EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Substance Use Addiction 1 a What are the DSM 5 substance use disorders a Substance Induced Disorder any medical condition that can be directly attributed to using a drug i ii Immediate impact of taking a drug problems of intoxication tolerance Immediate impact of stopping a drug withdrawals b Substance Use Disorder addiction dependence i At least 2 of 11 symptoms w i a 12 mo period 1 3 of 9 symptoms 2 Craving 3 Use when physically dangerous b Are substances always addictive a No c What symptoms and evidence are needed to show that a drug is addictive a 3 of 9 Test for Addiction Takes substance or does activity more than originally intended Wants to cut back or has tried to cut back but failed Spends lots of time trying to get substance or set up activity taking substance or doing activity or recovering Is often intoxicated or suffers withdrawal symptoms when expected to fulfill obligations at work school or home Curtails or gives up important social occupational or recreational activities because of substance or activity Uses substance or does activity despite persistent social psychological or physical problems caused by substance or activity Needs more and more of substance or activity to achieve same effect tolerance Suffers characteristic withdrawal symptoms when activity or substance is discontinued cravings anxiety depression jitters Takes substance or does activity to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms Extra note one Why did alcohol abuse dependence diagnosis disorder change into o There aren t really any real differences it s more dimensional The specific features included in the list of criteria are essentially a combo of those formerly used to identify dependence and abuse with at least 2 of the total features being required to reach threshold for a diagnosis Key features of substance use disorders further explained o Under addiction Major focus of life almost excludes other activities Involves maladaptive patterns of behavior Produces physical psychological and or social harm to self and others 2 a What are the short and long term consequences of alcohol tobacco amphetamine cocaine opiate sedatives hypnotics anxiolytics cannabis and hallucinogen use a Short term consequences i Alcohol 1 Slurred speech 2 Lack of coordination 3 Unsteady gait walk 4 Nystagmus involuntary eye movements 5 6 Stupor coma Impaired attention memory ii Tobacco 1 Increased 3 rate and blood pressure iii Amphetamine coke Increased 3 rate and blood pressure 1 2 Dilation of blood vessels and air passages of lungs 3 Appetite suppression 4 Sleep prevention 5 Large doses a Increased confidence friendliness and energy a Dizziness b Confusion c Panic states d Euphoria 6 Small doses Increased sexual arousal pleasure 7 8 Mild depression irritable mood 9 Lethargy 10 Acute overdoses Increased heartbeat a b Convulsions c Coma d Death iv Opiate Increased sensitivity in hearing and vision 1 Euphoria 2 3 A rush 4 Nausea vomiting 5 Pupil constriction 6 Disruption of digestive system coordination 7 Coma 8 Depressed breathing 9 Convulsions v Sedatives hypnotics anxiolytics Impaired judgment 1 2 Slow speech 3 Lack of coordination 4 Narrowed attention 5 Disinhibtion of sexual and aggressive impulses 6 Pleasant warm drowsy feeling 7 Increased hostility vi Cannabis vii Hallucinogen 1 Sense of well being happiness 2 Anxiety paranoia for some 3 Temporal disintegration trouble retaining info 1 Vivid spectacular visuals 2 Frightening trippy feelings 3 High doses a Coma b Convulsions c Respiratory arrest d Brain hemorrhage b Long term consequences i Alcohol 1 Disruption of family friend relationships can include furious public conflict and verbal physical abuse 2 Damage to a fetus in a pregnant woman 3 Blackouts 4 5 Problems with legal authorities 6 Impaired job performance Impaired organ system functions i e liver heart issues etc 7 Nutritional disturbances 8 9 Severe injuries Premature deaths ii Tobacco 1 Drowsiness 2 Lightheadedness 3 Headache 4 Muscle tremors 5 Nausea 6 Sleep issues 7 Weight gain 8 Difficulty concentrating 9 Mood swings 10 Increased risk of 3 disease lung disease and cancer 11 Fertility issues in women iii Amphetamine coke 1 Sexual dysfunction 2 Psychosis 3 Disruption of social and occupational roles 4 Physical exhaustion 5 Financial ruin 6 7 Depression suicidal thoughts Increased violence iv Opiate 1 Chronic lethargy 2 High doses a No more motivation 3 Low doses a Health and work productivity remain 4 Neglect of housing nutrition and health care 5 Increased risk of AIDS violence and suicide v Sedatives hypnotics anxiolytics 1 Return to original symptoms 2 Irritability 3 Paranoia 4 Sleep issues 5 Agitation 6 Muscle tension 7 Restlessness 8 Perceptual disturbances vi Cannabis 1 High doses a Tolerance Irritability Insomnia 2 3 4 Restlessness 5 Neuropsychological test performance issues impairments a Sustained attention b Learning c Decision making vii Hallucinogen 1 Flashbacks 3 a What is the general course and outcome of substance use disorders a Mortality rate higher among men who abuse alcohol b Heart disease and cancer twice as common in alcohol abusers c Relapse d The longer a man stayed abstinent the greater chance he d continue to stay that way 4 a What disorders are commonly comorbid with substance use disorders a Anxiety disorders 30 b Mood disorders 24 c Personality disorders over 50 i Anti social personality disorder ii Conduct disorder in kids 5 a How prevalent are substance use disorders a 10 3 for controlled substances b 30 for alcohol c 24 for tobacco b How do rates of alcohol use vary based on gender a Higher in males c How does risk for addiction vary across the life span a Older people elderly do not drink as much alcohol as younger people adults b Most older alcohol abusers elderly have had drinking problems for many years c Elderly use more legal drugs than people in other age groups i Risk is increased by frequent use of multiple psychoactive drugs combined with enhanced sensitivity to drug toxicity Extra note Cannabis has highest abuse rate 6 a What biological risk factors influence the risk for substance use a Genetics of alcoholism i Lifetime prevalence of alcoholism among parents siblings and kids of people with alcoholism is at least 3 5x higher than general population rate b Neuroanatomy neurochemistry i Neurochemical mechanisms of drug action Increased dopamine activity excitation 1 2 Decreased GABA activity inhibition ii Pathways Ventral tegmental area
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