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Learning Objectives for Exam 1 What is Abnormality Readings for this topic include pages 2 7and 14 20 in the textbook Remember information in addition to what is on the pages listed will be discussed in class for some of the objectives 1 Define abnormal psychology Branch of Psychology that studies unusual patterns of behavior emotion and thought Someone who s behaviors thoughts and emotions are one of the following Highly unusual for the social context the source of significant individual distress significantly interfering with social occupational functioning or highly dangerous to the individual others the four D s 2 Describe the continuum model of abnormality Abnormality is not something that one automatically reaches or qualifies for There is a spectrum a line that ranges behavior from normal to abnormal Everyone doesn t fall on one side or the other but instead somewhere on the continuum Where one falls on this continuum is completely dependent their thoughts feelings and behaviors 3 Describe the four Ds of abnormality Deviance Behaviors thoughts or feelings that are deviant from the norm taking cultural norms into account Dynsfunctionality Behaviors thoughts or feelings that interfere with a person s ability to function in daily life to hold a job or to form close relationships Distress Behaviors and feelings that cause distress to the individual or to others around him Dangerousness Behaviors thoughts and feelings that are of potential harm to the individual or to others around him 4 Apply the four Ds to determine whether you think a given behavior is abnormal Person X likes to play video games X plays about 4 hours a night while only dedicating one to his studies X s friends have stopped calling him to hang out because he never answers them since he is always playing video games X s grades have also suffered due to the lack of studying X could loose he s scholarship if he doesn t improve he s grades but X keeps playing video games There is deviance from the norm most people do not spend 4 hours every evening There is dysfunctionality he s grades have dropped due to this behavior and he continues playing video games to engage in it There is distress He s grades dropping cause him mental distress There is dangerousness If X doesn t get he s grades up he will loose he s scholarship and this will impact the rest of he s life 5 Discuss how social norms influence what is determined to be abnormal Whatever happens to be commonplace in a society is considered normal In society X where it is commonplace to have duels to settle dispute the taking of another s life over a simple disagreement is normal However in our society call this society Y that practice would be seen as very abnormal Learning Objectives for Theories of Abnormality Readings for this topic include pages 26 45 and 49 60 from Chapter 2 Remember information in addition to what is on the pages listed will be discussed in class for some of the objectives 1 Know the following KEY TERMS from Chapter 2 Key terms are the boldfaced terms found throughout the chapter and listed at end of chapter Definitions for most of these terms also can be found in the Glossary in the back of the textbook Biological approach Views disorders as the result of abnormal genes or neurobiological dysfunction Amygdala A structure of the limbic system that is critical in emotions such as fear Limbic system A set of structures that regulate many instinctive behaviors such as reactions to stressful events eating and sexual behavior Neurotransmitters Biochemicals that act as messengers carrying impulses from one neuron or nerve cell to another in the brain and in other parts of the nervous system Reuptake When the initial neuron releasing the neurotransmitter into the synapse reabsorbs the neurotransmitter decreasing the amount left in the synapse Endocrine system A system of glands that produce chemicals called hormones which are released directly into the blood Behavior genetics The study of the genetics of personality and abnormality concerned with two questions 1 To what extent are behaviors or behavioral tendencies inherited 2 What are the processes by which genes affect behavior Polygenic It takes multiple genetic abnormalities coming together in one individual to create a specific disorder Epigenetics The idea that environmental conditions can affect the expression of genes Certain genes get turned on or off depending on environmental conditions Psychological approach Views disorders as the result of thinking processes personality styles and conditioning Behavioral approaches Focus on the influence of reinforcements and punishments in producing specific behaviors and feelings Classical conditioning When pairing a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that naturally leads to a certain response eventually the neutral stimulus will be able to elicit the same response Pavlov Operant conditioning The shaping of behaviors by providing rewards for desired behaviors and punishments for undesired behaviors B F Skinner Modeling People learn new behaviors by imitating the behavior of important people in their lives Systematic desensitization therapy A gradual method for extinguishing anxiety responses to stimuli and the maladaptive behavior that often accompanies this anxiety Cognitive theories Idea that our cognition thoughts and beliefs shape our behavior and the emotions we experience the way we interpret situations assumptions about the world and self concepts Cognitions Thoughts and beliefs Psychodynamic theories Suggest that all behaviors thoughts and emotions whether normal or abnormal are influenced by a large extent by the unconscious mind Unconscious conflict between primitive desires and constraints Freud Causal attribution the attributions that we make for events which influence our behavior because they impact the meaning we give to events and our expectations for similar events in the future Global assumption Broad beliefs about ourselves our relationships and the world Humanistic approaches pressure from society to conform to certain norms instead of pursuing own values and potentials Carl Rogers Self actualization The fulfillment of one s potential for love creativity and meaning Maslow s hierarchy Family systems theories Families create and maintain mental disorders in individuals in order to maintain homeostasis Emotion focused approaches Sociocultural approach Views disorders as the result of the environmental conditions and cultural

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FSU CLP 4143 - Exam 1

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