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Exam 1 Review Sheet Define Psychopathology is the study of mental disorders study of the nature development and treatment of psychological disorders Challenges maintain objectivity avoid preconceived notions reduce stigma Define psychopathology components such as Personal Distress is emotional and suffering helplessness and hopelessness of depression Disability is impairment in a key are ex work relationships chronic substance abuse results in job loss Violation of Social Norms is makes others uncomfortable or causes problems antisocial behavior of the psychopath Dysfunction is Wakefield s Harmful Dysfunction failure of internal mechanisms in the mind to function properly anchored in evolutionary biology and refers to failure of an internal mechanism to perform one of its naturally selected functions What is the DSM 5 definition of mental disorder Definition of mental disorder in DSM 5 The disorder occurs within the individual It involves clinically significant difficulties in thinking feeling or behaving It involves dysfunction in processes that support mental functioning It is not a culturally specific reaction to an event e g death of a loved one It is not primarily a result of social deviance or conflict with society What are the characteristics of a stigma Four characteristics of a stigma Distinguishing label is applied Label refers to undesirable attitudes People with the label are seen as different People with the label are discriminated against What were the key contributions of Hippocrates 5th century BC Mental Disorder biological Mental disturbances have natural not supernatural causes problems with the brain Three categories of mental disorders mania melancholia phrenitis brain fever Normal brain functioning depended on balance of four humors blood black bile yellow bile phlegm Philippe Pinel 1745 1826 Moral Treatment Pioneered humanitarian treatment at LaBicetre The father of modern psychiatry Moral Treatment o Small privately funded humanitarian mental hospitals o Friends Asylum 1817 o Patients engaged in purposeful calming activities e g gardening o Talked with attendants Galton s 1822 1911 Gentics Work lead to notion that mental illness can be inherited Eugenics o Promotion of enforced sterilization to eliminate undesirable characteristics from o Many state laws required mentally ill to be sterilized the population Pavlov Classic Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus Food Unconditioned Response Salivate Discovered by Pavlov 1849 1936 cid 131 Meat powder automatically elicits salivation cid 131 Salivation automatic response to meat powder o Unconditioned Stimulus UCS o Unconditioned Response UR o Neutral Stimulus NS o Conditioned Stimulus CS cid 131 Initial ringing of bell does not automatically elicit salivation cid 131 After pairing the NS and the UCS the NS becomes a CS bell now automatically elicits salivation o Conditioned Response CR o Extinction cid 131 Salivation automatic response to bell cid 131 CS bell not followed by UCS meat powder causes gradual disappearance of CR salivation Promoted public health by advocating clean environment and stressing the importance of His study of mental disorder made him one of the founders of American psychiatry o Benjamin Rush recommended drawing copious amounts of blood to relieve brain Promotion of enforced sterilization to elimination undesirable characteristics from the population Many state laws required mentally ill to be sterilized Benjamine Rush personal hygiene pressure What is Eugenics Eugenics What is Insulin coma therapy Sakel 1930 s Electric convulsive shock therapy ECT 1938 Induce epileptic seizures with electric shock Lobotomy Moniz 1935 Often used to control violent behaviors led to listlessness apathy and loss of cognitive abilities Define Defense mechanism Describe these psychoanalytic terms Free association Freud asked patients to relate anything which came into their mind regardless of how apparently unimportant or potentially embarrassing the memory threatened to be This technique assumed that all memories are arranged in a single associative network and that sooner or later the subject would stumble across the crucial memory Release of emotional tension triggered by reliving and talking about event Catharsis Transference Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another patient to Therapist Interpretation bringing this material into the conscious mind The liberation from the conflict effects of the unconscious material is achieved through Primarily conscious Reality principle o Attempt to satisfy ID s demands within reality s constraints Unconscious Pleasure principle Libido o Immediate gratification o Energy of ID Super ego The conscience Develops as we incorporate parental and society values Describe in one sentence John Watson Behaviorism Sigmund Freud Dorethea Dix o Focus on observable behavior o Emphasis on learning rather than thinking or innate tendencies Human behavior determined by unconscious forces Psychopathology results from conflicts among these unconscious forces Crusader for prisoners and mentally ill Urged improvement of institutions Worked to establish 32 new public hospitals Define Ego Id Mesmer Breuer Treated patients with hysteria Using animal magnetism Early practitioner of Hypnosis What is the difference between Classical conditioning Used hypnosis to facilitate catharsis in Anna O Cathartic Method o Release of emotional tension triggered by reliving and talking about event cid 131 Meat powder automatically elicits salivation cid 131 Salivation automatic response to meat powder o Unconditioned Stimulus UCS o Unconditioned Response UR o Neutral Stimulus NS o Conditioned Stimulus CS cid 131 Initial ringing of bell does not automatically elicit salivation cid 131 After pairing the NS and the UCS the NS becomes a CS bell now automatically elicits salivation o Conditioned Response CR o Extinction cid 131 Salivation automatic response to bell cid 131 CS bell not followed by UCS meat powder causes gradual disappearance of CR salivation Operant conditioning Principle of Reinforcement o Positive reinforcement cid 131 Behaviors followed by pleasant stimuli are strengthened Negative reinforcement o Behaviors that terminate a negative stimulus are strengthened Define these behavioral learning terms Modeling Learning by watching and imitating others behaviors o Can occur without reinforcement Systematic desensitization Used to treat

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FSU CLP 4143 - Exam 1 Review Sheet

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