Neighborhoods and Crime Vold Chapter 7 AKA The Chicago School Social Disorganization 1 Early development of the Chicago school a From 1860 to 1910 its population doubled every decade i Eventually reached over 2 million ii This was fueled by immigration iii Ethnic n hood 1 Black neighborhood Bronzeville Little Italy Chinatown b Sociology at University of Chicago first in country look at neighborhood dynamics i Staff by academics with protestant zeal raised in rural settings 2 General Neighborhood and Crime discussion a Its not about people Its places i Not biological it about where people grow up b Positivist paradigm i Neighborhood factors structural context pushes people towards crime ii Someone completely normal living in a bad area pushed to commit 3 Glossary of Early Neighborhood Approach more biology crime Collective traits Macro a Human ecology i How men interact with their environment ii General discussion 1 Invasion wave of type of people coming in succession eventually move out dominance new group comes in 2 Looked at Chicago 3 Cycles a Invasion succession dominance 4 Focused on immigrants 5 Reason why have crime chaos a Everything people language cultures keeps changing can t establish social norms or any social laws everyone comes then goes b Symbiosis i Connection between animal and plant c Natural area delinquency areas i Areas are delinquent not individuals d Vice districts e Inter situational i Lawlessness was the norm tolerant behavior by quarantining f i Area between particular neighborhoods crime can flourish Instead of a focus on individual traits this draws attention to societal influences Macro i Sociological look at biology 1 Problems with sociological approach discussion a Potential moral relativism i Durkheim 1 Crime is normal set norms strengthens society 2 How much should I punish Why are we punishing crime if crime is normal 3 How to enforce policy where is the line 4 What about homicide Some scholars think homicide is necessary in some contexts b Redefining i Durkheim 1 Defining deviance up more illegal 2 Defining deviance down more legal ii When things change its because the group is changing 1 Changes in law is because of consensus society is changing iii ii Societal level traits Who is doing the redefining 4 Shaw and McKay a Put together a general map of Chicago Invasion dominance ethnic succession i ii Split into zones 1 Zone I loop Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V a Zone I loop b Zone II i Main business district i Zone of transition problematic crime ii Factory workers people moving in that are new the good move out of this are to Zone III what left are the poor etc c Zone III Zone IV i Residential d Zone V i Commuters b Social disorganization i Physical status characterized 1 What they look like condemned dilapidated homes ii Economic status 1 Low rents low own housing 2 Poverty 3 High rates of infant death TB insanity broken families iii Population composition 1 High proportion foreign born eastern then western European AA iv General discussion crime stems from 1 Chaos 2 Social disorganization 3 Ethnic heterogeneity 4 Residential mobility 5 Poverty c Problems i Didn t work ii Couldn t predict anything iii More interested in people sociology control strain theory iv Hard to measure d Deindustrialization i Changes how neighborhoods work 1 Less change more stability 5 Ruth Rosner Kornhauser a A control cultural perspective see how people establish norms in their Neo chicago school 1978 now neighborhood b 3 attributes of disorganized communities i Poverty ii Racial ethnic heterogeneity different languages iii High residential mobility 1 Not knowing your neighbors why would you care to get involved when your moving anyway c Social disorganization produces delinquent subcultures which sustain delinquent values that are passed on i Shows how it s the area not the population in the area mechanism why Czechs move out Italians move in and still a problem d Delinquency results from a communities inability to regulate behavior e Policy solutions i Chicago area project brainchild of Shaw and McKay 1 Two goals a Coordinate local resources such as churches schools employers clubs neighbors meeting each other b Sponsor a variety of activities recreation education community projects i Jane Addams settlement house movement 1 Invented social work reach out to immigrant population and help them adapt 2 Impact beneficial a Improved educational occupational access forming local organization improving interagency cooperation 3 However no real impact on reducing delinquency f Chicago school fades into the background i The field shifted back from an individual level focus ii Stable community structure assumption undermined iii Social disorganization delinquency tautology iv Measuring delinquency with official data v The assumption that all communities share an interest in conformity 6 Neo Chicago School a 4 classifications i social ties and interactions ii norms and collective efficacy iii institutional resources what is it about institutions inside neighborhood and their access to outside institutions government iv routine activities b The Truly Disadvantages i Leftover neighborhood population in zone II 1 No access to resources and have no money to afford resources ii Black and white flight resulting from deindustrialization produces neighborhood defined by 1 Higher living below poverty line a Bring in problems associated with poverty 2 Higher on public assistance a Not making own income 3 Female headed households a Feminization of poverty women more likely to live below line 4 Unemployment a Aren t engaged in daily activities 5 Greater population 18 years old a Need resources and oversight but likely not getting it 6 Higher concentration of AA c Social Capital i Bonding and bridging capital 1 Bonding you don t something for you ill do something back 2 Bridging a Relationships closest to you a Acquaintances you know and might do something for each other b Relatively weak ties ii The strength of weak ties iii 3 important elements 1 obligations and expectation a need to conform to expectations to be a part of something 2 information channels a informing each other reputations gossip networks 3 social norms iv closure is essential a what is sanctioned prohibited expected etc 1 re emphasizes social norms connections between aspects of life networks a ex school and home d Robert Sampson i Dealing with concentrated disadvantage 1 High poverty unemployment low education ii
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