Abnormal Psychology Ch 1 Symptoms and signs of mental illness are known as psychopathology Psychopathology Literal Meaning pathology of the mind Abnormal psych application of psychological science to the study of mental disorders Psychosis when one is out of contact with reality getting sick after lunch and think your friend poisoned it Line between normal abnormal is not alway clear and often one degree Syndrome A group of symptoms that appear together and are assumed to represent a speci c Mental disorders are de ned in terms of Duration or persistence of maladaptive behaviors Impairment in the ability to perform social and occupational roles The textbook speaks of Kevin Warner a man with a diagnosis of schizophrenia His de ning feature of schizophrenia was that people were poisoning him He was given shots of medication b c he was only pretending to take real medication By what criteria do we decide whether a particular set of behaviors or emotional reactions should be viewed as a mental disorder Individual experience of personal distress Statistical norms how common or rare it is in the general population Harmful Dysfunction The condition results from the inability of some internal mechanism to perform its The condition causes some ham to the person as judged by the standards of the natural function person s culture Not every dysfunction leads to a disorder 1 The DSM 5 de nition places primary emphasis on the consequences of certain behavioral syndromes Mental disorders are de ned by clusters of persistent maladaptive behaviors that are associated with personal distress anxiety or depression impairment in social or occupational functioning Community should be concerned with Efforts to diminish frequency of mental disorders Designing activities to promote ourishing It is likely that everyone will be touched by the problems associated with mental illness at some point in their life Is sexual addiction a meaningful concept The symptoms of this disorder presumably include low self esteem insecurity need for reassurance and sensation seeking Frequency in and Impact on Community Populations Lifetime prevalence Recent study found that almost half of every American experiences serious abnormal behavior at some point in life Disease Burden mortality Mental Disorders are the 2nd leading cause of disease related disability and Who provides help for people with mental disorders Psychological problems treated in different settings by various kinds of service providers 40 treated by specialized mental health professionals 34 primary care physician likely provides meds 26 mental help groups Insane asylums were little more than human warehouses 2 Ch 2 Causes of Abnormal Behavior The cause or etiology of most abnormal behavior remains a mystery A set of shared theoretical substance and common beliefs is known as a paradigm Textbook uses biopsychosocial model when considering etiology of mental illness Ex Brain nature v nurture social interactions environment Psychologists use various paradigms to explain the etiology of disorders Most psychologists now recognize that abnormal behavior is caused by a combination of biological psychological and social factors The integration of biological psychological and social factors provides the best way for nding the cause of most mental disorders The Biological Paradigm General paresis Gave hope that scientists would discover biological causes for other mental disorders important advance for the biological paradigm Caused by syphilis an STI caused by progressive paralysis Took over 100 years to discover this To date speci c biological causes have been identi ed for only some cognitive disorders The Psychodynamic Paradigm An outgrowth of the writings of Sigmund Freud Freud was trained by Jean Charcot a neurologist Asserts that abnormal behavior is caused by unconscious mental con icts that have roots in early childhood Major advances in Abnormal Psychology Freud General Paresis Academic Psychology 3 The Psychodynamic Paradigm Psychoanalytical theory divided the mind into three parts Con ict between superego and ego leads to moral anxiety Con ict between id and ego leads to neurotic anxiety The Cognitive Behavioral Paradigm Views abnormal behavior and normal behavior as a product of learning The Humanistic Paradigm An explicit positive view of human nature Free will We control choose and are responsible for our actions The scienti c assumption that human behavior is caused by potentially Determinism knowable factors Causality Equi nality The view that there are many routes to the same destination multiple pathways just like many factors that cause abnormal behavior Many plausible alternatives Multi nality The view that the same event can lead to different outcomes Evolutionary Psychology The application of principles of evolution to our understanding of the animal and human mind Temperament 4 Characteristic styles of relating to the world Consists of 5 dimensions The Big Five Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Ch 3 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Psychotherapy The use of psychological techniques and the therapist client relationship to produce emotional cognitive and behavioral change Most mental health professionals describe themselves as eclectic Using different treatments for different disorders Evidence based treatments The practical and scienti c approach to therapy A clinician who uses research to select the most effective form of treatment is using this According to Kessler about two thirds of people with a diagnosable disorder fail to receive treatment Four Views of Frances Biological therapist Draws an apology with physical illness Focuses on diagnosis Considers genetic predisposition or chemical imbalance Recommends medication 5 Psychodynamic therapist Likely to focus on defensive style Develop the client s insight Expect changes as a result of increased emotional awareness Cognitive behavior therapist Focus on cognitive behavioral patterns Therapist is directive Identify cognitive distortions Assign homework Change behaviors Humanistic therapist Likely to focus on lack of emotional genuineness Therapist is non directive Encourage the client to own her feelings Biological Treatments First a diagnosis is developed and re ned Second clues about causes are put together In the case of Frances a biologically based therapist would view her interpersonal problems as the result of her depression
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