CLP 4143 Abnormal Psychology Study Questions Ricky Macatee Learning Objectives for Schizophrenia Readings for this topic include all of Chapter 8 in both editions of the textbook Remember information in addition to what is on the pages listed will be discussed in class for some of the objectives 1 What are the three categories of symptoms that characterize Schizophrenia How are these three categories different from one another a The diagnosis depends on the combination and nature of three kinds of symptoms i There are positive symptoms which are characterized by a presence of symptoms that weren t there before the onset of the disorder ii There are negative symptoms which are characterized by a loss of thought and behavior that WAS present before the onset of the disorder iii And there are disorganized symptoms which are characterized by disorganized speech thought and behaviors 2 What are the specific symptoms that fall within each of the three categories of symptoms e g hallucinations are symptoms that fall under positive symptoms Describe these specific symptoms a Positive symptoms are characterized by the presence of unusual perceptions thoughts or behaviors i The word positive refers to the fact that the symptoms are salient added experiences Positive mean normal perceptual experience something else ii Positive symptoms include delusions weird thoughts and perceptions and Hallucinations see or hear something that is not there 1 Delusions are ideas that an individual believes are true but are highly unlikely or simply impossible and beyond the norm of the person s culture 2 Bizarre Delusion involves a phenomenon that the person s culture would regard as totally implausible a Example The CIA is after me because of time machine that I built bizarre vs the CIA is after me because I m good with computers theoretically could be plausible b Negative refers to the absence of behaviors feelings experiences etc i Affective flattening is when there is a severe reduction in or complete absence of overt emotional responses blunted affect or non emotional responses to the environment ii There s also Alogia which is a poverty of speech reduction in speaking person may not initiate speech with others and when asked direct questions may give empty or very brief replies iii There s also avolition which is an inability to persist at common goal directed activities Person has trouble completing tasks careless completely unmotivated c The disorganized thinking of people with schizophrenia is often referred to as a formal thought disorder i It is characterized by a loosening of associations between topics or a derailment It s a tendency to slip from one topic to a seemingly unrelated topic with little coherent transition Like the t shirt pictured CLP 4143 Abnormal Psychology Study Questions Ricky Macatee ii Disorganized thought and speech can also be so incoherent it is known as word salad For example a person with schizophrenia might say much of abstraction has been left unsaid and undone in these products milk syrup and others due to economics differentials subsidies bankruptcy tools government in all levels of breakages iii Disorganized speech can also contain neologisms or a word that is made up but seems to mean something to the individual with schizophrenia iv Catatonia group of disorganized behaviors that reflect extreme lack of responsiveness v Catatonic Excitement wild agitation that is difficult to subdue 3 What are the six types of delusions Provide an example of each type a Persecutory being persecuted watched conspired against The FBI is out to get me My teacher is watching me because she wants to be sure I fail her class b Reference random events are directed at oneself The news anchor on the tv was blinking a lot in order to send me the message that I need to adopt all the animals at the animal shelter c Grandiose great power knowledge talent or is a famous powerful person i When I look at people they feel calm I am a god d Guilt or Sin committed a terrible act or responsible for a terrible event I am responsible for the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting i e Somatic appearance or part of body is diseased altered f Being Controlled thoughts feelings behaviors are being imposed controlled by an external i i force 4 How might cognitive deficits affect and or cause the symptoms of Schizophrenia a Cognitive deficits are features that are associated with schizophrenia Many people with schizophrenia have severe cognitive deficits and it is hard to distinguish whether these were present in some form before the onset of the disorder or whether they are completely caused by the disorder i Cognitive deficits include poor working memory slow speed of though and difficulty paying attention For people with schizophrenia these deficits may cause ii Difficulty suppressing unwanted or irrelevant information May be tough to distinguish the that are relevant to the story they are telling this may appear as disorganized speech iii Difficulty paying attention to relevant information that is being presented to them Information is constantly flooding their consciousness and they have trouble filtering it iv Overall difficulties in reasoning communication and problems solving b These deficits are often present prior to other symptoms so they may be be a marker of risk for schizophrenia 5 With respect to the course of Schizophrenia what are the phases a Prodromal Phase symptoms present before full criteria is met CLP 4143 Abnormal Psychology Study Questions Ricky Macatee i Friends and family can generally recognize this time period because there is a marked change in functioning Can include withdrawal sometimes depressive symptoms mainly negative symptoms b Acute active psychosis i Positive symptoms in addition to negative symptoms are typical during this phase These are the symptoms that must be present for at least one month to meet diagnostic criteria delusions hallucinations disorganized speech disorganized behavior and negative symptoms c Residual Phase symptoms present after acute phase i This generally happens when the acute phase is being treated with medication Negative symptoms still tend to persist during this phase 6 Describe the prevalence and prognosis for Schizophrenia How do these differ depending on which types of symptoms are present a A At least 2 for greater than 1 month i Delusions ii Hallucinations iii Disorganized speech iv Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior v Negative
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