Abbasid Dynasty Moved capital to Baghdad Iraq Ashura the anniversary date of Muhammad s grandson Husayn being killed for Sunni Muslims Ashura is observed with a day of fasting for Shi a Muslims Ashura is observed as a day of suffering and martyrdom bishops canon Lit rule or measure a collection of writings that become the authoritative guide or standard for the faith and practice of members of a particular religious group Christian Mysticism Knowledge of God from personal experience provided a unique space for women in Medieval Christianity Council of Trent Catholic church vowed to end abuses and excesses largely the Church reiterated positions that the Protestant Reformation had rejected Understanding of Mass as a sacrifice Authority of institutional tradition alongside scripture Idea of priests as intermediaries Mass and Bible in Latin Celibacy for priests Dhimmis protected people of the Islam faith Documentary Hypothesis the theory that the Pentateuch was not written by Moses but was compiled from multiple sources over a long period of time Eucharist the body of Christ Four Source Hypothesis Q is the reconstructed source between the synoptic gospels and that is how to account for the similarities btwn the synoptic gospels Hasidism pious ones STARTED BY Ibn ben Elizer d 1756 Baal shem tov master of the good name Religion of the Common People Humility Good deeds Prayer Joy Opposition from Rabbinic Judaism Imam for Sunni Muslims is a leader of prayer in the mosque for Shi a Muslims is a religious leader is not elected is a holy person whom God has inspired Isnad Chain of transmission of a hadith reports Jihad struggle Logos word a kind of divine intelligence thought to mediate btwn God and humanity and carry out Gods intentions on Earth kippah yarmulke Jewish hat Monasticism monks in churches such as Roman Catholic churches taking vows to serve the Lord in different ways Benedictine Order Cistercian Order Franciscan Order Dominican Order Islam last of the Abrahamic traditions is the last of the three historic monotheistic faiths that arose in the Middle East coming after Judaism and Christianity Islam is natural religion of humanity Islam is religion of Abraham Islam is final and fullest revelation of God to humanity Muslim in Islam you can become a Muslim by repeating the shahadah with 2 Muslim witnesses Muslims believe their God is the God of Abraham Moses and Jesus Orthodox Judaism Preservation of Jewish tradition Way of the Torah vs way of the land Some opposed est of modern state of Israel Pentecostal Christianity started in Los Angeles beliefs Everyday presence and activity of the Holy Spirit Emphasis on personal experience and relationship with God and Jesus vs doctrine Some practices adopted by other Christian denominations Presence of Holy Spirit signaled by Tongues glossolalia Prophecy Healing Predestination God has preordained who is damned saved and there s nothing people can do about it Ramadan marking the month in which the Qur an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad It is a fast that extends from daybreak till sundown every day for a month ends with 3 day festival Sabbath God resting on the Seventh Day so we should too Jews celebrate the Sabbath starting at sundown on Friday and ending on sundown on Saturday Saints mediate between God and the faithful NOT worshipped in their own right Spiritual helpers and moral examples Sevener Shi ism Accept line of imams from Husayn to Ja far Believe in divine mandate of the Imam and his absolute temporal and religious authority Shi ism Shi a Muslims split btwn Sunni and Shi a over disagreement over succession of caliphate believed that Muhammad appointed Ali Religious authority belongs to one who is a descendent of the Prophet Imam is a religious leader not elected and is a holy person whom God has inspired Ashura is observed as a day of suffering and martyrdom Synagogue temple functions 1st Temple Perform sacrifice Priestly class Temple gone after 70 CE Synagogue functions Lit Gathering together Origin Exilic period Many synagogues Meeting place Torah study Prayer Trinity The Father Son and the Holy Spirit However back in the early formation of Christians these three were not all put on one list There was debate if they were all equally eternal holy etc Ummah Arabic word meaning community Zionism Modern movement to return to Israel 7th Day Adventists founder Ellen G Harmon White accepted as a prophet and their beliefs were Saturday Sabbath Reject innate immortality of the soul Follow OT dietary laws Many are conscientious objectors Oppose the teaching of biological evolution Baptism the cleansing of the soul and new life in God caliph caliphate successor deputy Religious leader Amir commander of ummah Muslim community Institution of the caliphate was believed to be essential to maintenance of the Shari a after MUHAMMAD DIED and deciding who his successor would be Christ Messiah MESSIAH the anointed one in the HB a political figure Christian Scientists Covenant a formalized relationship governed by terms and conditions binding agreement Noahic Covenant Gen 9 1 9 Abrahamic Covenant Calling of Abraham Gen 12 1 3 Sign of this covenant is circumcision Sinai Covenant Exodus 19 20 Decalogue Davidic Covenant 2 Sam 7 8 16 Diaspora dispersal the Jewish world outside the land of Ancient Israel it began with the Babylonian exile from which not all Jews returned Eastern Greek Orthodox Excommunication getting kicked out of a religion Glossolalia another word for speaking in tongues Holocaust Immaculate conception how Mary conceived a child Jesus as she was still a virgin and gave birth to Christ who will save us from sin Jehovah s Witness Come from same tradition as Seventh Day Adventists beliefs Reject doctrine of the Trinity Jesus was a created being Holy Spirit is NOT a person Reject immortality of the soul The righteous will live on earth when it becomes a paradise Only 144 000 Jews and Gentiles will go to heaven Reject engagement in activities that invest them in the world A Witness who breaks the rules is expelled and cannot associate with any friends or family who are still Witnesses Kabbalah in Merkabah Jewish mysticsm the journey into the self Lutheranism Authority of Scripture and guidance of Holy Spirit Church service in vernacular language Rejected transubstantiation Permitted clergy to marry Martyr witness to public proclamation of the Gospel message AND Imitation of the suffering and death of Jesus martyrdom Those who suffer
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