Marriage and the Family 11 10 2011 The gay marriage threat narrative Increasing global support for same sex marriage but o Cultural backlash o Remember threat narrative why do threat narratives form Moral panic occurs when a condition episode person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests Stanley Cohen Familiar questions who is the other Who is deviant and who is not How is America exceptional What kind of legislative reform precedes reform of marriage laws What do other countries have in this sense that US does not Why has the US gone the way it has o American Protestantism o Labor and Social Citizenship o Gender and National Identity Discourse special rights o The myth of the persecuted hegemony DOMA part of a larger history o Why Marriage and discourse Marriage seen by some as inherently problematic o Why Who does marriage belong to o Laws o Religious groups US is also exceptional in the discourse in this way Is marriage the wrong focus 11 10 2011 11 10 2011
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