Pentecostalism Holiness religion Holy Ghost People 1967 documentary Appalachia snake handling drinking poison Scrabble creek west Virginia Pentecostalism and holiness are related but distinct conservative protestant movements Emerged in 19th and 20th century Concerned with persevering experiential piety in modern world Holiness began with Methodists who resisted institutionalism and urban decorum Phoebe Palmer entire sanctification freedom from sin Pentecostalism from holiness Emphasis on additional blessing after sanctification Speaking in tongue as evidence of holy spirit baptism Deprivation thesis stereotype of Pentecostals as poor urban and rural people Early Revivals Charles Parham Holiness evangelist Advocate of divine healing Got in fights and did not get along with people Leader in early Pentecostal movement Bethel Bible School Topeka Kansas Agnes Ozman first to receive tongues baptism and began speaking Chinese Manifestation occurred after Parham taught that tongues speech was bible evidence for holy spirit baptism Azusa Street Revival Influenced by Parham s teachings William Seymour He was black and not allowed to attend so listened through a window Started a 3 year revival at Azusa street mission in los Angeles in 1906 Revival sparked a world wide Pentecostal movement Assemblies of God Denomination formed in 1914 Race important factor Marked official end of Pentecostal experiment with racial integration New Issue oneness Trinitarian split in early Pentecostalism focused on the experience of jesus difference between experience and doctrine threatened penecostal restoration of new testament church Pentecostal restoration Recreate new testament church Depends on experience of holy spirit baptism for meaning and validation narrative Ongoing revelation threatens to push penecostals outside the biblical Crisis demands change to preserve restoration Aimee Semple McPherson Founded international church of the foursquare gospel in 1920s Pioneer in modern media radio Pentecostal celebrity Very controversial mixed beliefs divorces plastic surgery She dressed in white to represent the bride of Christ Preaching conservative gospel in modern way Practiced tongues speech but refused to emphasis it in ministry Affirmed traditional gender norms in preaching challenged them in ministry Embraced technology as tool for ministry Promoted vision of America as protestant Christian nation Founded the Angeles temple Anti evolution Favored segregation and had good relationships with the kkk Oral Roberts Early Pentecostal televangelist Faith healer Rounded oral Roberts university in Tulsa OK Laid foundations of prosperity gospel Prosperity gospel health and wealth name it and claim it its gods will for people to be wealthy and if they aren t then they aren t devoted enough to god faith positive speech and donations 1960s 1970s mainline protestants and Catholics began to accept Pentecostal idea that holy spirit baptism is available to Christians today recently independent charismatic churches have formed Charismatic movement Joel Osteen a charismatic Pastor of Lakewood church in Houston Texas Televison ministry reaches more than 7 million weekly viewers weekly Blending of charismatic teachings and therapeutic religion
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