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11 29 2012 Auguste Comte explanations Theological explains metaphysical approaches to scientific Theological explanations used supernatural or otherworldly bases for understanding reality Metaphysical philosophy sought worldly events to provide understanding through a new spirit of inquiry rationality and logical argument Scientific combined rational spirit of investigation with the scientific method emphasizing empiricism or experimentation o Emphasized measurement observation proof replication and verification Deviance going against social norm relative to the time place and person s Folkways the least serious norms and refer to usages traditions customs or niceties that are preferred but are not subject to serious sanctions manners etiquette and dress styles Mores refers to more serious customs that involve moral judgments as well as sanctions rewards or punishments Lying cheating stealing killing Consensus vs Conflict vs Interactionist Model of Law Consensus model o The origin of criminal law envisions it as arising from agreement among the members of a society as to what constitutes wrongdoing Reflecting social values that are commonly held within the society Conflict Model o Sees the criminal law as originating in the conflict of interests of different groups The definition of crime is assumed to reflect the wishes of the most powerful interest groups who gain the assistance of the sate in opposing rival groups The criminal law is used primarily to control the behavior of the delinquent the dangerous classes Interactionist o Takes its name from the symbolic interactionist school of criminology This school of thought views humans as responding to abstract meanings and symbols as well as concrete meanings 4 characteristics of criminal law 1 it is assumed by political authority 2 must be specific 3 the law is uniformly applied 4 the law contains penal sanctions enforced by punishments Criminal Law The act is prohibited by law and contains legally prescribed A criminal act actus reus the act itself or the physical element punishments must have taken place The act is performed intentionally Mens rea guilty mind is important in establishing guilt The voluntary misconduct must be causally related to the harm Social harm of a conscious voluntary nature is required Crime induced production Costs in resources to fight crime o Police locks safes cameras Opportunity Costs The lost time by potential victims and perpetrators who could have spent their time doing something more productive Mala in Se vs Mala Prohibita Mala in Se bad acts in themselves Forbidden behaviors for which there is wide scale consensus on the mores for prohibition Ex rape murder assault Mala Prohibita bad because they have been prohibited Such acts are not viewed as bad in themselves but are violations because the law defines them as such Ex traffic violations gambling These acts are commonly violated Under criminalization the fact that the criminal law fails to prohibit acts that many feel are mala in se Over criminalization involves the overextension of criminal law to cover acts that are inappropriately or not responsibly enforced by such measures Strengths and weaknesses with experiments Ex Experiment expensive so the groups are very small Costly Random assignment Paper march 3rd the proposal is due Chose a crime article Part 1 crimes Index crimes o More serious o Occur frequently o Greater likelihood of being reported to the police Murder Part 2 crimes Non index offenses and are not used in the calculation of crime rate Forcible rape Robbery Aggravated assault Burglary Larceny theft Motor vehicle theft Arson o Simple assault o Forgery and counterfeiting o Fraud o Embezzlement o Receiving stolen property o Vandalism Violent Crime index Murder Forcible rape Robbery Aggravated assault Property Crime index Burglary Larceny theft Motor vehicle theft Arson listed by not calculated gender is the best predictor of crime as social class rises criminality decreases South highest for murder rape and burglary West highest for assault vehicle theft and larceny Northeast highest for robbery Minority group status does not result in higher crime rates Family linked to crime structure as such had to do with the quality of the family interaction rather than its Major external conflicts wars appear to decrease internal conflicts crime with the exception of female crime juvenile delinquency and certain white collar crimes NIBRS redesigned UCR the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI formed a joint task force and contracted with a private research firm to revise the UCR Abc news primetime milgram The Stanford prison study Zimbardo 1971 Comprehension and Application questions Application questions most used o You get a scenario and have to pull out course concepts involved in that scenario Comprehension o Questions you can identify a term based on definition 50 multiple choice 5 response options JEPORDY Bad only because it is prohibited mala prohibita Three key principles of science control empiricism objectivity Unintended consequences latent function Two categories of index offenses The four property index crimes Violent crimes Property crimes larceny burglary arson automobile theft Defining an abstract concept so it can be measured Operationalization The definition of conformity Adherence to social norms The definition of crime Violation of criminal law Difference between reliability and validity Reliability consistency Validity accuracy Official crime measure designed to replace the UCR NIBRS Research method Black 1970 used Fieldwork observation Taps into the dark figure of crime Has the Hierarchy Rule NCVS UCR The four violent index crimes Homicide rape robbery and assault Measures ALL ages UCR Adherence to social norms Conformity An example of deviance not crime Staring speeding stand backward speeding 5 miles over the speed limit in college park because it s a law but you can be punished under criminal law for it According to Black 1970 a report is more likely when More serious victim preference strangers polite to the police Occurs when respondents report crimes that occurred prior to the time period of study Telescoping Does NOT measure murder Distinguishes science from other ways of knowing Walter Wallace NCVS it s victimization 3 crime measurements official data victimization data self report data The scientific method The agency that publishes the UCR Difference between formal and informal Formal crime Informal

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