11 12 2012 22 25 00 Criminology is a Social Science The Politicization of Science Commonly used to advance claims Establishing facts is the key to winning debate The Definition of Criminology Systematic study of process of making law breaking law and reaction of breaking of law Politics Theory Criminal Justice Is Criminology a Science Theory explains why something happens Methods quantities and qualitative Stories Quantitative is most important gathers a lot of evidence Qualitative is depth and understanding What role does the field play in shaping policy Negligible Helps shape policies Can t have crime legislation without criminologists The state of criminology s science relatively weak We lack predictive power Crime decline in 1991 Criminology has been able to discredit However Boot camps Death penalty DARE Scared straight Gun buy backs Three strikes legislation Several of these still remain Ideology beliefs that we all develop unconsciously of how the world In democracy we can shape policy through voting this is informed by My opinion will shape ultimate outcome how ideology shapes what we Range of ideology Conservative Right punitive and repressive Liberal Left forgiving and rehabilitative Mala in se crime by nature commanded because just Mala prohibita crime just because prohbited just because do out to be ideology 2 types commanded Consensus Durkheim MORALITY masses Conflict Marx powerful in control rules are coercive uses law to repress others POWER powerful 11 12 2012 22 25 00 11 12 2012 22 25 00
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