FSU PPE 3003 - Personality Assessment

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PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Personality Defined II Traits III Mechanisms IV Personality Analysis V TIPI Test Outline of Current Lecture I Measuring Personality Traits II Self Report Data III Observer Report Data IV Test Data V Life Outcome Data Current Lecture A Measuring Personality Traits a How would you measure how outgoing someone is i Watch them observe them self assessment test b Ask them i Self Report data ii S data c Ask the person s friends i Observer Report data ii O data d Different kinds of tests i Test data ii T data e Gather information about their life i Life outcome ii L data B Self Report Data a These can be structured multiple choice or more unstructured open ended questions b Easy to interpret especially multiple choice c Twenty Statements Test i Asks 20 random statements d Adjective Checklist i Check yes or no if they apply to you or not ii More specific and less specific adjective iii Measures how you do in social situations and what you think about during the day e Questionnaires i Most frequently used ii Easiest and most efficient iii Answer strongly agree to strongly disagree iv More specific than adjective checklist f Experience Sampling i Ex beeper study 1 Given beepers and throughout the day the beeper would randomly go off and they would have to fill out a questionnaire g Pro s i There are things that only you know about yourself ii Cheap iii Time efficient iv Easy to organize and code h Con s i People can lie 1 Job interview questionnaires ii There are things that people do not know about themselves iii We tend to view ourselves in a more favorable light iv We do not recognize our own negative traits C Observer Report Data a You want a lot of observers not just one person b Limited perspective because people can act differently in different situations c Types of observers i Professional personality assessors 1 Trained and experienced in assessment 2 Do not want their knowledge of area to effect their decisions ii Friends and family 1 More naturalistic 2 Can assess across different social situations 3 Observer may be biased family will sometimes give more positive bias D Test Data a Situational tests i Situation designed to elicit behaviors that serve as indicators of personality 1 People put in weird situations to see how they react ii Elicited behavior can be scored by independent raters iii Ex emergency situation 1 Make person believe smoke is coming from under a door a If person was alone in the room they looked for help quicker than if person was surrounded by others in the room iv Limitations 1 Participant may guess what is being observed and alter their behavior 2 Participant might interpret testing situation differently than intended 3 Researcher might influence behavior 4 People might act differently in a lab a Not naturalistic b Physiological tests i Mechanical recording devices 1 EEG EKG Eye movement ii Actometer 1 Measures how much someone moves around how active the person is a Tested on children for ADHD 2 Tests arousal levels which are slight fluctuations of sweat glands in hands a Makes electricity conduct more easily b The easier it is to conduct the more aroused E Life Outcome Data a Available in public record or volunteered by the person b Examples i Salary criminal records marriage license divorces rank in military school grades financial records bank statements social media website c These are affected by things other than personality

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FSU PPE 3003 - Personality Assessment

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