from our interpretations of our bodily reactions to stimuli o Cannon Bard Theory Emotion and bodily reactions happen simultaneously o 2 Factor Theory emotions are produced by an undifferentiated state of arousal along with an attribution of that arousal Rickety bridge o Somatic marker Theory we use our gut reactions to help us determine how we should act o Discrete Emotion Theory Shaped by Natural Selection Motivation psychological drives that propel us in a specific o To sustain life certain substances and characteristics of the body must be kept within a restricted range direction o Extrinsic external goals o Intrinsic Internal goals Homeostasis Language Phonemes Morphemes Syntax o Smallest unit that carries a
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