Abnormal Psych Exam 1 Study Guide Define Psychopathology Psychopathology is the study of mental disorders It s the study of the nature development and the treatment of psychological disorders Define psychopathology components Personal distress is emotional pain and suffering o Helplessness and hopelessness of depression Disability is impairment in a key area e g work relationships o Chronic substance abuse results in job loss Violation of Social Norms makes others uncomfortable or causes problems o Antisocial behavior of the psychopath Dysfunction failure of internal mechanisms in the mind to function properly o Wakefield s Harmful Dysfunction What were the key contributions of Hippocrates Philippe Pinel Galton s Pavlov Hippocrates 5th century BC Mental disturbances have natural not supernatural causes problems with the brain bile phlegm o Three categories of mental disorders mania melancholia phrenitis brain fever o Normal brain functioning depended on balance of four humors blood black bile yellow Philippe Pinel 1745 1826 Pioneered moral humanitarian treatment at LaBicetre o Small privately funded humanitarian mental hospitals o Friends Asylum 1817 o Patients engaged in purposeful calming activities e g gardening o Talked with attendants Galton s 1822 1911 work lead to notion that mental illness can be inherited genetics o Galton s law states that our heritage is on average constituted from that of our ancestors according to the following proportions parents jointly contribute one half grandparents one quarter great grandparents one eighth Pavlov 1849 1936 Part of the rise of behaviorism Classical conditioning Pavlov s dogs o Unconditioned Stimulus UCS Meat powder automatically elicits salivation o Unconditioned Response UR Salivation automatic response to meat powder o Neutral Stimulus NS o Conditioned Stimulus CS Initial ringing of bell does not automatically elicit salivation After pairing the NS and the UCS the NS becomes a CS bell now automatically elicits salivation o Conditioned Response CR Salivation automatic response to bell 1 1 o Extinction CS bell not followed by UCS meat powder causes gradual disappearance of CR salivation Define ICT ECT and Lobotomy Insulin coma therapy ICT Introduced by Sakel in the 1930s o A former treatment for mental illness especially schizophrenia in which patients were repeatedly injected with large doses of insulin in order to produce daily comas over several weeks Electric convulsive shock therapy ECT 1938 o The passing of an electric current through the brain to induce epileptic seizures Prefrontal Lobotomy Moniz 1935 o A lobotomy in which the white fibers that connect the thalamus to the prefrontal and frontal lobes of the brain are severed performed as a treatment for intense anxiety or violent behavior o Often used to control violent behaviors led to listlessness apathy and loss of cognitive abilities Define defense mechanism examples o Defense mechanism a strategy used by the ego to protect itself from anxiety o Repression keeping unacceptable impulses or wishes from conscious awareness E g a professor starting a lecture she dreaded giving says In conclusion o Denial Not accepting a painful reality into conscious awareness E g a victim of childhood abuse does not acknowledge it as an adult o Projection Attributing to someone else one s own unacceptable thoughts or feelings E g a man who hates members of a racial group believes it is they who dislike him o Displacement Redirecting emotional responses from their real target to someone else E g a child gets mad at her brother bit instead acts angrily towards her friend o Reaction Formation Converting an unacceptable feeling into its opposite E g a person with sexual feelings towards children leads a campaign against child sexual abuse o Regression Retreating to the behavioral patterns of an earlier stage of development E g an adolescent dealing with unacceptable feelings of social inadequacy attempts to mask hose feelings by seeking oral gratification o Rationalization Offering acceptable reasons for an unacceptable action or attitude E g A parent berates a child out of impatience then says she did so to build character o Sublimation Converting unacceptable aggressive or sexual impulses into socially valued behaviors E g Someone who has aggressive feelings toward his father becomes a surgeon 2 2 Describe these psychoanalytic terms Free association a patient reclines on a couch facing away from the analyst and is encouraged to give free reign to his or her thoughts verbalizing whatever comes to mind without censoring anything o Freud asked patients to relate anything which came into their mind regardless of how apparently unimportant or potentially embarrassing the memory threatened to be o This technique assumed that all memories are arranged in a single associative network and that sooner or later the subject would stumble across the crucial memory Catharsis Reliving an earlier emotional trauma and releasing emotional tension by expressing previously forgotten thoughts about the event Analysis of transference The patient responds to the analyst in ways that the patient has previously responded to other important figures in his or her life and the analyst helps the patient understand and interpret these responses o Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another Define Id Ego and Super ego o Unconscious composed of biological instinctual drives o Pleasure principle Immediate gratification Pleasure is good and nothing else matters Biological force energy underlying pleasure seeking activities Id o Libido Ego o Primarily conscious o Reality principle Attempts to satisfy ID s demands within reality s constraints Helps id receive gratifications within confines of reality Super ego o The conscience o Develops as we incorporate parental and society values 3 3 4 4 Describe in one sentence John Watson from thinking to learning Sigmund Freud unconscious forces Dorethea Dix What is the difference between o Watson began the idea of behaviorism switching the dominant focus of psychology o Freudian or psychoanalytic theory believed that human behavior is determined by o Dix was a crusader for prisoners and mentally ill and urged improvement of institutions A basic feature of operant conditioning is reinforcement while classical conditioning relies more on association between stimuli and responses Much of operant conditioning is based on
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