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60 multiple choice Chapter 1 6 Elijah Anderson s Code of the Street o Philadelphia study of a neighborhood in transition o Two primary orientations result in poor neighborhoods Street Campaigning for respect delinquent values prevalent single mother HH fatherhood absent Decent Upward mobile intact families pursuing educational and employment aims avoiding contact with CJ Deviance up prohibition war on drugs focus on terrorism deviance down decriminalization of weed ending prohibition Disorganized communities poverty racial ethnic heterogeneity high residential mobility Books titles Career criminal is someone who commits crime consistently while criminal career is making a living off of crime so mafia tax fraud etc o Cesare Beccaria Crime and Punishment o Durkheim Division of labor in society rules of sociological method Suicide o Cesare Lombroso Criminal Man 4 types of criminals o Encrico Ferri o Theory of Imputability and Denial of Free Will o Sociologica Criminale o Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species o Travis Hirschi causes of delinquency aka social bond o With Gottfredson A general theory of crime aka self control Classical theory Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan o o o Social contract men have primitive state of fear so we enter a contract to create a government authority o Primitive state of man is selfish greedy and men is rational Cesare Beccaria o Rational Choice theory Free will and hedonism pain pleasure Maximize utility by weighing cost benefits Focus on ACT of crime actus rea not the Criminal mens rea o Deterrence theory Swiftness swift trial punishment Severity weakest Penalty must outweigh benefits Brutalization effect death penalty increase homicides So excessive severity increases crime Certainty most important Perceived risk is most impt aspect of deterrence Specific Deterrence focus on individuals diversion programs General deterrence focus on potential criminals not individual fear of penalties scaring others into committing crimes convince that pain outweighs benefits Perpetual Deterrence theory Ray Potternoster you want to focus on certainty more If you make a criminal believe that he will be punished just this belief will deter him from crime Routine Activities Theory Felson Cohen o In order for crimes to occur these need to meet in TIME AND SPACE 1 Motivated offender w opportunity to act 2 Suitable target 3 Absence of guardian o In order to avoid crime you should lessen the suitable target or increase the capable guardian TRADITIONAL school of biology Positivism biological theories assume that forces beyond ones control lead to criminality Use SCIENCE o Challenges the classical theory by denying free will of man Other factors like environment biology will cause delinquency Biological Determinism born criminal atavist not developed o Based on physical features People with degenerative evolutionary features like ape have greater chance of crime o Social Darwinism some physical characteristics are better suited to surviving in society o Social positivist concentration of these crime prone and lazy people show that its not the PEOPLE but rather the PLACE that is important in crime Cesare Lombroso father of modern criminology o Atavism biological throwback Those predisposed to crime are less biologically evolved disagrees with free will philosophy like the rational choice which says that every person is a rational human being but we know that elderly children s brains are less developed so they don t think about rational choice the way we do Lombroso thinks criminals are people different from everyone else o Italian prison physician measured forehead arms Found mental physical deficiencies result to violence homicide Disagree with free will philosophy o 4 types of criminals Born atavistic characteristics Insane idiots imbeciles Occasional crimes are explained by opportunity although they have innate traits that predispose them to criminality Criminals of passion commit because of anger love honor irresistible force Phrenology Gall who study shape of head Somatyping ecto slim shy meso aggressive endomorph fat jolly Mesomorph heavy chase muscle large hand athletic build Assertive and aggressive o Enrico Ferri denial of free will Crime is explained by socioeconomic factors Added habitual and involuntary criminals People are forced into crime because of certain situations o Raffaele Garofalo a social Darwinist Society is set up with norms rules Criminals are people who lack pity respect for human rights and probity respect of property rights o o o Whether our parents are criminals or not when you grow up with no pity you have no respect for human rights of others so youre more likely to commit crime o Phineas Gage precursor of biological Railroad accident made spike go through frontal lobe it changed his behavior We now know that changes to brain produce changes in behavior MODERN Biological o Psych Social Perspective Personality traits are inherited the Jukes Goddard IQ tests with inmates Hirschi Hindelang IQ is INDIRECT low IQ leads to low grades leads to delinquency o Adoption studies Controls for the NATURE issue Just adoptive father criminal least impact on child Just biological father criminal more impact on child If both fathers are criminal greatest chance of kid being criminal o Twin studies Monozygotic identical twins 100 genes Dizygotic fraternal twins 50 genes There is relationship between genes and criminality o Biosocial theories Evolutionary psychology crime is adaptive response r quantity K quality aka cads outgoing alpha male vs dads domestic caring male o R selection unstable unpredictable aues creatures to focus on reproduction o K Stable predictable environments allow creatures to focus on parental care for offspring o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Gene based theories Testosterone PMS Biochemical neurotransmitters Nervous system Bio social criminology Social triggers that activate genes o drug use childbirth head injuries lead exposure Sociology Overdeterminism focus on society and its organization and development how the role of social forces play in determining social conduct sociological Emile Durkheim o French and Industrial revolution o CONSENSUS theorist that laws stem from a society s culture that unifies the majority of social members who believe that some behaviors are wrong immoral o Mechanical solidarity uniform society self sustainable groups o Organic solidarity diversity division of labor society in motion distinct and

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UMD CCJS 105 - Elijah Anderson’s Code of the Street

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