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Monday February 23 2015 Abnormal Psychology Test 2 Emotion The state of arousal de ne by subjective states of feeling as sadness anger disgust Affect Pattern of observable behaviors associated with subjective feelings as facial expression pitch of voice body movements Mood A pervasive and sustained emotional response that can color perception Depression can refer to a mood or to a clinical syndrome a combination of emotional cognitive and behavioral symptoms Clinical depression Depressed mood accompanied by other symptoms loss of energy loss of pleasure fatigue changes in sleep and appetite Mania Disturbance of mood accompanied by euphoria exaggerated feeling of physical emotional well being Mood disorders are de ned in terms of episodes discrete periods of time in which the person s behavior is dominated by either a depressed or manic mood Depressive disorder Experience of a depressive episode Bipolar mood disorders Episodes of depression and mania Emotional Symptoms Depressed of dysphoric unpleasant mood Euphoria periods of inexplicable unbounded joy elated joy Somatic symptoms Loss of sleep and appetite Depressive Disorders Major depressive disorder Persistent depressive disorder Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I At least one manic episode 1 Monday February 23 2015 Bipolar II Cyclothymia At least one hypomanic episode no full blown manic episode chronic but less severe form of bipolar disorder Episode speci ers Presence of psychotic features Hallucinations or delusions Given birth in past 4 weeks Depressive Disorders Postpartum onset women who become manic or depressed following pregnancy Average age of onset is 32 To meet this you need 2 episodes of major depression with no other periods of psychological disturbance Remission A period of recovery Relapse A return of active symptoms Bipolar disorders Onset usually occurs between ages of 18 and 22 years Risk for mood disorders across the lifespan Has the frequency of depression increased in recent years YES People born after WWII seem to be more likely to develop mood disorders than people from precious generations Women are two or three times more vulnerable to depression than men Cognitive Therapy Role of therapist is active directive CBT is effective in treatment of non psychotic depression 2 Monday February 23 2015 Treatment focuses on combined use of medication and psychotherapy Clinicians to be cautious of drug effects Lithium Psychotherapy Effective treatment in alleviation of manic symptoms 40 of patients do not improve Can be effective supplement to biological intervention Combination of psychotherapy and medication is more bene cial than medication alone Electroconvulsive Therapy Effective for unipolar and bipolar disorders Used when medication and therapy have not been effective Seasonal Mood Disorders Changes in seasons can bring about mood disorders Suicide The highest rate in the US is among white males over the age of 50 Within this group men who have been occupationally successful are more likely to commit suicide especially if that success is threatened DSM5 does not address the issue of suicide Lists suicidal ideation only as a symptom of mood disorder Non suicidal Self Injury Deliberate self harm without desire for suicide Cutting burning scratching the skin The pain serves a useful purpose Punish the self a re ection of anger Bad way to regulate intense negative emotional states Frequency of Suicide 3 In the US more than 35 000 people kill themselves every year Females attempt suicide more often men succeed more often Monday February 23 2015 Causes of suicide Psychological Factors Psychological pain Anxiety disorders are the most common type of abnormal behavior Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders Anxious mood is associated with pessimistic thoughts or feelings Difference in fear and anxiety fear occurs appropriately in the face of real danger Anxiety Excessive Worry Associated with the anticipation of future problems National Comorbidity Survey Replication 18 of adults suffer from at least one type of anxiety disorder on any given year A relatively uncontrollable sequence of negative emotional thoughts that are concerned with possible future threats or danger Worriers are preoccupied with self talk People who worry excessively usually say their worries are not realistic Experienced in the face of real immediate danger Helps behavioral responses to Fear threat Panic Attacks Cued 4 Sudden overwhelming experience of terror or fright Panic is more intense than anxiety has a sudden onset Described in terms of the situations in which they occur Monday February 23 2015 Expected or occurring only in a predictable situation Unexpected Appear without warning or expectation out of the blue False Alarm Some think of a panic attack as a normal fear response that is triggered at an inappropriate time Phobias De ned as persistent irrational narrowly de ned fears that are associated with a speci c object or situation Avoidance is an important component of the de nition Acrophobia Fear of being in places where escape may be dif cult i e sitting in the middle Fear of heights Agoraphobia row of a crowded theater Speci c phobia Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders DSM Categorizes of phobias agoraphobia social speci c Adaptive and Maladaptive fears Emotional responses are adaptive Anxiety can be adaptive at low levels Treatment of Anxiety Disorders During the 1st half of the 20th century psychiatrists lumped together various anxiety disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessions De ned by the presence of unwanted intrusive thoughts and or habitual behaviors Repetitive unwanted intrusive cognitive events that may tae the form of thoughts images and or urges 5 Monday February 23 2015 Compulsions Repetitive behavior or mental acts that are used to reduce anxiety Are senseless or irrational Compulsions reduce anxiety but do not produce pleasure People become distressed if they don t engage in compulsive behavior Hoarding disorder A new addition to DSM 5 Unrelenting trouble associated with getting rid of personal belonging Person must feel a strong need to save these possessions Is extremely disruptive to person s life Trichotillomania Recurrent hair pulling Experience serious hair loss Excoriation disorder Repeated skin picking Produces skin lesions Behaviors are unsuccessfully resisted terms of a sequence of overlapping phases Excitement Orgasm Resolution lasts at least 30 minutes Masters and Johnson described

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FSU CLP 4143 - Abnormal Psychology Test 2

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