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TOPIC IX Problems of substance use and addiction 1 What are psychological and biological features of substance use disorders Do people become addicted to things other than drugs What is meant by the term psychoactive substance What are the various types of psychoactive substances described in the textbook How are they similar and how do they differ Ch 11 285 287 Table 11 1 p289 Psychological features Excessive amount of time spent planning to take the drug preoccupation with getting the drug Taking the drug for one or more of these reasons To control how you feel To relieve negative mood states To prepare for activities public speaking writing sex Difficulty stopping Physiological features Tolerance same effect Withdrawal Nervous system becomes less sensitive to drug so need more for the Metabolic tolerance Pharmacodynamic tolerance Behavioral conditioning mechanisms Negative symptoms when stop taking drug Typically but not always opposite of the drug effect Depressants arousal symptoms Stimulants depressed states People can become addicted to alcohol on Psychoactive substance drug of abuse a chemical substance that alters a person s mood level of perception or brain functioning used to increase a person s psychological comfort level or to alter levels of consciousness FOR THE EXAM Table 11 1 Commonly abused drugs know differences among the classes don t need to know other names 2 What does the text say is the most useful distinction between people who are addicted to a substance and those who might use it but are not addicted Is this difference qualitative or quantitative What types of problems symptoms are associated with problematic use of substances and thus are features of substance use disorders Ch 11 287 289 Any activity substance object or behavior that Is a major focus of life to the almost exclusion of other activities Involves maladaptive patterns of behavior Produces physical psychological and or social harm to self and often to others Many people who use drugs do not become dependent on them People have to use the drug before they can become dependent and the age at which they begin to use the drugs is an important risk factor The distinction between people who eventually become addicted and those who use drugs without becoming addicted is an important consideration in the study of psychopathology 3 What types of short term effects and long term consequences are associated with the commonly abused drugs described in the textbook Ch 11 290 295 Short term effects Alcohol There is a correlation of blood alcohol levels and CNS intoxicating effects Alcohol symptoms slurred speech lack of coordination an unsteady gait nystagmus involuntary to and fro movement of the eyeballs induced when the person looks upward or to the side impaired attention or memory and coma Neurological and respiration complications Coma can lead to toxic death when blood alcohol levels go above 400 mg percent Affect the peripheral nervous system increases heart rate and BP Central nervous system pervasive effects on a number of neurotransmitter systems Influence on subjective mood states feel more relaxed It stimulates the release of norepinephrine Cocaine amphetamines Increase heart rate and blood pressure dilate the blood vessels and the air passages of the lungs Suppress the appetite and prevent sleep Large doses dizziness confusions panic states likely to feel intense feeling of euphoria Low doses feel more confident friendly energetic Induce positive mood state Irregular heartbeat convulsions coma and death Induce a state of dream like euphoria increased sensitivity in hearing and vision Inject morphine heroin experience a brief intense feeling of pleasure Induce nausea and vomiting constrict pupils disrupt coordination of the digestive system Decreases the level of sex hormones High doses comatose state Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Sedatives hypnotics lead to state of intoxication like alcohol Impaired judgment slowness of speech lack of coordination narrowed range of attention and disinhibition of sexual and aggressive impulses Cannabis Pervasive sense of well being happiness Some become anxious and paranoid Cannabis intoxication temporal disintegration retaining and organizing information Interferes with the ability to recall what was sad Lapses in attention and concentration Temporal disintegration a condition in which people have trouble Nicotine Opium Hallucinogens and related drugs Induce vivid and spectacular visual images Early phase images often take the form of colorful geometric patterns Later phase filled with meaning images of people animals and places Bad trips unpleasant experience lead to panic attacks Long term consequences Alcohol Likely to interfere with job performance Experience blackouts unable to remember behavior Attendance at work may become sporadic can be suspended or fired Problems with legal authorities arrests Violent behaviors Disrupt functions of several organs liver pancreas gastrointestinal system Financial difficulties cardiovascular system endocrine system Secondary health problems cirrhosis of the liver heart problems become overweight various forms of cancer dementia Nicotine One of the most harmful and deadly addicting drugs Withdrawal drowsiness lightheadedness headache muscle tremors nausea Trying to quit experience sleeping problems weight gain concentration difficulties mood swings weight gain depression Tobacco increase risk of developing fatal diseases heart lung disease Cocaine amphetamines Increase in psychotic reaction repeated exposure to drug High doses can lead to the onset of psychosis The disruption of occupational and social roles Physical exhaustion and financial ruin Increase in violent behavior Opiates High doses chronically lethargic and lose motivation to remain productive Become preoccupied with finding and using the drug in order to experience the rush and Low doses can remain healthy and work productively to avoid withdrawal symptoms Tolerance develops quickly daily dose increases regularly Neglects housing nutrition and health care Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Abruptly stop taking high doses of benzodiazepines discontinuance syndrome Discontinuance syndrome return of the original anxiety symptoms if the medication was being used to treat disorder May develop new symptoms irritability paranoia sleep disturbance agitation muscle tension restlessness and perceptual disturbances Cannabis People do not develop tolerance to THC unless

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FSU CLP 4143 - TOPIC IX: Problems of substance use and addiction

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