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Chapter 1 o Components Psychopathology nature development and treatment of mental disorders Exam 1 emotional pain and suffering Ex helplessness and Personal distress hopelessness of depression Aversive self focused emotional reaction to the apprehension or comprehension of another s emotional state or concern Disability impairment in a key area work relationships Ex chronic substance abuse results in job loss Violation of social norms makes others uncomfortable or causes problems Ex antisocial behavior of the psychopath Dysfunction Wakefield s Harmful Dysfunction failure of internal mechanisms in the mind to function properly Hippocrates 5th century BC mental disturbances have natural not supernatural causes such as problems with the brain o Father of Western medicine o 3 categories of mental disorders Mania melancholia phrenitis brain fever o Normal brain functioning depended on balance of 4 humors Blood black bile yellow bile phlegm Philippe Pinel 1745 1826 pioneered humanitarian treatment at LaBicetre o Father of modern psychiatry o Moral treatment small privately funded humanitarian mental hospitals Patients engaged in calming and purposeful activities like gardening and talked with attendants Dorothea Dix 1802 1887 Crusader for prisoners and mentally ill o Urged improvement of institutions and worked to establish 32 new public hospitals that were administered by physicians who were more interested in biological rather than psychological aspects of mental illness Francis Galton 1822 1911 his work lead to notion that mental illness can be inherited o Eugenics Promotion of enforced sterilization to eliminate undesirable characteristics from the population o Theories of intelligence o Statistics normal curve o Galton s Law according to the following proportions our heritage is on average constituted from that of our ancestors Parents jointly contribute one half grandparents one quarter great grandparents one eighth Pavlov 1849 1936 classical conditioning o Pavlov s dogs experiment o UCS meat powder UR salivation NS initial ringing of bell CS bell now elicits salivation CR salivation as a response to bell Extinction if CS is not followed by UCS then you will slowly lose CR Sigmund Freud 1856 1939 Freudian or psychoanalytic theory o Father of psychoanalysis o Human behavior is determined by unconscious forces o Psychopathology results from conflicts among these unconscious forces o Structures of the mind id ego superego John Watson 1878 1958 focus of psychology switched from thinking to learning o Founded the school of thought behaviorism Focus on observable behavior Emphasis on learning rather than thinking or innate tendencies o 3 types of learning Classical conditioning operant conditioning modeling B F Skinner 1904 1990 operant conditioning o All behavior is determined by our reinforcement history o Principle of reinforcement Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Behaviors followed by pleasant stimuli are strengthened Behaviors that terminate a negative stimulus are strengthened Early Biological Treatments Insulin coma therapy Early biological treatment used by Sakel in 1938 the practice of inducing a coma with large amounts of insulin He claimed up to three quarters of the people with schizophrenia whom he treated showed significant improvement Electroconvulsive therapy ECT Ugo Cerletti and Lucino Bini Cerletti o Applying electric shocks to the sides of the human head produces full epileptic seizures o Used on patients with schizophrenia and severe depression Prefrontal lobotomy Egas Moniz in 1935 o Surgical procedure that destroys the tracts connecting the frontal lobes to other areas of the brain o Used for people specifically with violent behavior o After surgery many people became dull and listless and suffered serious loss of cognitive capacities o Prefrontal cortex orchestrates thoughts and action in accordance with internal goals Defense mechanism strategy used by the ego to protect itself from anxiety o Id ego and superego are continually in conflict and the conflict creates anxiety o Repression Keeping unacceptable impulses to one has from conscious awareness Ex you re angry but think it s inappropriate so you go to the gym Not accepting a painful reality into conscious awareness Ex husband comes home late and says he s just looking for his wedding band o Denial o Projection o Displacement o Regression o Rationalization o Sublimation Attributing to someone else one s own unacceptable thoughts feelings Ex she doesn t like me because she s jealous Redirecting emotional responses from their real target to someone else Ex girl gets mad at her brother but instead act angrily towards her friend Retreating to the behavioral patters of an earlier stage of development Convert unacceptable feeling to opposite Offering acceptable reasons for an unacceptable action attitude Ex parent beats child out of impatience but then says it was to build character Converting unacceptable aggressive sexual impulses into socially valued behaviors Ex aggressive feelings toward father becomes a surgeon Techniques of Psychoanalysis Free association patient tries to say whatever comes to mind without censoring anything o Freud this technique assumed that all memories are arranged in a single associative network and that sooner or later the subject would stumble across the crucial memory Catharsis release of emotional tension triggered by reliving and talking about event o Breuer used hypnosis to facilitate catharsis Interpretation the analyst points out to the patient the meaning of certain of the patient s behaviors Transference patient responds to analyst in ways the they have previously responded to other important figures in his her life and the analyst helps the patient understand and interpret these responses o Unconscious o Pleasure principle immediate gratification Ex what you see in kids instant Freud s Structures of the Mind Id gratification o Libido energy of id o Ex Id I m hungry I want food now Ego Superego o Primarily conscious o Decision making component of personality o Reality principle attempt to satisfy id s demand within reality s constraints o Generates strategies to protect itself from anxiety o Ex you cant have food now because you re still in the store you have to buy it first o Conscience o Internal feelings after an action such as guilt or pride o Develops as we incorporate parental and society values o Ex tells you right from wrong this is wrong you cant just

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FSU CLP 4143 - Exam 1

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